"OH NO! Another &^%ing LISP written in Python??!"
This one is different from the others I've studied in that it:
- Has been written in continuation-passing-style (CPS) and uses trampolines throughout (see refs) so it won't blow up the Python runtime stack,
- Is usable enough to get through ``Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs'' (SICP aka the Wizard Book, see the references below),
- Has tail-call support, and
- Has first-class continuations with unlimited extent.
It weighs in at ~1800 Python SLOC and ~550 LISP SLOC (for the standard library). This may seem like a lot, but there's a lot in there -- see "The Language" below.
If you think of something actually useful to do with a lisp-embedded-in-python, please let me know.
./lisp.py -
to run the REPL and
./lisp.py examples/factorial.lisp
to run code from a file. Finally,
./lisp.py file1 file2 ... fileN -
loads the specified files and then enters the REPL.
Note that lisp.lisp
is automatically loaded by lisp.py
The core language is pretty much complete I think:
Special Form | Description |
(begin e1 e2 ...) |
evaluate the expressions in order and return the value of the last one |
(cond ((p c) ...) |
return the Consequent for the Predicate that returns true |
(define sym value) |
bind value to sym in the current environment |
(define (sym args) body) |
bind (lambda (args) body) to sym in the current environment |
(if p c a) |
if Predicate then Consequent else Alternative |
(lambda (args) body) |
create a function |
(quasiquote x) |
aka `, begin quasiquoted form |
(quote obj) |
aka ' , returns obj unevaluated |
(set! sym value) |
redefine the innermost definition of sym |
(special sym proc) |
define a special form |
(special (sym args) body) |
define a special form as (lambda (args) body) |
(trap obj) |
returns a list containing a success-flag and a result or error message |
(unquote x) |
aka , unquote x |
(unquote-splicing x) |
aka ,@ unquote and splice in x |
Quasi-quotation is supported; see lisp.lisp
for some examples. There is no
macro system in this LISP, just quasiquote.
Primitive | Description (see the source) |
() |
the empty list aka false |
#t |
true singleton |
(apply proc args) |
call proc with args |
(atom? obj) |
return true if obj is an atom: () #t or symbol |
(call/cc (lambda (cc) body)) |
also call-with-current-continuation |
(call/cc) |
fast sugar for (call/cc (lambda (cc) cc)) |
(car list) |
head of list |
(cdr list) |
tail of list |
(cons obj1 obj2) |
create a pair or prepend obj1 to list obj2 |
(/ n1 n2) |
return n1 / n2 |
(eq? x y) |
return true if the atoms x and y are the same |
(equal? n1 n2) |
return #t if n1 and n2 are equal else () |
(error obj) |
raise lcore.error with obj |
(eval obj) |
evaluate obj |
(eval obj n_up) |
evaluate obj up n_up namespaces |
(exit obj) |
raise SystemExit with the given obj |
(< n1 n2) |
return #t if n1 < n2 else () |
(list ...) |
construct list from arguments |
(* n1 n2) |
return n1 * n2 |
(nand n1 n2) |
return ~(n1 & n2) |
(null? x) |
return #t if x is () else () |
(pair? x) |
return #t if x is a pair, else () |
(print ...) |
print a list of objects space-separated followed by a newline |
(range start stop step) |
same as the python function but return a list |
(set-car! pair value) |
set the car of a pair |
(set-cdr! pair value) |
set the cdr of a pair |
(- n1 n2) |
return n1 - n2 |
(type obj) |
return a symbol representing the type of obj |
You'll note that +
is not in the list. It is implemented in the standard
library in terms of subtraction. nand
is used to create all of the usual
basic bitwise ops. There's no predefined I/O either since it isn't clear
what is wanted there, but this code is very easy to extend. Also, see the
next section on the FFI interface.
The lisp.lisp
standard library defines a bunch of procedures in LISP:
Name | Description |
(+ x y) |
return x + y |
(& x y) |
bitwise and |
(| x y) |
bitwise or |
(^ x y) |
bitwise exclusive-or |
(~ x) |
invert bits of x |
(>= x y) |
return #t if x >= y else () |
(<= x y) |
return #t if x <= y else () |
(> x y) |
return #t if x > y else () |
(abs x) |
absolute value |
(and ...) |
logical-and or args |
(assert expr) |
raise an error unless expr is true |
(caddr)...(caddddr) |
extract initial elements from a list |
(copysign x y) |
return |x| with sign of y |
(fold-left f x0 list) |
see SICP p.158-65 |
(fold-right f x0 list) |
see SICP p.158-65 |
(for f start stop step) |
call (f i) for each i in the given range |
(foreach f list) |
call f for each element of list discarding the results |
(ftranspose f lists) |
similar to map but over the transpose of lists |
(gcd x y) |
greatest common divisor of x and y |
(iter-func f x0 n) |
compose f with itself n times |
(join list ...) |
concatenate lists |
(last list) |
return the last element of list |
(length list) |
return the length of list |
(let ((var value) ...) body) |
same as ((lambda (vars) body) values) |
(let* ((var value ...) body) |
same but each value can access preceding vars |
(letrec ((var value) ...) body) |
same but all vars are pre-declared |
(loop f) |
infinite loop calling (f) |
(loop-with-break f) |
infinite loop calling (f break) , use (break) to terminate loop |
(lshift x n) |
bitwise left shift x by n bits |
(map f . lists) |
return list of (f x y ...) for each x,y,... in (map1 car lists) over lists |
(map1 f list) |
return list of (f x) for each x in list |
(mod n d) |
return n mod d |
(not x) |
logical negation of x |
(or ...) |
logical-or of args |
(queue) |
create a queue, see lisp.lisp |
(reverse list) |
return a reversed copy of list |
(rshift x n) |
bitwise right shift x by n bits |
(table compare-proc) |
create an associative table, see lisp.lisp |
(timeit proc reps) |
call (f i) for i=0..reps-1 and report timing info |
(transpose lists) |
equivalent to (ftranspose (lambda (x) x) lists) |
(while f) |
loop on (f) while (f) returns true |
Rather than adding everything under the sun as a built-in (I'm thinking of
the large number of functions in the math
module, specifically), I chose
to create a Foreign Function Interface (FFI) to Python to ease incorporating
additional things into this LISP-ish doodad. With this interface, Python gets
to work with native Python lists instead of LISP lists; values are converted
back and forth automatically.
