File tree
3,432 files changed
lines changed- accessible
- android
- aom
- atk
- base
- generic
- html
- interfaces
- gecko
- ia2
- msaa
- ipc
- extension
- android
- mac
- other
- other
- win
- handler
- typelib
- mac
- other
- tests/mochitest
- windows
- ia2
- msaa
- sdn
- uia
- xpcom
- xul
- browser
- actors
- app
- macbuild/Contents
- no-pie
- winlauncher
- freestanding
- test
- base
- branding
- aurora
- content
- locales
- nightly
- content
- locales
- official
- content
- locales
- unofficial
- content
- locales
- components
- about
- aboutconfig
- aboutlogins
- attribution
- build
- contextualidentity
- customizableui
- content
- doh
- downloads
- enterprisepolicies
- helpers
- schemas
- tests
- extensions
- schemas
- fxmonitor
- installerprefs
- ion
- migration
- tests/unit/insertIEHistory
- newtab
- originattributes
- payments
- places
- pocket
- preferences
- dialogs
- privatebrowsing
- prompts
- protections
- protocolhandler
- resistfingerprinting
- search
- test/marionette
- sessionstore
- shell
- test
- ssb
- syncedtabs
- touchbar
- translation
- content
- uitour
- urlbar
- extensions
- doh-rollout
- formautofill
- locales
- report-site-issue
- locales
- screenshots
- webcompat
- fonts
- fxr
- installer/windows
- locales
- modules
- themes
- addons
- linux
- osx
- windows
- tools/mozscreenshots
- mozscreenshots/extension
- build
- build-clang
- build-infer
- clang-plugin
- tests
- compare-mozconfig
- mobile
- moz.configure
- pgo
- unix
- elfhack
- inject
- stdc++compat
- valgrind
- win32
- crashinjectdll
- caps
- tests/gtest
- chrome
- test
- config
- external
- fdlibm
- ffi
- freetype2
- icu
- common
- data
- i18n
- icupkg
- toolutil
- lgpllibs
- nspr
- ds
- libc
- pr
- rlbox
- rlbox_lucet_sandbox
- sqlite
- zlib
- mozunit
- mozunit
- tests
- src-simple
- devtools
- client
- aboutdebugging
- src
- actions
- components
- connect
- debugtarget
- sidebar
- middleware
- modules
- reducers
- types
- accessibility
- actions
- components
- reducers
- utils
- application
- src
- actions
- components
- manifest
- routing
- service-workers
- ui
- middleware
- modules
- reducers
- types
- debugger
- dist
- src
- actions
- ast
- breakpoints
- pause
- sources
- utils
- middleware
- client
- firefox
- components
- Editor
- Preview
- PrimaryPanes
- SecondaryPanes
- Breakpoints
- Frames
- reducers
- selectors
- utils
- breakpoint
- editor
- pause
- frames
- mapScopes
- scopes
- resource
- sources-tree
- workers
- parser
- pretty-print
- search
- dom
- content
- actions
- components
- reducers
- framework
- actions
- browser-toolbox
- components
- reducers
- fronts
- addon
- descriptors
- inspector
- targets
- worker
- inspector
- animation
- actions
- components
- graph
- keyframes-graph
- reducers
- utils
- boxmodel
- actions
- components
- reducers
- utils
- changes
- actions
- components
- reducers
- selectors
- utils
- compatibility
- actions
- reducers
- utils
- components
- computed
- extensions
- actions
- components
- reducers
- flexbox
- actions
- components
- reducers
- fonts
- actions
- components
- reducers
- utils
- grids
- actions
- components
- reducers
- utils
- layout
- components
- utils
- markup
- components
- utils
- views
- rules
- actions
- components
- models
- reducers
- utils
- views
- jsonview
- components
- reps
- css
- lib
- locales
- memory
- actions
- components
- tree-map
- reducers
- netmonitor
- src
- actions
- components
- messages
- parsers
- signalr
- socket-io
- sockjs
- stomp
- wamp
- previews
- request-blocking
- request-details
- request-list
- search
- connector
- har
- middleware
- reducers
- selectors
- utils
- firefox
- widgets
- workers
- search
- performance
- components
- modules
- logic
- widgets
- test
- helpers
- views
- performance-new
- aboutprofiling
- components
- popup
- store
- preferences
- responsive
- actions
- components
- reducers
- utils
- storage
- utils
- styleeditor
- themes
- audio
- webconsole
- actions
- components
- FilterBar
