Python interface to access reference genome features (such as genes, transcripts, and exons) from Ensembl
Embeddable genomic visualization component based on the Integrative Genomics Viewer
Mutation detection using GATK4 best practices and latest RNA editing filters resources. Works with both Hg38 and Hg19
Serverless authentication solution to protect your website or Amplify application
Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, gzip, bz2...)
Tools and sample code provided by AWS Premium Support.
Scalable Nucleotide Alignment Program -- a fast and accurate read aligner for high-throughput sequencing data
Clair: Exploring the limit of using deep neural network on pileup data for germline variant calling
Ultrafast consensus module for raw de novo genome assembly of long uncorrected reads
Versatile open-source tool for microbiome analysis
Test data to be used for automated testing with the nf-core pipelines
Benchmarking of long-read assembly tools for bacterial whole genomes
Data and analysis for NA12878 genome on nanopore
A tool for the calculation of RNA-editing index for RNA seq data
Assembly of RNA reads to determine the effect of a cancer mutation on protein sequence
Examples for the Google Genomics Pipelines API.
Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-Seq
RNA-seq analysis pipeline for detection of gene-fusions
Questions and answers about TOPmed, GTEx, and AGR resources.
A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines