Python unit tests are written for pytest They can be run from this directory via the command:
pytest spec/python/
or for more details on a particular test:
pytest -xv spec/python/pages/
Javascript unit tests are written for use with jasmine. Port specification is optional.
jasmine [-p 8888]
Navigate your browser to http://localhost:8888/
to see the results of the tests.
Every page refresh runs the tests again.
Browser tests are run in firefox by default, through selenium, controller by python.
Selenium must be installed (v3.50 used)
pip install selenium
Browser controller must be installed as well (and accessible to bash; in the PATH). Firefox driver available here:
e.g. extract it to /home/{user}/bin/
and add that folder to PATH
such that whereis geckodriver
run tests as python unit tests in the browser directory:
pytest spec/browser/
or for more details on a particular test:
pytest -xv spec/browser/
This runs the browser and unit tests for python files and describes how many statements exist and how many statements were run during the tests.
Javascript, SQL, and other files are not indicated here.
Disclaimer: Code coverage here is about as useful an indicator of testing as BMI is for fitness
pip install pytest-cov
# from the root project folder (that contains folders 'sam' and 'spec'):
pytest --cov sam spec
Testing your own custom rule template can be done by using the launcher with the "template" target. This should provide enough information to make sure a template is ready for use.
python sam/ --target=template sam/rule_templates/dos.yml
The positive successful output might look something like this:
Rule name: High Traffic
Rule type: periodic
Rule subject: dst
Rule inclusions: None
Exposed parameters:
(passed) threshold:
default: 600
regex (valid): ^\d+$
label: This rule will trigger on a host if it receives more than this number of inbound connections over a period of 5 minutes.
format: text
Action defaults: None
Trigger condition:
having conn[links] > $threshold
Translated condition:
having ('conn', 'links') > 600
Rule SQL:
SELECT timestamp, dst, COUNT(DISTINCT dst) AS 'src[hosts]', COUNT(DISTINCT port) AS 'conn[ports]', COUNT(DISTINCT protocol) AS 'conn[protocol]', SUM(links) AS 'conn[links]'
FROM s1_ds1_Links
GROUP BY timestamp, dst
HAVING `conn[links]` > '600'
Test SQL execution: Success
========================== Rule is valid ===========================