MUN104: Plantar pressure distribution template computed from 104 individuals from Munster University, Germany.
These are the MUN104 left- and right- plantar pressure distribution templates, computed from 104 subjects at the University of Münster, Germany.
Recommended uses: as a datum for comparisons with individuals and/or other populations. (for Matlab, Python, C, etc.) (comma-separated ASCII format)
Pataky TC, Bosch K, Mu T, Keijsers NLW, Segers V, Rosenbaum D, Goulermas JY (2011). An anatomically unbiased foot template for inter-subject plantar pressure evaluation. Gait and Posture 33(3): 418-422.
file_name = 'MUN104L.h5';
I = hdf5read(file_name, '/I');
I = double( I' );
h = pcolor(I);
set(h, 'facecolor','flat', 'edgecolor','none')
axis image
import tables
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
file_name = 'MUN104L.h5'
with tables.open_file(file_name, 'r') as h:
I =
plt.imshow(I, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')
HDF5 is an open data format, excellent for the fast reading-and-writing of large datasets. Please find more information at: (for Matlab, Python, C, etc.)
Copyright (c) 2011 Todd Colin Pataky, Kerstin Bosch, and Dieter Rosenbaum