issues Search Results · repo:nkeeline/OpenPose-to-Blender-Facial-Capture-Transfer language:Python
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innkeeline/OpenPose-to-Blender-Facial-Capture-Transfer (press backspace or delete to remove)the addon ui is not showing up in blender 2.92 and above. by pressing F3 I can see the functions but cannot see the ui
- 7
- Opened on Aug 12, 2021
- #14
Hi sir can u guide how to create a full body motion capture after taking the data using openpose if we add the bone
names in the script along with parameters of rotation like u did will it work or will ...
- Opened on Jun 19, 2021
- #13
Dear python friend, first thanks for the mocap project and even more for encouraging hunting pythons... even though so
far I m on the hunted side.
I first go to the point, with a question, if you wish ...
- Opened on Feb 19, 2021
- #12
I was just browsing through the code, the line mentioned above ...
- Opened on Jan 28, 2021
- #10
Dear Author,
Can i use this script to generate training images from a blender 3d model, along with the keypoints annotation into a
json file? Thank you
- Opened on Jan 20, 2021
- #9
Hey! Thank you for such a great project! I wish it would be possible to adopt this script for some open source models,
Or a way to ...
- Opened on Sep 2, 2020
- #8
Hi, Thankyou for making this. I am not that good in blender, so I am having trouble adjusting the bones to the right
position and animating
First, Does the face model need particular features for this ...
- 3
- Opened on Aug 22, 2020
- #7
- Opened on Jul 10, 2020
- #6
This is awesome, and amazing, and unfortunately apparently unusable for someone not already in the possession of a
Blender 3d model with rigging/bones/armature/control-points, and the savvy to map their ...
- 2
- Opened on Jun 11, 2020
- #4

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