Simple Threaded IRC Bot
sudo python install
import stirbot
bot = stirbot.IRCServer(server="", botnick="stirbot", channelist=['#stirbot'])
# These functions get executed when their corresponding regex is found in a "PRIVMSG" or "NOTICE"
# The Bot passes the following arguments to the commands function (in this order):
# <channel> (or nick if 1-1 chat)
# <nick> of person that sent the message
# <hostname> of nick
# <reMatch> object found in the message
# If, for some reason, other args are required they SHOULD BE OPTIONAL, the bot expects exactly 4
def oneHund(chan, nick, host, match):
bot.sendMessage(channel, "Because, %s, when I'm chillin here in %s, I keep it 100." % (nick, channel))
def hello(chan, nick, host, match):
bot.sendMessage(channel, "Hello there %s!" % nick)
def echo(chan, nick, host, match):
bot.sendMessage(channel, "%s" %
def quit(chan, nick, host, match):
# Here you can define: a dict of regex to search for in each "PRIVMSG" or "NOTICE" and the corresponding function to fire if the regex is found
# Note: if you try and define this dict before defining your command functions you will get an error
commands = {
'100': CommandHandle(r'(.*(why|Why).*%s.*|.*%s.*(why|Why).*)' % (bot.botnick, bot.botnick), oneHund),
'quit': CommandHandle(r'^!quit', quit),
'echo': CommandHandle(r'(.*)', echo),
# You would then load the dict into the bot using the following method
# Note: 'loadCommands' will OVERWRITE the entire current dict that resides in 'Bot.commands'
# Alternitvly you can add indivdual commands to the existing list using the 'addCommand' method
# Note: this will also 'update' a command if you use the same <name> argument as well as automagicly compile the regex
bot.addCommand('hello', r'.*hello.*|.*Hello.*|.*HELLO.*', hello) #<name><regex><function>
bot.removeCommand('echo') # remove the 'echo' commmand (is this fails or is removed then everything that is said is repeated)
# start the bot and start internal 'blocking' loop
bot() #THIS SHOULD BE THE END OF YOUR SCRIPT! (anything after this will be executed after the bot is shutdown)