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DB_REST - OpenBMP Database REST Service

Simple DB REST interface to the OpenBMP database. This is an example of how to interact with the database.

Demo server is still in development.


All queries have the following JSON syntax/output:

{ <table_name> : {
    	cols: <number of columns>,
 		data: [ { <column name>:<value>, ... }, 
		size: <total number of rows in result>,
        queryTime_ms: <ms value - the duration in ms>,
        fetchTime_ms: <ms value - the duration in ms>


Below documentations the various REST URL/API's.

BASE URL is always /db_rest/v1

DEMO Server Base URL is


BMP Router view.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/routers withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for router based on the router IP address
limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns the list of BMP routers currently known in the database Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/routers/status/count Returns a count of DOWN and UP BMP routers Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/routers/status/up Returns the BMP routers that are up Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/routers/status/down Returns the BMP routers that are down Demo

BGP Peers

BGP Peer view.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/peer withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of BGP peers Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/localip/{localIP} withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of BGP peers by local IP address Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/remoteip/{remoteIP} withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of BGP peers by remote/peer IP address Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/asn/{Peer ASN} withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of BGP peers by Peer ASN Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/type/count Returns peer counts by status IP version type Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/type/count/router Returns a list of routers with count of peers by IP Type Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/type/v4 withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
Returns list of IPv4 peers Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/type/v6 withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
Returns list of IPv6 peers Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/status/count Returns peer counts by peer status Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/status/up withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
Returns a list of BGP peers that are UP Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/status/down withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
Returns a list of BGP peers that are DOWN Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/prefix Returns a list of BGP peers and their Pre-Policy and Post-Policy RIB counts. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/prefix/{peerIP} Returns a list of BGP peers and their Pre-Policy and Post-Policy RIB counts by peer address Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/peer/router/{Router IP} withgeo - Adds the geo location columns for the peer based on the peer IP address
limit - Max results to return
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of BGP peers based on Router IP or Router Name Demo


Unicast IPv4/IPv6 RIB/routes view.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/rib limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns the RIB entries. Default limit is 1000. Should use WHERE clause to filter or use one of the below URI's instead. [Demo]( >= 8 and PrefixLen <= 9)
GET /db_rest/v1/rib/asn/{ASN} limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of prefixes by Origin ASN. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/rib/asn/{ASN}/count limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of prefixes by Origin ASN. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/rib/prefix/{Prefix} limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of prefixes by Prefix starts with. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/rib/prefix/{Prefix}/{length} limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
Returns a list of prefixes by Prefix/Length. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/rib/lookup/{IP} where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause aggregates - Set to return aggregates distinct - Set to return only a distinct list of prefixes
Finds the longest match prefix based on the IP (more specific) supplied. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/rib/history/{prefix}/{length} limit - Max results to return
where - SQL WHERE clause
orderby - SQL ORDER BY clause
days number of days to include in search.
Returns the RIB history for a given prefix/length. Default limit is 1000. Can use WHERE clause to filter on PeerName to restrict to a specific peer. Demo

Upstream BGP ASN's (peers)

List the upstream ASN's for the given ASN. This query simply looks at the AS PATH and parses out the LEFT most ASN next to the ASN provided.

For example

AS PATH 1 = 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
AS PATH 2 = 40 50 60 70 400 888 600 700
A query on ASN = 400 returns { 300, 70 } since both of those ASN's are the left most ASN's next to ASN 400.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/upstream/{asn} List all upstream ASN's for the given ASN Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/upstream/{asn}/count List all upstream ASN's for the given ASN and count the number of distinct prefixes (each prefix/len + peer is counted) Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/upstream/{asn}/peer/count List all upstream ASN's for the given ASN and count the number of distinct prefixes per peer Demo

Downstream BGP ASN's (peers)

List the downstream ASN's for the given ASN. This query simply looks at the AS PATH and parses out the RIGHT most ASN next to the ASN provided. This will return a an empty ASN which is for itself.

For example

AS PATH 1 = 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
AS PATH 2 = 40 50 60 70 400 888 600 700
A query on ASN = 400 returns { 500, 888 } since both of those ASN's are the right most ASN's next to ASN 400.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/downstream/{asn} List all downstream ASN's for the given ASN Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/downstream/{asn}/count List all downstream ASN's for the given ASN and count the number of distinct prefixes (each prefix/len + peer is counted) Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/downstream/{asn}/peer/count List all downstream ASN's for the given ASN and count the number of distinct prefixes per peer Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/downstream/peer/{peerHashId} Distinctly lists the ASN's that are directly to the right of the peer ASN. E.g. ASPath's { "10 20, 30", "10 9 8"} would produce a list containing 20 and 9 since those ASNs are to the right of the peering ASN of 10. Each AS will have the ASN name, organization, and country. Demo

Updates Over Time

Each update is logged. Attributes that vary by router/peer/prefix will get an update log entry.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/updates/top limit - Max results to return
hours - Number of hours to include in top
Return the top prefixes by number of updates in past 'hours'. Limit defaults to 25 and hours defaults to 2. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/updates/peer/{peerHashId}/top limit - Max results to return
hours - Number of hours to include in top
For given peer, return the top prefixes by number of updates in past 'hours'. Limit defaults to 25 and hours defaults to 2. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/updates/top/interval/{minutes} minutes - Interval in minutes
limit - Max results to return
hours - Number of hours to include in top
Return the count of updates per interval for up to max limit size. Limit defaults to 25. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/updates/peer/{peerHashId}/top/interval/{minutes} minutes - Interval in minutes
limit - Max results to return
hours - Number of hours to include in top
For given peer, return the count of updates per interval for up to max limit size. Limit defaults to 25. Demo

