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3.02: do not overwrite the caller-id when using quickcall/click-to-call
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k-anderson committed Nov 19, 2013
1 parent 4d8bd45 commit e9aaef1
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Showing 2 changed files with 39 additions and 57 deletions.
86 changes: 33 additions & 53 deletions applications/callflow/src/cf_endpoint.erl
Expand Up @@ -571,32 +571,37 @@ guess_endpoint_type(Endpoint, []) ->
%% device) and the properties of this endpoint in the callflow.
%% @end
-record(clid, {caller_number

-spec get_clid(wh_json:object(), wh_json:object(), whapps_call:call()) -> #clid{}.
get_clid(Endpoint, Properties, Call) ->
case wh_json:is_true(<<"suppress_clid">>, Properties) of
'true' -> #clid{};
'false' ->
{InternalNumber, InternalName} = cf_attributes:caller_id(<<"internal">>, Call),
CallerNumber = case whapps_call:caller_id_number(Call) of
InternalNumber -> 'undefined';
Number -> Number
CallerName = case whapps_call:caller_id_name(Call) of
InternalName -> 'undefined';
Name -> Name
{CalleeNumber, CalleeName} = cf_attributes:callee_id(Endpoint, Call),

-spec create_sip_endpoint(wh_json:object(), wh_json:object(), whapps_call:call()) ->
create_sip_endpoint(Endpoint, Properties, Call) ->
CIDName = whapps_call:caller_id_name(Call),
CIDNum = whapps_call:caller_id_number(Call),

{CalleeNum, CalleeName} = cf_attributes:callee_id(Endpoint, Call),

{IntCIDNumber, IntCIDName} =
case cf_attributes:caller_id(<<"internal">>, Call) of
%% if both the internal name and number are the same as the current
%% caller id then leave it alone
{CIDNum, CIDName} -> {'undefined', 'undefined'};
%% if both the internal name is the same as the current
%% caller id then leave it alone
{AltCIDNum, CIDName} -> {AltCIDNum, 'undefined'};
%% if both the internal number is the same as the current
%% caller id then leave it alone
{CIDNum, AltCIDName} -> {'undefined', AltCIDName};
%% if both the internal number and name are different, use them!
{AltCIDNum, AltCIDName} -> {AltCIDNum, AltCIDName}

OutgoingCIDNum = maybe_format_caller_id_number(Endpoint, IntCIDNumber, Call),
Clid= get_clid(Endpoint, Properties, Call),
SIPJObj = wh_json:get_value(<<"sip">>, Endpoint),

Prop =
[{<<"Invite-Format">>, get_invite_format(SIPJObj)}
,{<<"To-User">>, get_to_user(SIPJObj, Properties)}
Expand All @@ -607,12 +612,12 @@ create_sip_endpoint(Endpoint, Properties, Call) ->
,{<<"Route">>, wh_json:get_value(<<"route">>, SIPJObj)}
,{<<"Proxy-IP">>, wh_json:get_value(<<"proxy">>, SIPJObj)}
,{<<"Forward-IP">>, wh_json:get_value(<<"forward">>, SIPJObj)}
,{<<"Callee-ID-Name">>, CalleeName}
,{<<"Callee-ID-Number">>, CalleeNum}
,{<<"Outbound-Callee-ID-Name">>, CalleeName}
,{<<"Outbound-Callee-ID-Number">>, CalleeNum}
,{<<"Outbound-Caller-ID-Number">>, OutgoingCIDNum}
,{<<"Outbound-Caller-ID-Name">>, IntCIDName}
,{<<"Callee-ID-Name">>, Clid#clid.callee_name}
,{<<"Callee-ID-Number">>, Clid#clid.callee_number}
,{<<"Outbound-Callee-ID-Name">>, Clid#clid.callee_name}
,{<<"Outbound-Callee-ID-Number">>, Clid#clid.callee_number}
,{<<"Outbound-Caller-ID-Number">>, Clid#clid.caller_number}
,{<<"Outbound-Caller-ID-Name">>, Clid#clid.caller_name}
,{<<"Ignore-Early-Media">>, get_ignore_early_media(Endpoint)}
,{<<"Bypass-Media">>, get_bypass_media(Endpoint)}
,{<<"Endpoint-Progress-Timeout">>, get_progress_timeout(Endpoint)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -886,28 +891,3 @@ get_force_fax(JObj) ->
'false' -> 'undefined';
'true' -> <<"self">>

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Conditionally formats the caller id number
%% @end
-spec maybe_format_caller_id_number(wh_json:object(), ne_binary(), whapps_call:call()) -> ne_binary().
maybe_format_caller_id_number(_Endpoint, CIDNum, _Call) ->
%% case cf_attributes:caller_id_attributes(Endpoint, <<"format">>, Call) of
%% 'undefined' -> CIDNum;
%% FormatObj ->
%% case wh_json:is_json_object(FormatObj) of
%% false -> CIDNum;
%% true -> wh_json:foldl(fun(Key, Value, CIDNum1) ->
%% format_caller_id_number_flag(Key, Value, CIDNum1)
%% end, CIDNum, FormatObj)
%% end
%% end.
%%-spec format_caller_id_number_flag(ne_binary(), term(), ne_binary()) -> ne_binary().
%%format_caller_id_number_flag(<<"remove_plus">>, true, <<$+, CIDNum/binary>>) -> CIDNum;
%%format_caller_id_number_flag(_Key, _Value, CIDNum) -> CIDNum.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions applications/crossbar/src/modules/cb_modules_util.erl
Expand Up @@ -92,17 +92,19 @@ request_specific_extraction_funs(_) ->

get_endpoints(Call, #cb_context{doc=JObj, req_nouns=?DEVICES_QCALL_NOUNS}) ->
Properties = wh_json:from_list([{<<"can_call_self">>, true}
,{<<"source">>, cb_devices}
Properties = wh_json:from_list([{<<"can_call_self">>, 'true'}
,{<<"suppress_clid">>, 'true'}
,{<<"source">>, 'cb_devices'}
case cf_endpoint:build(JObj, Properties, aleg_cid(_Number, Call)) of
{error, _} -> [];
{ok, []} -> [];
{ok, Endpoints} -> Endpoints
get_endpoints(Call, #cb_context{req_nouns=?USERS_QCALL_NOUNS}) ->
Properties = wh_json:from_list([{<<"can_call_self">>, true}
,{<<"source">>, cb_users}
Properties = wh_json:from_list([{<<"can_call_self">>, 'true'}
,{<<"suppress_clid">>, 'true'}
,{<<"source">>, 'cb_users'}
lists:foldr(fun(EndpointId, Acc) ->
case cf_endpoint:build(EndpointId, Properties, aleg_cid(_Number, Call)) of
Expand Down

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