Simple human readable intervals for those that don't want to go to time prison.
Handy interval diff object for customisable, rounded, human readable phrases such as "in 3 days", "12 years ago", "a minute ago", "just now".
- Small
- Mighty
- No dependencies
- Easy to use
- You won't go to time prison for messing with time
Inspiration take from Carbon
$ yarn add shleemy
$ npm i shleemy
Get human readable values with tense information
import { shleemy } from "shleemy";
const interval = shleemy(new Date());
console.log(interval.forHumans); // "just now"
console.log(interval.tense); // "present"
import { shleemy } from "shleemy";
const date = new Date();
date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() - 3);
console.log(shleemy(date).forHumans); // "3 minutes ago"
console.log(shleemy(date).tense); // "past"
import { shleemy } from "shleemy";
const date = new Date();
date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + 70);
console.log(shleemy(date).forHumans); // "in an hour"
console.log(shleemy(date).tense); // "future"
import { shleemy } from "shleemy";
const date = new Date();
date.setHours(date.getHours() - 3);
console.log(shleemy(date).roundedHours); // 3
import { shleemy } from "shleemy";
const date = new Date();
date.setDays(date.getDays() - 12);
console.log(shleemy(date).roundedDays); // 12
console.log(shleemy(date).roundedWeeks); // 1
const date = new Date();
date.setDays(date.getDays() - 12);
const interval = shleemy(date);
console.log(interval.time); // 12:34
console.log(; // 12/03/2021
No locale as of now, so you backwards date people will have to do with day/month/year. Soz
The Shleemy object can be used as a string!
import { shleemy } from "shleemy";
const date = new Date();
date.setDays(date.getDays() - 12);
const interval = shleemy(date);
console.log(`added ${interval}`); // added 12 days ago;
console.log(`${interval.replace('days', 'yonders')}`); // 12 yonders ago;
Available properties
import { shleemy } from "shleemy";
const date = new Date();
date.setDays(date.getDays() - 12);
const interval = shleemy(date);
console.log('seconds', interval.seconds);
console.log('rounded seconds', interval.roundedSeconds);
console.log('minutes', interval.minutes);
console.log('rounded minutes', interval.roundedMinutes);
console.log('hours', interval.hours);
console.log('rounded hours', interval.roundedHours);
console.log('days', interval.days);
console.log('rounded days', interval.roundedDays);
console.log('weeks', interval.weeks);
console.log('rounded weeks', interval.roundedWeeks);
console.log('months', interval.months);
console.log('rounded months', interval.roundedMonths);
console.log('years', interval.years);
console.log('rounded years', interval.roundedYears);
console.log('tense', interval.tense);
All properties will be positive values. You cannot have -3 days in the 4th dimension. Use
for past/present/future value
import { shleemy, ShleemyInterval } from "shleemy";
const date = new Date();
date.setDays(date.getDays() - 12);
const toDate = new Date();
toDate.setDays(toDate.getDays() - 20);
shleemy(date, {
toDate: toDate, // default: new Date() (now)
rounding: 'ceil', // default: floor
humanReadable: {
past: (value, interval) => `${value} ${ShleemyInterval.pluralInterval(value, interval)} yonders ago`, // default: ShleemyInterval.toHumanReadablePast
future: (value, interval) => `in ${value} ${ShleemyInterval.pluralInterval(value, interval)} and you get the idea`, // default: ShleemyInterval.toHumanReadableFuture
present: () => `seconds ago!`, // default: "just now"
); // 8