script is intended to run after fresh Arch Linux install. Launching without thorough understanding can lead to serious issues with compatibility, security and performance. Use at your own risk.
# Run the script from tty to avoid crashing Hyprland
bash <(curl -s "")
Label | Application |
Operating System | Arch Linux |
Window Manager | Hyprland |
Status Bar | Waybar |
App Launcher | Rofi-wayland |
Session Manager | Wlogout |
Notifications | SwayNC |
Web Browser | Zen Browser |
Terminal | Kitty |
Terminal Multiplexer | Zellij |
Text Editor | Emacs |
GTK Theme | Tokyonight-Dark |
Shell | Zsh |
Zsh Theme | Powerlevel10k |
Fonts | Meslo NF / JetBrains Mono NF |
Media Player | Mpv |
Wallpaper Loader | Swaybg |
Wallpapers | Twilight4/wallpapers |