A microservice that turns Phabricator revisions into Mercurial commits.
Part of Mozilla Conduit, our code management microservice ecosystem.
(on OS X you will wantdocker-machine
, too)docker-compose
(v0.13+, can be installed on OS X with a Homebrew formula)
To create a database:
$ invoke upgrade
To build and start the development services' containers:
$ docker-compose up
You need to tell docker-compose to map the webservice's exposed port to a port on your docker host system. Create a file named docker-compose.override.yml in the project root with these contents:
version: '2'
- 8000:80
Now run docker-compose up
in the project root.
You can use a tool like httpie to test the service.
$ http localhost:8000
HTTP/1.0 302 FOUND
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2017 00:03:10 GMT
Location: http://localhost:8000/ui/
Server: Werkzeug/0.12.1 Python/3.5.3
Start a development server and expose its ports as documented above, and visit
in your browser to view the API documentation.
We're using pytest
with pytest-flask
. All tests are placed in ./tests/
To run the tests please call
$ invoke test