We Sort Ltd
- Margate, UK
- https://wesort.co.uk
- Pro
Your all-in-one Laravel command to tame local development
Print GitHub Flavored Markdown exactly as it appears on GitHub
Simply copy to the users clipboard in your Alpine.js components. 📋
Browser extension to add git graph to GitHub website.
A community version of the "common API" for how the GitHub Engineering organization communicates
Check the contrast between different colour combinations against WCAG standards
Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.
Scan your entire site with Google Lighthouse in 2 minutes (on average). Open source, fully configurable with minimal setup.
A Statamic starter kit just like a default Statamic install, just with Vite instead of Mix.
A simple, yet powerful e-commerce addon for Statamic.
The CRDT Yjs WebSocket backend for conflict-free real-time collaboration in your app.
A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
This is the repo for Vue 2. For Vue 3, go to https://github.com/vuejs/core
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
Providing autocompletion and validation for Statamic Blueprints.
Open source privacy notice design patterns.
6kb subset of Vue optimized for progressive enhancement
A Hassle-Free Way to Self-Host Google Fonts. Get eot, ttf, svg, woff and woff2 files + CSS snippets
An independent and privacy-friendly solution to embed HTML, CSS and JS code examples
Maintain an open standard for UI and promote its adherence and adoption.
🐘 PHP Runtime for ▲ Vercel Serverless Functions (support 7.4-8.3)
A place to report bugs discovered in Tailwind Plus.
Measurer.js is a Javascript package allowing to measure dimensions of the objects on html page
Deprecated, please use the Headless UI repo instead.
A template for emergency information websites