- Kanpur(UP), India
- https://shashikg.github.io/
WhisperS2T Public
An Optimized Speech-to-Text Pipeline for the Whisper Model Supporting Multiple Inference Engine
PixhawkArduinoMAVLink Public
Arduino Library to receive Pixhawk sensor's data.
LID-Code-Switching Public
Code repository for InterSpeech 2023 paper "Spoken Language Identification System for English-Mandarin Code-Switching Child-Directed Speech"
merlion-ccs-2023-baseline Public
Forked from MERLIon-Challenge/merlion-ccs-2023-baselinePython MIT License UpdatedFeb 18, 2023 -
transformer-punct-and-capit Public
BERT Tranformer Based Model for Punctuation and Capitalization Restoration
whisper Public
Forked from openai/whisperRobust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
fastDeploy Public
Forked from notAI-tech/fastDeployDeploy DL/ ML inference pipelines with minimal extra code.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 22, 2022 -
pyctcdecode Public
Forked from kensho-technologies/pyctcdecodeA fast and lightweight python-based CTC beam search decoder for speech recognition.
Course project for EE698R (2020-21 Sem 2). An X-Vector Based Speaker Diarization System with AutoEncoder based clustering method. Also supports spectral and KMeans clustering method.
tensorflow Public
Forked from tensorflow/tensorflowAn Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 25, 2021 -
Estimate 3D human poses from video recorded using multiple camera system
awesome-ubuntu-terminal Public
A list of terminal commands and tweaks that I frequently use
1 UpdatedOct 26, 2020 -
Course Project for CS771: Introduction to Machine Learning
Python UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
tf_deepRL Public
A framework for easy use of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm in Tensorflow
Python UpdatedSep 14, 2020 -
model-tools Public
Forked from brain-score/model-toolsHelper functions to extract model activations and translate from Machine Learning to Neuroscience
candidate_models Public
Forked from brain-score/candidate_modelsCandidate Models to evaluate on Brain-Score benchmarks
Python UpdatedJul 22, 2020 -
brain-score Public
Forked from brain-score/visionA framework for evaluating models on integrative brain measurements
brainio_collection Public
Forked from brain-score/brainio_collectioncollection of stimuli and data
brainio_contrib Public
Forked from brain-score/brainio_contribcontribute stimuli or data to BrainIO
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 15, 2020 -
EmotionRecognition Public
Detects Real Time Human Facial Emotions Trained on ICML 2013 dataset of Facial Expression Recognition Challenge on kaggle.
pytorch-lightning Public
Forked from Lightning-AI/pytorch-lightningThe lightweight PyTorch wrapper for ML researchers. Scale your models. Write less boilerplate
gym Public
Forked from openai/gymA toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
Python Other UpdatedMay 19, 2020 -
jsPsych Public
Forked from jspsych/jsPsychA JavaScript library for creating and running behavioral experiments in a web browser
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 13, 2020 -
BCS_Workshop_Apr_20 Public
Forked from bcs-iitk/BCS_Workshop_Apr_20Workshop on basic machine learning, computational modeling, psychophysics, basic data analysis and experiment design
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 24, 2020 -
dlaicourse Public
Forked from lmoroney/dlaicourseNotebooks for learning deep learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMar 30, 2020 -
Geometric-Shape-Detection Public
Course Project for EE604: Image Processing
Python UpdatedNov 10, 2019 -
CS786-Assignments Public
My solutions to Computational Cognitive Science Course (Winter 2019, IIT Kanpur)