Some custom lighting functions/sub-graphs for Shader Graph, Universal Render Pipeline
ShaderGraphVariables Public
Adds 'Register Variable' and 'Get Variable' nodes to Shader Graph, allowing you to link sections of a graph without connection wires. <3
URP_BlitRenderFeature Public
Blit Render Feature for Universal RP's Forward Renderer. Set specific source/destination via camera source, ID string or RenderTexture asset. Also options for _InverseView matrix and _CameraNormals…
BakeShader Public
Unity editor tool for baking shaders to textures. Texture2D, Texture3D, Flipbook, or MeshRenderer (uses model UV)
URP_ShaderCodeTemplates Public
A few shader code templates/examples for Unity, Universal Render Pipeline (URP v10 / Unity 2020.3). ShaderLab & HLSL.
ShaderGraphToPNG Public
Screenshots a Shader Graph in multiple sections, stitches them together and saves the result as a PNG
URP_GrassGeometryShader Public
Example of a Grass Geometry Shader for Unity, Universal Render Pipeline. Based on https://github.com/IronWarrior/UnityGrassGeometryShader
URP_WatercolourShaders Public
A few experiments with watercolour-like shader effects made using Shader Graph. Unity 2020.1.2f1, URP 8.2.0
URP_RetroCRTShader Public
A shader graph which replicates some retro tv/monitor effects. CRT (cathode-ray tube) warping, scanlines, static, distortion, etc.
Cards Public
A few scripts which controls interactions for a hand of cards. Card model, shadergraph and example setup included.
ToDo Public
Unity in-editor to-do list, attached as a component and uses a custom inspector based on ReorderableList. Also see branches for ScriptableObject / cross-scene reference version.