Withdrawns Over Time

Each prefix withdrawn is logged.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/withdrawns/top limit - Max results to return
hours - Number of hours to include in top
Return the top prefixes by number of prefixes withdrawn in past 'hours'. Limit defaults to 25 and hours defaults to 2. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/withdrawns/peer/{peerHashId}/top limit - Max results to return
hours - Number of hours to include in top
For given peer, return the top prefixes by number of prefixes withdrawn in past 'hours'. Limit defaults to 25 and hours defaults to 2. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/withdrawns/top/interval/{minutes} minutes - Interval in minutes
limit - Max results to return
hours - Number of hours to include in top
Return the count of updates per interval for up to max limit size. Limit defaults to 25. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/withdrawns/peer/{peerHashId}/top/interval/{minutes} minutes - Interval in minutes
limit - Max results to return
hours - Number of hours to include in top
Return the count of updates per interval for up to max limit size. Limit defaults to 25. Demo

AS Stastistics

Per ASN statistics

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/asn_stats limit - Max results to return
Returns a list of all active ASN's in the DB Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/asn_stats/{asn} limit - Max results to return
Returns the AS statistics for the provided ASN Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/asn_stats/ipv4 IPv4 limit - Max results to return
topTransit= Get the top transit prefixes
topOrigin= Get the top originating ASN's
Get the top ASN's originating prefixes or that are transit to other ASN's Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/asn_stats/ipv6 IPv6 limit - Max results to return
topTransit= Get the top transit prefixes
topOrigin= Get the top originating ASN's
Get the top ASN's originating prefixes or that are transit to other ASN's Demo

Whois ASN Information

Whois information for ASN's

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/whois/asn where - SQL WHERE clause

limit - Max results to return

Returns all whois information [Demo]( like%20'%cisco%')
GET /db_rest/v1/whois/asn/count where - SQL WHERE clause

Returns the count of ASN matches based on WHERE clause [Demo]( like%20'%cisco%')
GET /db_rest/v1/whois/asn/{asn} where - SQL WHERE clause Returns the whois info for the given ASN Demo

Geolocation IP Information

Geolocation IP address information from DB-IP, IP2Location, or MaxMind.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/geoip/{IP} where - SQL WHERE clause Returns the geolocation data based on the IP supplied Demo

BGP-LS Information

BGP-LS general/raw link state DB information

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/nodes where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Returns the list of link state nodes Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/nodes/peer/{peerHashId} where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Returns the list of link state nodes for the given peer hash id

Get the peer hash ID by listing the nodes.
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/nodes/peer/{peerHashId}/{nodeHashId} where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Returns the the specific node by peer hash id and node hash id

Get the node and peer hash ID by listing the nodes.
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/links where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Returns the list of link state links Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/links/peer/{peerHashId} where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Returns the list of link state links for given peer hash id Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/prefixes where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Returns the list of link state prefixes Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/prefixes/peer/{peerHashId} where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Returns the list of link state prefixes for given peer hash id Demo

BGP-LS SPF Information

BGP-LS shortest path first (SPF) information.

Running any GET below will result in a SPF generated routing table rooted at the given router id. IS-IS will have a router ID as well, so we use router id regardless of OSPF or IS-IS. This keeps it consistent between the two.

In order to ensure that fast/repeated queries do not result in running SPF's when there's no change, there is a built in timer that will only generate a new RIB for the given protocol and router ID at most every 15 seconds.

SPF's are calculated on a per-BGP-peer basis. A single BGP peer provides all link state information so the SPF does not need to span multiple bgp-ls peers. You should first run a GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/nodes to identify which peer and node you would like to run the SPF against.

Method URI Parameters Description Demo URL
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/spf/peer/{peerHashId}/ospf/{routerId} where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Runs OSPF SPF and generates a RIB for the given bgp-ls peer and router-id. The generated RIB is returned. Demo
GET /db_rest/v1/linkstate/spf/peer/{peerHashId}/isis/{routerId} where - SQL WHERE clause
limit - Limit the number of results
orderby - Order by clause
Runs IS-IS SPF and generates a RIB for the given bgp-ls peer and router-id. The generated RIB is returned. Demo

Drawing the topology

The returned result will contain two path columns/fields.

  • path_hash_ids - Comma delimited list of node hash ID's
  • path_router_ids - Comma delimited list of node router ID's

The first entry in the path will always be the root node. For example, if the SPF was ran for, then will be the first path entry. The last entry in the path will always be the node where the prefix originates.

   prefix: "",
   Type: "0",
   metric: 21,
   src_router_id: "",
   nei_router_id: "",
   path_router_ids: ",,",
   path_hash_ids: "0ec92251bd07fc3a917ace4fcc564c83,d9ea9b11a9c9e2a9e91acfb91711f4a8,af17bf43842d5bac5702c5971334cce0",
   neighbor_addr: "",
   peer_hash_id: "54ecaeeec115457cbce466ff48857aa7"


Source is available in Github

Before building, edit the src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml file and change the settings to match your DB install (username, password, and hostname).

To build the WAR file, run mvn clean package

You have to have maven version 3 installed. To install maven see maven3


To install, simply copy the db_rest.war file to the <tomcat>/webapps directory.


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