The net result is that the math
module interface looks like
(math symbol args...)
so sin(x)
can be obtained with
(math 'sin x)
where (math)
is something close to (sans error checking):
def op_ffi_math(args):
import math
sym = args.pop(0)
return getattr(math, str(sym))(*args)
which gets you the whole math
module at once. See the "ffi" section of
for the whole scoop. There are interfaces to math
, random
and time
so far, along with some odds and ends like (shuffle)
require separate treatment. The basic support for FFI lives in lcore.py
and is trampolined as well -- so potentially recursive LISP<->Python
data structure conversions won't blow up the python stack. Just keep in
mind that this makes it slow! For example, (range 0 100000 1)
about 25ms (range
is implemented as an optimized primitive for
benchmarking); meanwhile,
def op_ffi_range(args):
start, stop, step = args
return list(range(start, stop, step))
takes over 1250ms.
The evaluator lives in 2 files: lcore.py
and lisp.py
. The runtime
engine lives in lcore.py
and is where the real action happens in
terms of trampolines, CPS, etc. The file lisp.py
implements all of
the special forms, primitives, LISP-Python Foreign Function
Interface (FFI), etc. on top of lcore.py
. A useful LISP runtime is
in the file lisp.lisp
and defines things like let/let*/letrec
Please pardon my goofy Pythonic LISP coding style. I'm new to LISP and haven't quite hit the groove yet.
Aside from the CPS thing, the code in lisp.py
is fairly
straightforward: each operator receives an lcore.Context
that contains the interpreter's execution state (registers, stack,
symbol table, and global environment) and returns a continuation. In
the python realm, a continuation is just a python function that is
called from Context.trampoline()
. The trampoline is really a means
of implementing goto
for languages that don't have goto
. Like
Python or C. CPS is goto-driven programming.
The code in lcore.py
is fairly optimized and is filled with
unidiomatic and somewhat bizarre constructs including gems like
_ = proc.__call__
[do something with callable proc]
except AttributeError:
instead of
if callable(proc):
[do something with callable proc]
if x.__class__ is list:
[do something]
instead of
if isinstance(x, list):
[do something]
What's happening here is the elimination of Python function/method calls at all costs; in particular, at the cost of readability :D Function calls are so expensive that eliminating them can give you a 100% speedup (CPython 3.10.12 Pop-OS! 22.04 LTS on a System76 i7-based Meerkat in low power mode).
Pairs are represented as 2-lists so cons(x, y)
is [x, y]
. This,
or its equivalent, is about the only thing that works with the
mutators set-car!
and set-cdr!
. In particular, using regular
Python lists as LISP lists breaks when you get to set-cdr!
The runtime stack is also implemented as a LISP linked list of pairs.
This is almost twice as fast as using the list.append()
methods (pronounced function calls). You get the
idea. This choice makes continuations cheap. If you use a regular
list for the stack, you have to slice the whole thing to create or
call a continuation.
The Context
class provides .push()
and .pop()
methods but
doesn't use them internally. The leval()
family of
functions inlines all of the stack operations for speed; this code
needs all the help it can get, speed-wise. You'll see things like
ctx.s = [x, ctx.s] ## push(x)
ret, ctx.s = ctx.s
return ret ## pop()
all over the place in lcore.py
Much of the code in lisp.py
is more traditional and idiomatic. It
uses .push()
, .pop()
, car()
, cdr()
, and so on to enhance
clarity and let you focus on what is going on instead of how
it's happening. The unary()
and binary()
helper functions are
optimized a bit because they're used so much. Certain other "hot
spots" have been optimized based on profiling data.
Passing circular data structures into the core will definitely cause infinite loops. Fixing this in general would have a grave performance impact and so it hasn't been done.
The Python GC is the LISP GC and so any LISP circular references should eventually get cleaned up.
Internal exceptions (wrong #args etc) generate Python exceptions
that are handled in the usual Python way; LISP exception handling
is very basic (see trap
See the __all__
portion of lcore.py
. The lisp.py
file is a
demo of the low-level stuff.
This code is licensed under the GPLv3:
lip - lisp in python
Copyright (C) 2025 Mark Hays (github:minmus-9)
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
The file LICENSE contains a copy of the full GPL text.
Here are some lisp-related refs that heavily influenced this code:
- https://web.mit.edu/6.001/6.037/sicp.pdf
- https://buildyourownlisp.com
- https://www.hashcollision.org/hkn/python/pyscheme/
- https://norvig.com/lispy.html
- https://norvig.com/lispy2.html
- https://github.com/rain-1/single_cream
- https://github.com/Robert-van-Engelen/tinylisp
- https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/317636.317779
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuation-passing_style
- https://blog.veitheller.de/Lets_Build_a_Quasiquoter.html
- https://paulgraham.com/rootsoflisp.html
- https://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/index.html
- https://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/recursive.pdf
- https://legacy.cs.indiana.edu/~dyb/papers/3imp.pdf
- https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/LispBook/book.pdf