- Input
- Output
- message-types
- enhancers
- middleware
- reducers
- selectors
- utils
- platform
- server
- actors
- accessibility
- audit
- addon
- compatibility
- lib
- descriptors
- emulation
- highlighters
- utils
- inspector
- network-monitor
- utils
- object
- resources
- utils
- targets
- utils
- watcher
- target-helpers
- webconsole
- listeners
- worker
- connectors
- js-window-actor
- performance
- socket
- startup
- startup
- aboutdevtools
- locales
- docs
- docshell
- base
- timeline
- build
- resources/content
- shistory
- test
- dom
- abort
- tests
- animation
- audiochannel
- base
- test
- gtest
- jsmodules
- useractivation
- battery
- bindings
- mozwebidlcodegen
- test
- parser
- tests
- test
- broadcastchannel
- browser-element
- cache
- canvas
- test
- webgl-conf
- webgl-mochitest
- chrome-webidl
- clients
- api
- manager
- commandhandler
- console
- credentialmanagement
- crypto
- debugger
- encoding
- events
- android
- emacs
- mac
- unix
- win
- fetch
- file
- ipc
- uri
- filehandle
- filesystem
- compat
- tests
- tests
- flex
- gamepad
- geolocation
- grid
- html
- input
- indexedDB
- test/gtest
- interfaces
- base
- events
- geolocation
- html
- notification
- payments
- push
- security
- sidebar
- storage
- xul
- ipc
- fuzztest
- jsactor
- jsurl
- l10n
- tests/gtest
- locales
- localstorage
- test/gtest
- manifest
- mathml
- media
- bridge
- doctor
- gtest
- eme
- mediadrm
- encoder
- fake-cdm
- flac
- fuzz
- gmp
- widevine-adapter
- gmp-plugin-openh264
- gtest
- mp4_demuxer
- hls
- imagecapture
- ipc
- mediacapabilities
- mediacontrol
- tests/gtest
- mediasession
- mediasink
- mediasource
- gtest
- mp3
- mp4
- ogg
- platforms
- agnostic
- bytestreams
- gtest
- eme
- gmp
- ffmpeg
- ffvpx
- omx
- wmf
- systemservices
- wave
- webaudio
- blink
- webm
- webrtc
- common
- jsapi
- jsep
- libwebrtcglue
- sdp
- tests/fuzztests
- third_party_build
- transport
- build
- fuzztest
- ipc
- test
- transportbridge
- webspeech
- recognition
- synth
- android
- cocoa
- speechd
- windows
- webvtt
- messagechannel
- tests
- midi
- network
- interfaces
- notification
- offline
- payments
- ipc
- performance
- permission
- plugins
- base
- ipc
- hangui
- interpose
- test
- testplugin
- flashplugin
- secondplugin
- thirdplugin
- power
- presentation
- interfaces
- provider
- prio
- test/gtest
- promise
- prototype
- push
- test/xpcshell
- quota
- test
- gtest
- reporting
- tests/gtest
- script
- security
- featurepolicy
- fuzztest
- test/gtest
- fuzztest
- sanitizer
- test
- csp
- general
- gtest
- https-only
- mixedcontentblocker
- serviceworkers
- test/gtest
- simpledb
- smil
- storage
- svg
- system
- android
- linux
- mac
- windows
- tests
- u2f
- url
- vr
- webauthn
- webbrowserpersist
- webgpu
- webidl
- websocket
- tests
- websocket_hybi
- workers
- remoteworkers
- test/marionette
- worklet
- xhr
- xml
- resources
- xslt
- base
- xml
- xpath
- xslt
- xul
- editor
- composer
- libeditor
- spellchecker
- txmgr
- tests
- extensions
- auth
- permissions
- test
- gtest
- pref
- autoconfig
- src
- test/marionette
- spellcheck
- hunspell
- glue
- idl
- locales
- src
- universalchardet
- tests
- gfx
- 2d
- angle
- targets
- angle_common
- angle_gpu_info_util
- angle_image_util
- libEGL
- libGLESv2
- preprocessor
- translator
- config
- gl
- ipc
- layers
- apz/test/gtest
- mvm
- d3d11
- ipc/fuzztest
- src
- tests
- gtest
- marionette
- thebes
- vr
- service
- vrhost
- testhost
- webrender_bindings
- wgpu_bindings
- hal
- image
- build
- decoders
- icon
- android
- gtk
- mac
- win
- encoders
- bmp
- ico
- jpeg
- png
- test
- fuzzing
- gtest
- intl
- build
- gtest
- hyphenation/glue
- l10n
- rust/gtest
- locale
- android
- gtk
- mac
- tests/gtest
- windows
- locales
- lwbrk
- gtest
- strres
- uconv
- tests
- unicharutil
- util
- ipc
- app
- chromium
- glue
- gtest
- ipdl
- ipdl
- cxx
- test
- cxx
- app
- ipdl
- mscom
- mozglue
- oop
- testshell
- js
- ductwork/debugger
- src
- build
