ZX Spectrum Emulator in Python and C++
- Designed to be suitable for research and development purposes such as unattended testing of Spectrum software, timing analysis, etc.
- Meant to be easy to customize and re-use via Python interfaces.
- Fast and accurate emulation.
- Based on the fast and flexible Z80 emulator.
- General status: working pre-alpha.
- Supported machines: 48K only for now.
- Display: multi-colour effects, accurate timings.
- Sound: EAR beeper supported.
- Tape: TAP and TZX formats supported as well as conversion to WAV.
- Snapshots: Z80.
- Playback recordings: RZX.
For the latest release:
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
$ pip install zx
Or directly from the repository for current development version:
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
$ pip install git+https://github.com/kosarev/zx
Local development setups are also supported:
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/kosarev/zx
$ cd zx
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel
$ pip install --editable .
$ zx
displays help.
is to save snapshot.
is to load snapshot or tape file.
pauses/resumes tape.
and ESC
quit the emulator.
and double click switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.
and mouse click pause/resume emulation or RZX playback.
Any Spectrum key stroke resumes emulation and leaves the RZX playback mode back to the regular emulation mode.
$ zx elven.z80
$ zx exolon.rzx
$ zx https://www.worldofspectrum.org/pub/sinclair/games/e/EricTheFloaters.tzx.zip
Snapshots: .z80
Tapes: .tap
, .tzx
, .wav
Playbacks: .rzx
Screenshots: .scr
ZX Basic compiler sources: .zxb
Archives: .zip
$ zx jack.tzx jack.wav
$ zx eric.tap eric.z80
$ zx dump rick.z80
OrderedDict([('id', 'z80_snapshot'), ('a', 213), ('f', 66), ...
On the dump
command, zx parses the specified file (that can
be of any supported format) in the form of raw Python data.