Hi, I'm Lakshay!

- Billpal — Scan your receipt, let us do the math, splitting dinner has never been easier
- Penrose-Moiré — Try it out at penrosemoire.com! Interact with Moiré patterns of Penrose tilings (inspired by Roger Penrose's real-life demonstration)
- Seasonality analysis using Fourier transforms — Jupyter notebooks that analyze seasonal patterns in data using Fourier transforms (to accompany these articles — Part 1 & 2)
- 20+ helpful Python syntax patterns for coding interviews (May 2021)
- Analyzing seasonality with Fourier transforms using Python & SciPy (June 2020)
- How to add Fourier terms to your regression analysis using Python & SciPy (Oct 2020)
- How to scrape Zillow data for free without writing any code (Mar 2021)
- Redesigning Spotify concerts (Feb 2019)
- How Bird & Lime can build moats (Sept 2018)
- Vertical farming is Amazon's next big step (Nov 2017)
- Why AI consciousness is doomed (Aug 2016)