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Version: 1.0 Release Build License CC By-NC-SA

MAD - Matrix Display

The MAD project is based on a pcb with an ATtiny406/ATtiny1606 and a Matrix LED Display. It can be used to display data sent over SPI or UART. The display also implements a small amount of characters from the ASCII table and also has internal space (EEPROM) for 16 special characters that can be programmed.

Experience Level
Soldering ?%
Mechanical ?%
Software ?%


Type File Description
Schematic pdf / cadlab Schematic files
Board pdf / cadlab Board file
Drill pdf Drill file
PCB zip / tar KiCAD/Gerber/BoM/Drill files
Mechanical zip / tar FreeCAD/Housing and PCB (STEP) files
Firmware zip / tar Firmware for ATtiny406/ATtiny1606 (Display)
Firmware (demo) zip / tar Test application(s) for ATmega16a


There are two parts of the hardware. The pcb and the housing of the MAD. The pcb is created with KiCAD and the housing with FreeCAD. The software is programmed with Microchip (Atmel) Studio. All files are built with github actions so that they are ready for a production environment. The housing is printed with a 3D-printer (Dremel 3D40).


The circuit board is populated on both sides (Top, Bottom). The best way for soldering the SMD components is within a vapor phase soldering system and for the THT components with a standard soldering system.

Top Layer

Top Layer

Bottom Layer

Bottom Layer


The housing has a tolerance of 0.2mm on each side of the case. So the pcb should fit perfectly in the housing. The tolerance can be modified with FreeCAD in the Parameter Spreadsheet.






The MAD is powerd with 5V from an external source. With Jumper JP1 bridged the MAD can be programmed over UPDI. To enable UART mode the SS (CS) Pin must be held low (more details on the dataflow diagram) otherwise the SPI mode is enabled. In UART mode only one display can be driven. The SI pin gets TXDand the SO pin gets RXD. The firmware for the display can be downloaded (see the download section).

#         +-+                                         +----------+      +---------------------+
#        / /                                          |   U  +---+---+  |                     |
#      +-+-+-----------------+                        |   S  |  USB  |--+ +-----------------+ |
#      | JP1                 |                        |   B  +---+---+  | | AVR-Dude        | |
#      |    MAD - Display    |       +---------+      |   /      |      | | ~~~~~~~~        | |
#    +-+-+                 +-+-+   +-+-+  U    |      |   U      |      | | ~~~~~           | |
#    | 1 | VCC         VCC | 1 +---+VCC|  P  +-+-+  +-+-+ A      |      | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~    | |
#    | 2 | UPDI       UPDI | 2 +---+PDI|  D  |GND+--+GND| R      |      | |                 | |
#    | 3 | SI           SO | 3 |   +-+-+  I  |VCC+--+VCC| T      |      | +-----------------+ |
#    | 4 | SCK         SCK | 4 |     |       +---+  +---+ A      |      |                     |
#    | 5 | SS (CS)      SS | 5 +   +-+-+     |RxD+--+RxD| +------+      | Computer            |
#    | 6 | GND         GND | 6 +---+GND|     |TxD+--+TxD| |5V/3V3|      |                     |
#    +-+-+                 +-+-+   +-+-+     +-+-+  +-+-+ +------+      +---------------------+
#      +---------------------+       | ADAPTER |      +----+-----+
#                                    +---------+


Register Value
TCD0CFG 0x00
SYSCFG1 0x00

To setup SW1 as RESET (PA0) it is necessary to change the SYSCFG0-FUSE of the ATtiny406/ATtiny1606. WARNING: To reset the PA0 pin to UPDI mode a 12V impulse is necessary to program the FUSES again.


The display software can be controlled by SPI or UART. The interfaces are displayed in the dataflow diagram. There is a demo software to use the display directly over spi (MAD_Test) or a library (MAD_LIB).

Dataflow diagram



To send characters to the display over UART connect an USB/UART converter to the PC and make a bridge beween GND and SS (CS) before powering up the display. Start a terminal software on the computer (e.g. Teraterm) and setup the following settings:

