Ask questions to your code base using the power of LLMs.
pip install git+
askcode --help
askcode - Chat with your code base with the power of LLMs.
askcode <flags>
Chat with your code base with the power of LLMs.
-c, --codebase_path=CODEBASE_PATH
Type: str
Default: '.'
path to your codebase
Type: str
Default: 'python'
programming language ['python', 'javascript'] at the moment
-p, --parser_threshold=PARSER_THRESHOLD
Type: int
Default: 0
minimum lines needed to activate parsing (0 by default).
Type: int
Default: 256
Maximum size of chunks to return
Type: int
Default: 50
Overlap in characters between chunks
Type: bool
Default: True
use hugging face models, if False OpenAI models will be used
Type: str
Default: 'TheBloke/CodeLlama-7B-...
Large language model name (HF model name or OpenAI model)
-e, --embeddings_model=EMBEDDINGS_MODEL
Type: str
Default: 'sentence-...
Embeddings model (HF model name or OpenAI model)
Type: str
Default: 'mmr'
Defines the type of search that the Retriever should perform. Can be "similarity" (default), "mmr", or "similarity_score_threshold".
Type: int
Default: 4
Amount of documents to return (Default: 4)
-m, --max_new_tokens=MAX_NEW_TOKENS
Type: int
Default: 50
Maximum tokens to generate
Type: float
Default: 0.1
sampling temperature
Type: float
Default: 0.9
sampling top_p
Type: float
Default: 1.0
sampling repetition_penalty
Type: bool
Default: True
Set it to True to use Quantized AutoGPTQ models