Daemon for fast and flexible stats aggregation and collection
Penguin daemon listens for statistics like counters, gauges, histogram ... etc, sent over HTTP and expose them to prometheus. Penguin is inspired by statsd and this article but still it is pretty different from statsd.
Download the latest penguin binary. Make it executable from everywhere.
$ curl -sL https://github.com/uptimedog/penguin/releases/download/vx.x.x/penguin_x.x.x_OS.tar.gz | tar xz
Create a config file from config.dist.yml
# App configs
# App name
name: ${PENGUIN_NAME:-penguin}
# Env mode (dev or prod)
mode: ${PENGUIN_MODE:-dev}
# HTTP port
port: ${PENGUIN_PORT:-8000}
# Hostname
hostname: ${PENGUIN_HOSTNAME:-}
# TLS configs
status: ${PENGUIN_TLS_STATUS:-off}
crt_path: ${PENGUIN_TLS_PEMPATH:-cert/server.crt}
key_path: ${PENGUIN_TLS_KEYPATH:-cert/server.key}
# Global timeout
timeout: ${PENGUIN_TIMEOUT:-50}
# API Key
api_key: ${PENGUIN_API_KEY:-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx}
# Log configs
# Log level, it can be debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal
level: ${PENGUIN_LOG_LEVEL:-debug}
# Output can be stdout or abs path to log file /var/logs/penguin.log
output: ${PENGUIN_LOG_OUTPUT:-stdout}
# Format can be json
format: ${PENGUIN_LOG_FORMAT:-json}
Run Penguin
$ penguin server -c /absolute/path/to/config.yml
Send metrics to penguin HTTP endpoint
curl -X POST \
-H "X-API-KEY: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" \
-d '{"type":"counter","name":"penguin_orders","help":"the amount of orders.","method":"inc","value":1,"labels":{"type":"trousers"}}' \ -v
Configure prometheus to scrape this URL
To build and run with docker
$ docker build -t clivern/penguin:v1.0.3 .
$ docker run -d -p 8000:8000 clivern/penguin:v1.0.3
# For admins
$ docker push clivern/penguin:v1.0.3
For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, Penguin is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines and release process is predictable and business-friendly.
See the Releases section of our GitHub project for changelogs for each release version of Penguin. It contains summaries of the most noteworthy changes made in each release.
If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or annoyances please report them to our issue tracker at https://github.com/uptimedog/penguin/issues
If you discover a security vulnerability within Penguin, please send an email to hello@clivern.com
We are an open source, community-driven project so please feel free to join us. see the contributing guidelines for more details.
Β© 2020, Uptimedog. Released under MIT License.
Penguin is authored and maintained by @Uptimedog.