I have a belief that theory teaches us nothing, it's actual implementation which does. I'm set out on a journey of implementing hard earned IT skills to write amazing lines of code. Loving every bit of my work, I am also a music freak & an ardent traveller.
- 🔭 Current Work: I'm currently working with ReactJS and NodeJS.
- 🌱 Interests: I enjoy working with Angular, Next.js, NestJS, and Node.js.
- 👯 Collaboration: I'm looking to collaborate on projects that matter.
- 🤔 Help Needed: I would appreciate assistance in implementing security vulnerability notifications for my GitHub repositories. 😄
- 💬 Ask Me About: Feel free to ask me about Web Technologies!
- 📫 Reach Out: You can connect with me at sangw.in.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him, संगविन
CONTACT ME : SANGW.IN | MyCV | imsangwin@gmail.com | LinkedIn | StackOverflow | GitHub