- builtin
- intl
- debugger
- devtools
- automation
- gc
- rootAnalysis
- t
- exceptions
- hazards
- sixgill-tree
- suppression
- virtual
- frontend
- smoosh
- fuzz-tests
- gc
- gdb
- lib-for-tests
- mozilla
- tests
- irregexp
- jit
- arm
- jit-test
- jsapi-tests
- rust
- shell
- tests
- lib
- non262/String
- test
- vm
- wasm
- xpconnect
- idl
- loader
- public
- shell
- src
- tests
- browser
- chrome
- components/native
- idl
- marionette
- mochitest
- wrappers
- layout
- base
- gtest
- tests/marionette
- build
- forms
- generic
- inspector
- ipc
- mathml
- media
- webrtc
- painting
- printing
- reftests
- border-image
- fonts
- gsubtest
- math
- style
- test
- gtest
- svg
- tables
- tools
- layout-debug
- src
- ui
- recording
- reftest
- reftest
- selftest
- xul
- grid
- tree
- media
- gmp-clearkey/0.1
- gtest
- psshparser
- gtest
- webrtc
- signaling/gtest
- memory
- build
- gtest
- mozalloc
- replace
- dmd
- test
- logalloc
- replay
- phc
- test
- gtest
- volatile
- tests
- mfbt
- tests
- gtest
- mobile
- android
- actors
- app
- base
- branding
- beta
- content
- locales
- nightly
- content
- locales
- official
- content
- locales
- unofficial
- content
- locales
- chrome
- geckoview
- components
- extensions
- schemas
- geckoview
- fonts
- geckoview/src/androidTest/assets
- installer
- locales
- modules
- geckoview
- themes
- core
- geckoview
- locales
- modules
- libjar
- zipwriter
- libmar
- sign
- src
- tests
- tool
- verify
- libpref
- init
- test
- gtest
- mozglue
- android
- baseprofiler
- build
- dllservices
- linker
- tests
- misc
- interceptor
- tests
- gtest
- TestDllBlocklist_AllowByVersion
- TestDllBlocklist_MatchByName
- TestDllBlocklist_MatchByVersion
- TestDllBlocklist_NoOpEntryPoint
- interceptor
- netwerk
- base
- http-sfv
- mozurl
- rust-helper
- build
- cache
- cache2
- cookie
- dns
- mdns
- libmdns
- tests
- unit
- data
- ipc
- locales
- mime
- protocol
- about
- data
- file
- ftp
- gio
- http
- res
- viewsource
- websocket
- sctp/datachannel
- socket
- neqo_glue
- streamconv
- converters
- system
- android
- linux
- mac
- netlink
- win32
- test
- fuzz
- gtest
- parse-ftp
- http3server
- httpserver
- unit
- url-classifier
- wifi
- parser
- html
- htmlparser
- prototype
- xml
- test
- python
- devtools/migrate-l10n/migrate
- gdbpp/gdbpp
- l10n
- convert_xul_to_fluent
- lib
- fluent_migrations
- test_fluent_migrations
- lldbutils/lldbutils
- mach
- mach
- commands
- mixin
- test
- providers
- mozboot
- bin
- mozboot
- test
- mozbuild
- mozbuild
- action
- analyze
- backend
- code_analysis
- codecoverage
- compilation
- configure
- controller
- frontend
- repackaging
- test
- action
- backend
- data
- build
- app
- database
- defines
- dist-files
- exports
- exports-generated
- final-target-files-wildcard
- final_target
- both
- dist-subdir
- final-target
- xpi-name
- generated-files
- generated-files-force
- generated_includes
- gn-processor
- host-defines
- host-rust-library
- host-rust-library-features
- install_substitute_config_files
- sub
- ipdl_sources
- bar
- foo
- jar-manifests
- linkage
- prog
- qux
- real
- foo
- static
- bar
- bar_helper
- local_includes
- localized-files
- localized-generated-files
- localized-generated-files-AB_CD
- localized-generated-files-force
- localized-pp-files
- prog-lib-c-only
- c-library
- c-program
- c-simple-programs
- cxx-library
- cxx-program
- cxx-simple-programs
- simple-programs
- program-paths
- dist-bin
- dist-subdir
- final-target
- not-installed
- resources
- rust-library
- rust-library-features
- rust-programs
- code
- sources
- stub0
- dir1
- dir2
- dir3
- substitute_config_files
- test-manifests-backend-sources
- test-manifests-duplicate-support-files
- test-manifests-package-tests
- test-manifests-written
- test-support-binaries-tracked
- src
- test
- test_config
- variable_passthru
- visual-studio
- dir1
- xpidl
- code_analysis
- compilation
- configure
- data
- imply_option
- controller
- frontend
- data
