Allow to bind any hotkey in the OS to send a keyStroke to a remote PC via http.
E.g. you press alt+1
on your PC and remote one send a keyStroke F1
You will need to install a client on a remote pc
Possible interactions:
- Mouse move, click
- Keyboard events
- Running executabe files or killing executable
- Operating windows, like focus, resize
The client server app both use mutual TLS authentication. You can use my helper script to generate certificates with
bash ./
It will generate:
- self-sign CA certificate with its private key and put CA cert into both ./certs/ca-cert.pem and ./client/ca-cert.pem
- server and client private key in the ./certs/key.pem and ./client/key.pem
- server and client certificate that are signed with CA private key and put it into ./certs/cert.pem and ./client/cert.pem
Leave certs directory in the project or within the same directory you are running app executable file. Copy client directory to the remote PC where you have the client
If client and server certificates are different you'll get an exception on startup that server is unable to connnect to the client
Create a config mapper file in the PC that you want to controll other PCs from. .The file should be named as configs/config.jsonc and be with the same directory as your app.exe. Check config documentation in in release section here.
Also you can find json schema in the releases. You can use any editor that support json schema. E.g. Just paste the content from json-schema.json into the left panel of it, and you can write your config in the right panel.
- Download application from releases
- You already have your configs/config.jsonc described in config
- Put server sertificate into
directory which is in the same directory as app.exe - run app.exe as regular user.
- If it crasher, run it from cmd to get output
You need cmake, yarn, node version 18 or nvm, and a proper C/C++ compiler toolchain of the given platform
- Visual C++ Build Tools. If you installed nodejs with the installer, you can install these when prompted.
- An alternate way is to install the Chocolatey package manager, and run
choco install visualstudio2017-workload-vctools
in an Administrator Powershell - If you have multiple versions installed, you can select a specific version with
npm config set msvs_version 2017
(Note: this will also affectnode-gyp
) - cmake,
- Node version 18 or nvm
- yarn.
- brew install cmake nvm yarn
- sudo pacman -S xcb-util-wm nvm yarn cmake g++
To build the client you need
nvm use 18 # If you already have node 18, skip it
yarn # install depenencies
yarn build:local # builds native c++ modules
yarn start # starts a nestjs server
If you want to debug native code, you need to build native module in a debug mode, yarn build:local
already does it. Then you can attach to the nodejs process via gdb from Clion which should pull sourcemaps and allow to put breakpoints in native code. In order to start the process, you can still use yarn start
, as soon as native module loads it will pull the breakpoints from IDE.
In order to have proper syntax highlight from nodejs headers, you have to manually add them to Clion configs:
Open Settings -> Cmake -> Add configuration
Add Cmake options:
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-I/home/andrew/.nvm/versions/node/v18.18.2/include/node -I/home/andrew/it/my-projects/http-remote-pc-control/node_modules/node-addon-api"
Replace /home/andrew/ to your home directory. Do not use ~
alias, should be absolute path.