Chorus is a distributed, vendor-agnostic, S3-compatible tool for backup, migration, and routing. It enables:
- Faster data transfers between S3 storages using multiple machines.
- Resumable transfers with checkpointing on failure.
- Syncing of existing buckets, objects, and metadata (e.g., ACLs) from source to destination S3.
- Real-time capture and propagation of bucket/object changes.
- Routing of S3 requests to different storages based on user-defined rules.
- Reduce downtime up to zero for switching to different S3 provider.
Listed features can be configured per S3 user and per bucket with management CLI, REST/gRPC API, or WebUI.
Chorus S3 Proxy service responsible for routing S3 requests and capturing data change events. Chorus Agent can be used as an alternative solution for capturing events instead of Proxy. Chorus Worker service does actual data replication with the help of RClone. Worker also hosts management API so it is a central and the only required component to start with Chorus. Communication between Proxy/Agent and Worker is done over work queue. Asynq with Redis is used as a work queue.
For more details, see:
- Proxy
- Worker
- Agent
- Management CLI
- Web UI
- Standalone - all-in-one binary. Local playground with zero dependencies.
- Documentation available at
- Project Blog.
For a hands-on introduction, use the docker-compose example. It includes a step-by-step README and sample configurations—ideal if you’re familiar with Docker and S3.
If using containers is not an option, try to run standalone binary. It bundles all docker-compose services into one executable, letting you follow the same steps without containers.
Requires Go language. Clone and build with:
git clone && cd chorus
# Run worker
go run ./cmd/worker
# Build worker binary
go build ./cmd/worker
# Run with custom config
go run ./cmd/worker -config <path-to-worker.yaml>
go run ./cmd/proxy -config <path-to-proxy.yaml>
go run ./cmd/agent -config <path-to-agent.yaml>
Or install globally:
# Ensure $GOPATH/bin is in $PATH
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
# Install binaries
go install
go install
go install
go install
# Run with config
worker -config <path-to-worker.yaml>
Download binaries for Linux, Windows, and macOS from GitHub releases page.
Multi-platform images are available at:
docker run -v /path/to/worker.yaml:/bin/config/config.yaml
Built from Dockerfile and ui/Dockerfile.
See also docker-compose example.
Deploy with Helm:
helm install <release name> oci://
The chart source is located in deploy/chorus.
Chorus is written in Go—no other dependencies are required to build, run, or test.
Test package contains e2e tests for replications between S3 storages. It starts:
All listed tools are written in go so test can be run without external dependencies just by:
go test ./test/...
Tests emulate real-world scenarios like:
- replication of existing buckets and objects with metadata
- capturing and syncing live bucket/object changes during migration
- switching between S3 endpoints with and without downtime
- access S3 with Chorus Proxy
- data migration integrity check
Chorus worker implements gRPC server defined in proto/chorus/chorus.proto. It also provides REST API which is automatically generated from the proto file with grpc-gateway. GRPC<->REST mappings are defined in proto/http.yaml.
Steps to add new API:
- Add new service or endpoint definition to proto/chorus/chorus.proto
- Add corresponding mapping to proto/http.yaml
- Run
to generate go client, server, and openapi definitions to proto/gen directory. - Implement new service or endpoint in pkg/api
- Support new API in chorctl and WebUI clients.