issues Search Results · repo:microsoft/vscode-debugadapter-node language:TypeScript
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inmicrosoft/vscode-debugadapter-node (press backspace or delete to remove)The following implementation:
is not async itself and returns ...
- 1
- Opened on Jul 1, 2024
- #307
I have set supportsConfigurationDoneRequest to true.
I see the Initialize Request from the client, and my DAP server responds. There are several BreakpointLocations requests
corresponding to the breakpoints ...
- 8
- Opened on Dec 21, 2023
- #303
Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question - but is it possible for the inline debug adapter to query
VSCode for state? For instance, can vscode be queried for information on what stack ...
- Opened on Nov 6, 2023
- #302
Writing cross-platform and web cabable extensions, one is unable to call DebugSession::setDebuggerPathFormat and rely on
the conversion methods for client and debugger path conversion.
Expected behavior ...
- Opened on Aug 16, 2023
- #298
_sequence in protocol.ts is only initialized in the start method, which appears to never be called by inline debuggers.
As a result, responses to reverse requests are never received and all reverse requests ...
- Opened on May 28, 2023
- #291
LoggingDebugSession does not appear to ever create a log file (for trace:true launches) when running from vscode.
Running standalone under node, or vscode-electron-run-as-node works fine.
I first ran ...
- Opened on May 14, 2023
- #290
I ve been struggling significantly with getting the testsupport client to run my debugadapter, and in the process have
needed to attach a debugger to my debug adapter running under the testsupport client, ...
- 4
- Opened on Jan 17, 2023
- #286
My debug adapter is part of a multi-function tool, so it needs additional command line arguments to start in DAP mode,
but testsupport s DebugClient doesn t appear to have anywhere to pass these additional ...
- 7
- Opened on Jan 13, 2023
- #285
We could emit union types/type maps to make type-safe consumers. For instance, there s currently no type system linkage
between requests and responses.
- 1
- Opened on Jan 3, 2023
- #283
It seems like the pipe is not read until a request is sent from the editor. I m trying to get vscode to stop at a
breakpoint with the stopped event. The event is not read from the pipe, according to vscode.DebugAdapterTracker, ...
- 5
- Opened on Nov 17, 2022
- #279

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