--> Playlist content will keep on updating and it contains or will contain topics related to
1. Cryptography --> Done
2. Lab Setup + Network and OS Fundamentals --> Done
3. System Security --> Basics Done --> Higher level topics will be added with Labs
4. Network Security --> To Be Released
5. Web Application Security --> To Be Released
6. Android Application Security --> To Be Released
7. Cloud Fundamentals --> To Be Released
8. Cloud Security --> To Be Released
๐บ Fundamentals
Understanding CIA Triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) | Common Security Standards |
!Understanding CIA Triad (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability)](https://youtu.be/J-c3SydXA4A?si=_NCr9wewAgnTi11V) |
Different Teams | Types of Testing |
Five Phase of Hacking | Common Terms |
๐บ Cryptography
๐ฅ Encoding - Decoding | ๐ฅ Encrypption - Decryption |
๐ฅ Video 3 | ๐ฅ Digital Signatures and Certificates |
๐บ Lab Setup + Network and OS Fundamentals
Windows Installation in VMWare Pro | Kali Linux Installation in VMWare Pro |
Linux Introduction Part 1 | Linux Introduction Part 2 |
Introduction to Network and Topology | Intra Network Packet Transmission |
Inter Network Packet Transmission | IP Address Structure and there Classification |
Public and Private IP Allocation | Subnatting & Supernatting |
๐บ Basic Malware and System Exploitation Techniques
Windows Lock Screen Bypass | Malware Part 1 |
Malware Part 2 | Malware Part 3 |
Malware Part 4 | Network Connection and Traffic |
Memory Stack Introduction Part 1 | Memory Stack Introduction Part 2 |
Memory Corruption and Buffer Overflow | Eternal Blue or MS-17-010 or CVE-2017-0144 |