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Schema Registry cluster deployment using SASL

Dockerized Schema Registry application with SASL enabled to run System tests.


Due to import regulations in some countries, the Oracle implementation limits the strength of cryptographic algorithms available by default. If stronger algorithms are needed (for example, AES with 256-bit keys), the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files must be obtained and installed in the JDK/JRE. See the JCA Providers Documentation for more information.

  • Note that if you are using Oracle Java, you will need to download JCE policy files for your Java version and copy local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security. If file already exists, replace both of them.


Starts the docker machine

If you're running on windows / Mac OS X, you need to use Docker machine to start the Docker host. Docker runs natively on Linux, so the Docker host will be your machine.

sh start-machine

It starts a Linux virtual machine setup and installs the Docker Engine on top of it. This VM is used as Docker host machine as there are known problems in Docker Engine when running it on Mac and Windows OS.

NOTE: Once the machine started, you should configure your terminal window to attach it to your new Docker Machine. Always, run the below command whenever opening a new terminal.

eval $(docker-machine env hwx-machine)

Build the Registry Image

sh build

It builds the Key Distribution Center, Apache Zookeeper, Apache Kafka and Schema Registry Images. And, pulls the official images of MySQL, Oracle and Postgresql database images from the docker store.

To run registry application with Oracle db, user needs to manually download the ojdbc.jar from the Oracle website and copy it to extlibs directory before building the image.

To build Schema Registry from specific tag release, export this variable before building the image. (Only tar file supported)

export schema_registry_download_url=""

Run the container

sh start

Starts Schema Registry application with all the dependent services (KDC, ZK, AK and DB). Asks user which underlying database to use to store the data. All the containers are connected with the private network.

To connect with the schema registry app when security enabled, copy the krb5.conf and keytabs from the $(pwd)/secrets directory (where pwd denotes ~/registry/docker directory) and paste it to respective directories [OR] point those files using the System property.(,

Run a single container

sh start ${name}

Starts a single container with the specified name.

Lists the active containers

sh ps

Lists all the active containers that are connected with the private network.

Lists all containers

sh ps-all

Lists all the containers that are connected with the private network.

Container Shell

sh shell ${name}

Login into the container and provides a Shell to the user.

Container Logs

sh logs ${name}

Shows the logs from the container.

Container Exposed ports

sh port ${name}

Shows the exposed ports from the container to the host machine.

Stop the container

sh stop

Stops all the running containers that are connected with the private network.

Stop a single container

sh stop ${name}

Stops the container with the specified name


sh clean

Removes all the stopped containers that are connected with the private network. This will also remove the created images, dangling images and network. This will free disk space.

Clean a single container

sh clean ${name}

Removes only the container with the specified name

Stop the docker machine

sh stop-machine

This will stop and power-off the Linux Virtual machine.

Other docker commands

  • docker images - lists all the available images stored in the local repository
  • docker rmi IMAGE_ID - to delete a particular image. Use -f option to delete the image forcefully
  • docker port CONTAINER_ID - displays the ports which are exposed to the outside world
  • docker container start CONTAINER_ID - starts the container
  • docker container stop CONTAINER_ID - stops the container
  • docker container rm CONTAINER_ID - removes the container
  • docker container prune - removes all the stopped containers