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Tags: mozilla-conduit/lando-ui




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templates: hide Treestatus editing capabilities from unprivileged use…

…rs (Bug 1901484) (#205)

Add a new `is_treestatus_user` template helper which checks for
membership in the Treestatus Mozillians groups. Switch to using
this new function to determine if Treestatus editing elements of
the UI should be shown.



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treestatus: convert logging of Treestatus API errors to `info` level …

…(Bug 1897044) (#204)

The `error` and `exception` level logging calls cause Sentry to treat
expected states as new issues. Lower the level to `info` to quiet down
Sentry. Issues experienced by the Treestatus API will still show up in
the LandoAPI logs, and at the `info` level we can still debug which
code paths are taken by various requests.



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circleci: change deploy step to run (Bug 1895570) (#201)



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revision-status: use `blocked_reason` variable instead of pre-refacto…

…r key (Bug 1888188) (#199)

In the original revision I added a `blocked_reason` variable to avoid repeated
code, however I forgot to update the template to actually use the variable.



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circleci: update base image and use `compose` plugin (Bug 1895531) (#200




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treestatus: implement Treestatus UI (Bug 1817473) (#186)

Implement a Treestatus UI in Lando. All endpoints in the new
interface are namespaced under `/treestatus`. The main components
are as follows.

The main Treestatus page displays all trees and their current statuses.
When authenticated, each tree can be selected for updating via a checkbox,
or a "select all trees" button is available for CI-wide tree closures.
The tree selections are forwarded to the update form when "Update trees"
is selected.

The "update trees" view implements a form for updating the status of
trees. Trees can be set to open, closed and "approval required". When
the status is being set to a non-open state, a reason and reason
category must be specified. The form presents a "remember this change"
option which can be used to easily revert the change at a later time.
For example if all trees are closed, the trees can be mass re-opened

The individual log view of a tree presents the most recent status
updates for each individual tree. When authenticated, users can edit
the tree status reason or category in case of a typo or error during
submission by clicking the "edit" button, which toggles the display to a
form for updating.

The recent changes view is a header that appears for authenticated users
on all pages. It presents all status updates that have been "remembered"
during update. Users can edit the reason and reason category using an
"edit" button that toggles the display to a form. The "restore" button
can be used to revert the status change. The "discard" button can be
used to throw away the status change if it is no longer necessary to
remember the change.

The Treestatus UI uses message flashing and the existing Lando-UI
notifications component to present errors and action verification to the



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landing-preview: add a shim to display `blockers` dryrun info if avai…

…lable (Bug 1888188) (#198)

As part of the checks refactor we will eventually support displaying
multiple blockers in the front end. Add a shim so Lando-UI can handle
output from before and after the refactor PR in LandoAPI is landed
and deployed.



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stack: move the uplift request form into a separate modal (Bug 180195…

…9) (#194)

Create a new modal div that contains the uplift request form. Add a new
button for requesting uplifts next to the "Preview Landing" button.
Remove the code that allows pressing the "Preview Landing" button
even when the stack is not landable since we no longer have the
uplift button behind that modal.



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landoapi: add a `from_environment` helper (Bug 1865679) (#189)

Add a `from_environment` class method to avoid repeated code for building
a Lando-API object.



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conflicts: clarify where patch conflicts originate and how to fix the…

…m (Bug 1861534) (#183)

Clarify the wording of the patch conflicts error message so it is more
obvious where the issue is arising from. Also add a hint that rebasing
your patches on the latest revision from the landing repo may fix the