Firmament Autopilot Embedded System
[CMU] A Versatile and Modular Framework Designed for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [UAVs] (C++/ROS/PX4)
Quadcopter with multibody, electrical and thermal models follows a path to deliver a package.
Quadrotor control, path planning and trajectory optimization
Serial Com Port Library for Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5
Arduino Ecosystem Compatibility Layer for RT-Thread | RT-Thread的Arduino生态兼容层
Free (standard conforming) library to model mechanical (1D/3D), electrical (analog, digital, machines), magnetic, thermal, fluid, control systems and hierarchical state machines. Also numerical fun…
Advanced examples of Linux Device Drivers (LDD3) and detailed manual for running examples in QEMU which is patched with virtual PCI, USB, serial devices. I am actively composing a new book about Dr…
Robotics Toolbox for MATLAB
Augmented reality (AR) development resources(增强现实开发资源汇总)---AIRX整理
🃏 A magical documentation site generator.
The extensible bootloader for embedded system with application engine, write once, run everywhere.
GAAS is an open-source program designed for fully autonomous VTOL(a.k.a flying cars) and drones. GAAS stands for Generalized Autonomy Aviation System.
Tiny, fast, non-dependent and fully loaded printf implementation for embedded systems. Extensive test suite passing.
A Robust and Efficient Trajectory Planner for Quadrotors
A secure embedded operating system for microcontrollers
Rust version of THU uCore OS. Linux compatible.
Docker/Qemu Based Linux Kernel Learning, Development and Testing Environment; New Linux ELF Video Course from this project author:
Micro XRCE-DDS Agent respository. Looking for commercial support? Contact
Kernel source tree for Raspberry Pi-provided kernel builds. Issues unrelated to the linux kernel should be posted on the community forum at
EmuFlight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft.
Simple .INI file parser in C, good for embedded systems
RT-Thread操作系统的uCOS-III兼容层 | uCOS-III RTOS Application Compatibility Layer (ACL) for RT-Thread