A music streaming app for Subsonic-compatible servers
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Official firmware under devolpement for MSX++ computers and compatibles: 1chipMSX, Zemmix Neo (KR/BR), SX-1 (regular, Mini, Mini+), SM-X and SX-2.
Schematics, drivers, debug tools, to make USB devices on the MSX a reality
Fully annotated disassembly of the original Metal Gear game (MSX2, Konami, 1987, RC750)
Basic functions for the managing C Strings (array of characters)
Libraries to access Z80 memory and MSX computer slots/subslots.
Obsolete Procedure Call (OPC) is a protocol intended for performing remote access to a machine that is controlled (or simulates being controlled) by a Z80 processor.
The MSX Red Book in Markdown format.
A Japanese dictionary resource that attaches furigana to individual words
Airtunes emulator! Shairport is no longer maintained.
Custom Wars Tactics - An effort to create an open engine to emulate the gaming experience of the Nintendo Advance Wars series.
A Puppet Face for interacting with all the exported resources stored in puppet database