DealHub is a a web application that allow users to post deals on products and services.
Build with
- Django
- DaisyUI
- Postgres
- Docker
- Docker
- Curl
curl -fsSL | bash
- Docker Desktop
Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(""))
cd DealHub ./scripts/
- Go to the admin panel http://localhost:8000/admin
- Login with the credentials you provided during the installation
- Go to the Categories section and create a new category
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Python 3.10 or higher
- Poetry
- Git
- Docker
Clone the repository: This will create a copy of this project on your local machine.
git clone
Install dependencies: Navigate into the cloned project's directory and install the necessary dependencies.
cd DealHub python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment: This step ensures that the hooks are installed and active.
Install dependencies
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
Copy .env.example to .env
mv .env.example .env
Start docker desktop app
Run the application: This will start the application on your local machine.
Install Poetry: Poetry is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. You can use pipx to install it globally, which is recommended.
pipx install poetry
Clone the repository: This will create a copy of this project on your local machine.
git clone
Install dependencies: Navigate into the cloned project's directory and install the necessary dependencies.
cd DealHub poetry install
Activate the virtual environment: This step ensures that the hooks are installed and active.
poetry shell
Run the application: This will start the application on your local machine.
© Copyright by Adrian Ciołek (@Qwizi), Mateusz Cyran (@Kuis03), Kamil Duszyński (@VirdisPl), Dawid Dymek (@dawiddymek1108), Nikodem Decewicz (Szimurka).