- Toronto ON
- Pro
This is a Experimental version of OpenCL by AMD Research, we now recommend you to use The official BVLC Caffe OpenCL branch is over at Caffe branch now at https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/tree/opencl
Shared Memory Numpy ( Deprecated, See https://github.com/ContinuumIO/blaze )
jaberg / plotsk
Forked from davidcox/plotskA simple Python library for plotting data in a web browser
Github fork of SMAC (v.1.0.1) from http://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/beta/Projects/SMAC/
jaberg / numba
Forked from numba/numbaNumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
A quick and dirty Python port of Eero Simoncelli's matlabPyrTools
jaberg / collustro
Forked from braingram/collustroExplore data using python and d3
NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
Python audio feature extraction and classification (uses Theano)
General purpose Hessian-free optimization in Theano
Python decorators for pattern matching function dispatch
A quick and dirty Python port of Eero Simoncelli's matlabPyrTools
A simple Python library for plotting data in a web browser -- NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME
jaberg / showboat
Forked from davidcox/showboatA tool for hackers who want complete control over their slide presentations
A tool for hackers who want complete control over their slide presentations
Modular Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) implementation using Theano
A Conv3D implementation for Theano based on Conv2d, so that it works on GPU
jaberg / asgd
Forked from npinto/asgdAveraged Stochastic Gradient Descent Classifiers