These are configuration files for Sameen Jalal It is a dynamic vimrc, bashrc, xinitrc, ect. that fits my own idiosyncrasies
You can reach me at Or for more serious contact: You can reach me at
- C for vim: Makes vim a C/CPP IDE
- Coffee: Makes vim a CoffeeScript IDE
- Rails: Makes vim a rails IDE
- pekepeke: Makes vim a Titanium IDE
- Syntastic: Adds syntax checking
- Fugitive: Git wrapper for Vim
- NERDTree: Project organizer
- NERDCommenter: Toggles commenting
- MatchIt: Tag jumping for html
- IndentAnything: better auto-indenting
- MatchTag: HTML tag highlighting
- Surround: HTML manipulator
- SnipMate: Code snippets
- ConqueTerm: Shell in vim
- SyntaxFolds: Fold thingy
- CloseTag: Close last opened HTML Tag
- ToggleFold: Awesome folding folding
- Repeat: Repeat mapped commands with '.'
- Commentary: Comment with '\'
- jellybeans
- awesome
- molokai
- lettuce
- inkpot
- sorcerer
- wombat
- zenburn
- desert
- rdark