- Bothell, WA, USA
- @ealsur
- https://www.threads.net/@ealsur.dev
Distributed cache implemented with Azure Cosmos DB
This is the source code for the original Microsoft 3D Movie Maker released in 1995. This is not supported software.
🙈 Volkswagen detects when your tests are being run in a CI server, and makes them pass.
.NET SDK for Azure Cosmos DB for the core SQL API
A simple an easy to use web based scale manager for Azure Cosmos DB
Reference Solution for Real-Time Data Analysis with Cosmos DB Change Feed (+ Azure Functions, Azure Event Hubs, Azure Stream Analytics, Power BI)
Sample Demonstration using azure cosmosdb and azure function CRUD operation
The automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET. Heavily inspired by Square's Retrofit library, Refit turns your REST API into a live interface.
This workshop has been migrated to https://github.com/dotnet-presentations/aspnetcore-app-workshop
DEPRECATED An Azure role that configures ARR as a sticky session load balancer
Postman collection demonstrating REST access for DocumentDB
A book series (2 published editions) on the JS language.
A UI state management library to build js apps against Azure Search
Set of useful Azure Functions for doing advanced text processing such as Text Summarization and OCR on unstructured documents using Cognitive Services and Azure Functions
Shell for running DocumentDb statements for automating commands to run against a documentdb database
OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) Specification code generator. Supports C#, PowerShell, Go, Java, Node.js, TypeScript, Python
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for .NET. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/azure/ or our ver…
Tool for importing CSV data to an Azure Search index
A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning …
Compiles C# code by first rewriting the syntax trees of LINQ expressions using plain procedural code, minimizing allocations and dynamic dispatch.
Leveraging WikiPedia as a source for generation of synonyms beyond just typical english words
Sample solution showing .NET Core DI in ASP.NET and Console apps