- allow-compiler-warnings
- asflags
- branding-files
- compile-defines
- compile-flags
- compile-flags-field-validation
- compile-flags-templates
- compile-flags-type-validation
- compile-includes
- config-file-substitution
- crate-dependency-path-resolution
- defines
- disable-compiler-warnings
- disable-stl-wrapping
- dist-files
- dist-files-missing
- exports
- exports-generated
- exports-missing
- exports-missing-generated
- files-info/bug_component
- bad-assignment
- different-matchers
- final
- subcomponent
- simple
- static
- final-target-pp-files-non-srcdir
- generated-files
- generated-files-absolute-script
- generated-files-force
- generated-files-method-names
- generated-files-no-inputs
- generated-files-no-python-script
- generated-files-no-script
- generated-sources
- generated_includes
- host-compile-flags
- host-program-paths
- final-target
- installed
- not-installed
- host-rust-libraries
- host-rust-program-no-cargo-toml
- host-rust-program-nonexistent-name
- host-rust-programs
- host-sources
- include-basic
- include-file-stack
- include-missing
- include-outside-topsrcdir
- include-relative-from-child
- child
- grandchild
- include-topsrcdir-relative
- inheriting-variables
- foo
- baz
- ipdl_sources
- bar
- foo
- jar-manifests
- jar-manifests-multiple-files
- library-defines
- liba
- libb
- libc
- libd
- link-flags
- local_includes
- local_includes-filename
- local_includes-invalid
- objdir
- srcdir
- localized-files
- localized-files-from-generated
- localized-files-no-en-us
- localized-files-not-localized-generated
- localized-generated-files
- localized-generated-files-final-target-files
- localized-generated-files-force
- localized-pp-files
- missing-local-includes
- missing-xpidl
- multiple-rust-libraries
- rust1
- rust2
- program
- program-paths
- dist-bin
- dist-subdir
- final-target
- not-installed
- reader-error-bad-dir
- reader-error-error-func
- reader-error-included-from
- reader-error-missing-include
- reader-error-outside-topsrcdir
- reader-error-repeated-dir
- reader-error-write-bad-value
- reader-error-write-unknown-global
- resolved-flags-error
- rust-library-dash-folding
- rust-library-duplicate-features
- rust-library-features
- rust-library-invalid-crate-type
- rust-library-name-mismatch
- rust-library-no-cargo-toml
- rust-library-no-lib-section
- rust-program-no-cargo-toml
- rust-program-nonexistent-name
- rust-programs
- schedules
- subd
- sources
- sources-just-c
- test-linkables-cxx-link
- one
- three
- two
- test-manifest-absolute-support
- test-manifest-dupes
- test-manifest-emitted-includes
- test-manifest-empty
- test-manifest-install-includes
- test-manifest-just-support
- test-manifest-keys-extracted
- test-manifest-missing-manifest
- test-manifest-missing-test-file
- test-manifest-missing-test-file-unfiltered
- test-manifest-parent-support-files-dir
- test-manifest-unmatched-generated
- test-symbols-file
- test-symbols-file-objdir
- test-symbols-file-objdir-missing-generated
- traversal-all-vars
- traversal-outside-topsrcdir
- traversal-relative-dirs
- foo
- traversal-repeated-dirs
- bar
- foo
- traversal-simple
- foo
- unified-sources
- unified-sources-non-unified
- use-yasm
- variable-passthru
- visibility-flags
- wasm-compile-flags
- wasm-sources
- xpidl-module-no-sources
- vendor
- mozpack
- chrome
- packager
- test
- support
- mozlint
- mozlint
- formatters
- util
- test
- linters
- mozrelease
- mozrelease
- test
- mozterm
- mozterm
- test
- mozversioncontrol
- mozversioncontrol
- test
- remote
- security
- apps
- certverifier
- tests/gtest
- ct
- tests/gtest
- manager
- locales
- pki
- resources
- ssl
- osclientcerts
- dynamic-library
- tests
- gtest
- mochitest
- browser
- mixedcontent
- stricttransportsecurity
- unit
- bad_certs
- ocsp_certs
- pkcs11testmodule
- test_baseline_requirements
- test_certDB_import
- test_cert_eku
- test_cert_embedded_null
- test_cert_keyUsage
- test_cert_sha1
- test_cert_signatures
- test_cert_trust
- test_cert_utf8
