- [Aug-19, 2024] Event-CSL Benchmark Dataset for Sign Language Translation is released.
[arXiv:2503.06484] Sign Language Translation using Frame and Event Stream: Benchmark Dataset and Algorithms, Xiao Wang, Yuehang Li, Fuling Wang, Bo Jiang, Yaowei Wang, Yonghong Tian, Jin Tang, Bin Luo, arXiv:2503.06484 [Paper] [Demo Video (1:23sec)]
[arXiv:2408.10488] Event Stream based Sign Language Translation: A High-Definition Benchmark Dataset and A New Algorithm,
Xiao Wang, Yao Rong, Fuling Wang, Jianing Li, Lin Zhu, Bo Jiang, Yaowei Wang, arXiv 2024,
- [Paper with code]: https://paperswithcode.com/task/sign-language-recognition/codeless
- [Awesome-Sign-Language]: https://github.com/ZechengLi19/Awesome-Sign-Language
If you find this work helps your research, please star this GitHub and cite the following papers:
title={Event Stream based Sign Language Translation: A High-Definition Benchmark Dataset and A New Algorithm},
author={Xiao Wang and Yao Rong and Fuling Wang and Jianing Li and Lin Zhu and Bo Jiang and Yaowei Wang},
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