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eleventy 🕚

A static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Written in JavaScript. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.

Works with:


Available on npm.

npm install -g eleventy-cli


# Searches the current directory, outputs to ./_site

# Equivalent to
eleventy --input=. --output=_site

# Automatically run when template files change.
eleventy --watch

# Use only a subset of template types
eleventy --formats=md,html,ejs

# Find out the most up-to-date list of commands (there are more)
eleventy --help


Example: Default options

eleventy --input=. --output=_site

A in the current directory will be rendered to _site/template/index.html. Read more about Permalinks

Example: Same Input and Output

Yes, you can use the same input and output directories, like so:

# Watch a directory for any changes to markdown files, then
# automatically parse and output as HTML files, respecting
# directory structure.

eleventy --input=. --output=. --watch --formats=md
Exception: index.html Templates

When the input and output directories are the same, and if the source template is named index.html, it will output as index-o.html to avoid overwriting itself. This is a special case that only applies to index.html filenames. You can customize the -o suffix with the htmlOutputSuffix configuration option.

# Adds `-o` to index.html file names to avoid overwriting matching files.

eleventy --input=. --output=. --formats=html

Data (optional)

Front Matter on any Template

You may use front matter on any template file to add local data. Front matter looks like this:

title: My page title
<!doctype html>

This allows you to assign data values right in the template itself. Here are a few front matter keys that we use for special things:

  • permalink: Add in front matter to change the output target of the current template. You can use template syntax for variables here. Read more about Permalinks.
  • layout: Wrap current template with a layout template found in the _includes folder.
  • pagination: Enable to iterate over data. Read more about Pagination.

Special Variables

Data Files

Optionally add data files to add global static data available to all templates. Uses the configuration option. Read more about Template Data Files.

Ignore files (optional)

Add an .eleventyignore file to the root of your input directory for a new line-separated list of files that will not be processed. Eleventy will also ignore paths listed in your project’s .gitignore file.

Configuration (optional)

Add an .eleventy.js file to root directory of your project to override these configuration options with your own preferences. Example:

module.exports = {
  dir: {
    input: "views"
Configuration Option Key Default Option Valid Options Command Line Override Description
dir.input . Any valid directory. --input Controls the top level directory inside which the templates should be found.
dir.includes _includes Any valid directory inside of dir.input. N/A Controls the directory inside which the template includes/extends/partials/etc can be found. _data Any valid directory inside of dir.input. N/A Controls the directory inside which the global data template files, available to all templates, can be found.
dir.output _site Any valid directory. --output Controls the directory inside which the transformed finished templates can be found.
dataTemplateEngine liquid A valid template engine or false N/A Run the data.dir global data files through this template engine before transforming it to JSON.
markdownTemplateEngine liquid A valid template engine or false N/A Run markdown through this template engine before transforming it to HTML.
htmlTemplateEngine liquid A valid template engine or false N/A Run HTML templates through this template engine before transforming it to (better) HTML.
templateFormats liquid,ejs, md,hbs, mustache,haml, pug,njk,html Any combination of these --formats Specify which type of templates should be transformed.
htmlOutputSuffix -o String N/A If the input and output directory match, index.html files will have this suffix added to their output filename to prevent overwriting the template.
handlebarsHelpers {} Object N/A The helper functions passed to Handlebars.registerHelper. Helper names are keys, functions are the values.
nunjucksFilters {} Object N/A The helper functions passed to nunjucksEnv.addFilter. Helper names are keys, functions are the values.

Template Engine Features

Here are the features tested with each template engine that use external files and thus are subject to setup and scaffolding.

Engine Feature Syntax
ejs ✅ Include (Preprocessor Directive) <% include /user/show %> looks for _includes/show/user.ejs
ejs ✅ Include (pass in Data) <%- include('/user/show', {user: 'Ava'}) %> looks for _includes/user/show.ejs
Liquid ✅ Include {% include 'show/user' %} looks for _includes/show/user.liquid
Liquid ✅ Include (pass in Data) {% include 'user' with 'Ava' %}
Liquid ✅ Include (pass in Data) {% include 'user', user1: 'Ava', user2: 'Bill' %}
Mustache ✅ Partials {{> user}} looks for _includes/user.mustache
Handlebars ✅ Partials {{> user}} looks for _includes/user.hbs
Handlebars ✅ Helpers See handlebarsHelpers configuration option.
HAML ❌ but 🔜 Filters
Pug ✅ Includes include /includedvar.pug looks in _includes/includedvar.pug
Pug ✅ Excludes extends /layout.pug looks in _includes/layout.pug
Nunjucks ✅ Includes {% include 'included.njk' %} looks in _includes/included.njk
Nunjucks ✅ Extends {% extends 'base.njk' %} looks in _includes/base.njk
Nunjucks ✅ Imports {% import 'macros.njk' %} looks in _includes/macros.njk
Nunjucks ✅ Filters See nunjucksFilters configuration option.


npm run test
npm run watch:test