Name Value
BAUD 9600

Connection setup

#      +---------------------+                                +---------------------+
#      |    MAD - Display    |                                |                     |
#    +-+-+                 +-+-+                              | +-----------------+ |
#    | 1 | VCC         VCC | 1 +-------+    +----------+      | | TeraTerm        | |
#    | 2 | UPDI       UPDI | 2 |       |    |   U  +---+---+  | | ~~~~~~~~        | |
#    | 3 | SI           SO | 3 +-----+ |    |   S  |  USB  |--+ | ~~~~~           | |
#    | 4 | SCK         SCK | 4 |     | |    |   B  +---+---+  | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~    | |
#    | 5 | SS (CS)      SS | 5 +--+  | |    |   /      |      | |                 | |
# +--+ 6 | GND         GND | 6 +--+  | |    |   U      |      | +-----------------+ |
# |  +-+-+                 +-+-+     | |  +-+-+ A      |      |                     |
# |    +---------------------+       | +--+VCC| R      |      | Computer            |
# |                                  +----+TxD| T      |      |                     |
# |                                       |RxD| +------+      +---------------------+
# +---------------------------------------+GND| |5V/3V3|
#                                         +-+-+ +------+
#                                           +----+-----+

SPI Test

The firmware itself contains some demos how to use the display over spi. The demo software itself is written for an ATmega16A. To test the display a connection to the spi pins between the display and the ATmega16Ais necessary.

Connection setup

# ~------------+
# ~          +-+-+
# ~          |VCC+------+
# ~          +-+-+       \        +---------------------+
# ~            |          \       |     MAD - Display   |
# ~  A       +-+-+         \    +-+-+                 +-+-+
# ~  T   [7] | P +- SCK -+  +---+ 1 | VCC         VCC | 1 |
# ~  M       | O |        \     | 2 | UPDI       UPDI | 2 |
# ~  E       | R +- MOSI --\----+ 3 | SI           SO | 3 |
# ~  G       | T +-- SS -+  +---+ 4 | SCK         SCK | 4 |
# ~  A       | B |       +------+ 5 | SS (CS)      SS | 5 |
# ~          |   |           +--+ 6 | GND         GND | 6 |
# ~  1       |   |          /   +-+-+                 +-+-+
# ~  6   [0] |   |         /      |                     |
# ~  A       +-+-+        /       +---------------------+
# ~            |         /
# ~          +-+-+      /
# ~          |GND+-----+
# ~          +-+-+
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

SPI Parameter

To control the display through SPI the bus of the master needs the following setup:

Parameter Value Description
Clock < 1Mhz Bus clock speed should not exceed this value
Direction MSB MSB needs to be transmitted first
Polarity Rising Polarity of clock is rising _/
Phase Rising Data is valid when clock is rising _/

Detail can be found here

SPI Frame

# SPI display transmission
# _                                                SS                                                _
#  \________________________________________________________________________________________________/
#                                                 SCK   
#     __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    
# ___/1 \__/2 \__/3 \__/4 \__/5 \__/6 \__/7 \__/8 \__/9 \__/10\__/11\__/12\__/13\__/14\__/15\__/16\___
#                                                 MOSI
#    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    __
# __/C \__/T \__/R \__/L \__/B \__/Y \__/T \__/E \__/D \__/A \__/T \__/A \__/B \__/Y \__/T \__/E \____
#   \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/  \__/
#    [7                   :                    0]    [7                   :                    0]

SPI Commands

To enable a bit it needs to be set to on ( 1 = O N ). To disable a bit it is necessary to set it to off ( 0 = O F F ).

Control-Byte Data-Bit(s) Description
0x00 0xXX No operation
0x01 [4:0] ROW1 LEDs
... ... ...
0x07 [4:0] ROW7 LEDs
0x08 [6:0] Show ASCII character on display
0x10 0xXX Clear buffer
0x1F [0] Enable display
0x20 0xXX Copy EEPROM address (0) to display
... ... ...
0x2F 0xXX Copy EEPROM address (15) to display
0x30 0xXX Copy Display content to EEPROM address (0)
... ... ...
0x3F 0xXX Copy Display content to EEPROM address (15)
0xF0 0xXX Display refresh rate LOW byte
0xF1 0xXX Display refresh rate HIGH byte
0xFF 0xXX RESET the SPI queue

Example Library (matrix.h)

With the attached demo library (MAD_LIB) it is quiet easy to use the display. To setup the matrix display library some defines needs to be adjusted.

// Setup the number of displays that are cascaded
    #define MATRIX_DISPLAYS 2
#include "../lib/matrix/matrix.h"

int main(void)

    matrix_char(1, 'A');
    matrix_char(2, 'B');

    // ...

Additional Information

Type Link Description
ATtiny406 pdf ATtiny microcontroller
ATtiny1606 pdf ATtiny microcontroller
ATmega16A pdf Microchip ATmega16A Datasheet
TA20-11SRWA pdf Dot Matrix Dispaly
Atmel ICE pdf Atmel ICE datasheet
UPDI web UPDI-Adapter with AVR-Dude
Microchip Studio web Download page for Microchip Studio
KiCAD web KiCAD project page
FreeCAD web FreeCAD project page
TeraTerm web Terminal software for UART