- test_cert_version
- test_content_signing
- test_ct
- test_delegated_credentials
- test_ev_certs
- test_intermediate_basic_usage_constraints
- test_intermediate_preloads
- test_keysize
- test_keysize_ev
- test_missing_intermediate
- test_name_constraints
- test_ocsp_url
- test_onecrl
- test_sanctions
- test_signed_apps
- test_startcom_wosign
- test_validity
- tlsserver
- cmd
- lib
- tools
- crtshToIdentifyingStruct
- sandbox
- common
- linux
- broker
- glue
- gtest
- interfaces
- launch
- reporter
- mac
- test
- win/src
- remotesandboxbroker
- sandboxbroker
- sandboxpermissions
- sandboxtarget
- services
- automation
- common
- tests
- crypto
- component
- fxaccounts
- rust-bridge
- interfaces
- settings
- dumps
- blocklists
- main
- pinning
- security-state
- test
- unit
- test_remote_settings_signatures
- sync
- locales
- servo/components/style
- counter_style
- gecko
- properties
- startupcache
- test
- storage
- build
- test
- gtest
- taskcluster
- docker
- firefox-flatpak
- firefox-snap
- visual-metrics
- scripts/misc
- taskgraph
- actions
- loader
- optimize
- test
- transforms
- job
- util
- testing
- awsy
- awsy
- condprofile
- crashtest
- firefox-ui
- harness
- firefox_ui_harness
- arguments
- runners
- tests/functional
- safebrowsing
- security
- sessionstore
- geckodriver
- gtest
- benchmark
- mozilla
- jsshell
- marionette
- client
- docs
- marionette_driver
- harness
- marionette_harness
- marionette_test
- runner
- mixins
- tests
- harness_unit
- unit
- mochitest
- BrowserTestUtils
- manifests
- ssltunnel
- tests
- SimpleTest
- python
- modules
- mozbase
- docs
- _static
- manifestparser
- manifestparser
- tests
- mozcrash
- mozcrash
- tests
- mozdebug
- mozdebug
- tests
- mozdevice
- mozdevice
- tests
- mozfile
- mozfile
- tests
- mozgeckoprofiler/mozgeckoprofiler
- mozhttpd
- mozhttpd
- tests
- mozinfo
- mozinfo
- tests
- mozinstall
- mozinstall
- tests
- mozleak
- mozleak
- tests
- mozlog
- mozlog
- formatters
- html
- handlers
- pytest_mozlog
- scripts
- unstructured
- tests
- moznetwork
- moznetwork
- tests
- mozpower
- mozpower
- tests
- mozprocess
- mozprocess
- tests
- scripts
- mozprofile
- mozprofile
- tests
- mozproxy
- mozproxy
- backends/mitm
- scripts
- tests
- mozrunner
- mozrunner
- base
- devices
- tests
- mozscreenshot
- mozscreenshot
- mozsystemmonitor
- mozsystemmonitor
- tests
- moztest
- moztest
- adapters
- selftest
- tests
- data/srcdir
- carrot
- dragonfruit
- fig
- mozversion
- mozversion
- tests
- mozharness
- configs
- android
- awsy
- balrog
- builds
- releng_sub_android_configs
- releng_sub_linux_configs
- releng_sub_mac_configs
- releng_sub_windows_configs
- taskcluster_sub_win32
- taskcluster_sub_win64
- firefox_ui_tests
- l10n_bumper
- marionette
- merge_day
- openh264
- raptor
- releases
- repackage
- servo
- single_locale
- talos
- test
- unittests
- web_platform_tests
- docs
- examples
- external_tools
- mozharness
- base
- vcs
- lib/python
- mozilla
- bouncer
- firefox
- l10n
- testing
- scripts
- firefox_ui_tests
- merge_day
- release
- telemetry
- test
- perfdocs
- performance
- profiles
- raptor
- constants
- logger
- raptor
- browsertime
- webextension
- test
- runtimes
- specialpowers
- talos
- talos
- scripts
- unittests
- xtalos
- tools
- iceserver
- minidumpwriter
- screenshot
- websocketprocessbridge
- tps
- tps
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
3,432 files changed
lines changed+16-17
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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14 | 14 |
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65 | 64 |
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67 | 66 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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4 | 4 |
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5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
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0 commit comments