jTable is a jQuery plugin used to create AJAX based CRUD tables without coding HTML or Javascript. It has several features including:
- Automatically creates HTML table and loads records from server using AJAX.
- Creates 'create new record' jQueryUI dialog form. When user creates a record, it sends data to server using AJAX and adds the same record to the table in the page.
- Creates 'edit record' jQueryUI dialog form. When user edits a record, it updates server using AJAX and updates all cells on the table in the page.
- Allow user to 'delete a record' by jQueryUI dialog based confirmation. When user deletes a record, it deletes the record from server using AJAX and deletes the record from the table in the page.
- Shows animations for create/delete/edit operations on the table.
- Supports server side paging using AJAX.
- Supports server side sorting using AJAX.
- Supports master/child tables.
- Allows user to select rows.
- Allows user to resize columns.
- Allows user to show/hide columns.
- Exposes some events to enable validation with forms.
- It can be localized easily.
- All styling of table and forms are defined in a CSS file, so you can easily change style of everything to use plugin in your pages. CSS file is well defined and commented.
- It comes with pre-defined color themes.
- It is not depended on any server side technology.
- It is platform independed and works on all common browsers.
See the wiki for documentation, demos, themes and more...