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Removed search query from logs and formatted file
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strongishllama committed Aug 22, 2019
1 parent 798b49e commit 350e96d
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Showing 2 changed files with 191 additions and 186 deletions.
339 changes: 172 additions & 167 deletions system/modules/search/models/SearchService.php
@@ -1,170 +1,175 @@
class SearchService extends DbService {

* Returns an array of search indeces that the currently logged in user
* has access to. This uses the global module configuration and auth system
* to check.
* @return array
public function getIndexes() {
$indexes = array();
foreach ( $this->w->modules () as $module ) {
$search = Config::get ( "{$module}.search" );
if (! empty ( $search )) {
$indexes = array_merge ( $indexes, $search );
asort ( $indexes );
return $indexes;
public function reindex($index) {
$indexes = $this->getIndexes ();
if (! empty ( $index ) && in_array ( $index, $indexes )) {
// first delete all entries in the index table for this index
$sql = "DELETE FROM object_index WHERE class_name = '{$index}'";
$this->_db->sql ( $sql )->execute ();

$objects = $this->getObjects ( $index, array ("is_deleted" => 0) );
if (! empty ( $objects )) {
foreach ( $objects as $object ) {
$object->_searchable->insert ();
public function reindexAll() {
// delete all index entries
$sql = "DELETE FROM object_index";
$this->_db->sql ( $sql )->execute ();

// go over each index and reindex
foreach ( $this->getIndexes () as $index ) {
$objects = $this->getObjects ( $index, array ("is_deleted" => 0 ) );
if (! empty ( $objects )) {
foreach ( $objects as $object ) {
if (property_exists($object, "_searchable")) {
$object->_searchable->insert ();
public function reindexAllFulltextIndex() {
$this->_db->sql("ALTER TABLE object_index DROP INDEX object_index_content;");

class SearchService extends DbService
* Returns an array of search indeces that the currently logged in user
* has access to. This uses the global module configuration and auth system
* to check.
* @return array
public function getIndexes()
$indexes = array();
foreach ($this->w->modules() as $module) {
$search = Config::get("{$module}.search");
if (!empty($search)) {
$indexes = array_merge($indexes, $search);
return $indexes;

public function reindex($index)
$indexes = $this->getIndexes();
if (!empty($index) && in_array($index, $indexes)) {
// first delete all entries in the index table for this index
$sql = "DELETE FROM object_index WHERE class_name = '{$index}'";

$objects = $this->getObjects($index, array("is_deleted" => 0));
if (!empty($objects)) {
foreach ($objects as $object) {

public function reindexAll()
// delete all index entries
$sql = "DELETE FROM object_index";

// go over each index and reindex
foreach ($this->getIndexes() as $index) {
$objects = $this->getObjects($index, array("is_deleted" => 0));
if (!empty($objects)) {
foreach ($objects as $object) {
if (property_exists($object, "_searchable")) {

public function reindexAllFulltextIndex()
$this->_db->sql("ALTER TABLE object_index DROP INDEX object_index_content;");
$this->_db->sql("CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX object_index_content ON object_index(content);");

* Returns the results for a given query.
* If $index !== null -> limit search to this index.
* If $page !== null -> display only results for this page.
* @param string $query
* @param string $index
* @param integer $page
* @param integer $pageSize
* @return array
public function getResults($query, $index = null, $page = null, $pageSize = null) {

// sanity check
if (empty($query) || strlen($query) < 3) {
return null;

// sanitise query string!
// Remove all xml/html tags
$str = strip_tags($query);

// Remove case
$str = strtolower($str);

// Remove line breaks
$str = str_replace("\n", " ", $str);

// Remove all characters except A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dots, commas, hyphens, spaces and forward slashes (for dates)
// Note that the hyphen must go last not to be confused with a range (A-Z)
// and the dot, being special, is escaped with backslash
$str = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 \.,\-\/@'\*\+:]/", '', $str);

// Replace sequences of spaces with one space
$str = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $str);

// Now, default to AND searching, that means we prefix every word with a '+' unless 'OR' is specified, then we leave it
// And add a '-' if an occurence of 'NOT' is found
$str_array = explode(' ', $str);

// The first word will always be a keyword, so prefix that automatically

if (count($str_array) > 1 && $str_array[1] !== "OR") {
$str_array[0] = '+' . $str_array[0];

if (count($str_array) > 1) {
for($i = 1; $i < count($str_array); $i++) {
if (strtoupper($str_array[$i]) === "AND") {
$str_array[$i + 1] = '+' . $str_array[$i + 1];
array_splice($str_array, $i, 1);
} else if (strtoupper($str_array[$i]) === "OR") {
array_splice($str_array, $i, 1);
} else if (strtoupper($str_array[$i]) === "NOT") {
$str_array[$i + 1] = '-' . $str_array[$i + 1];
array_splice($str_array, $i, 1);
} else {
$str_array[$i] = '+' . $str_array[$i];

$str = implode(' ', $str_array);
$this->w->Log->setLogger("SEARCH")->info("Query: " . $str);

$index_mode = "BOOLEAN MODE";
$index_all_limit = 10;

$select = "SELECT class_name, object_id ";
$from = " FROM object_index WHERE object_id != 0 AND MATCH (content) AGAINST (".$this->_db->quote($str)." IN $index_mode) ";

* Returns the results for a given query.
* If $index !== null -> limit search to this index.
* If $page !== null -> display only results for this page.
* @param string $query
* @param string $index
* @param integer $page
* @param integer $pageSize
* @return array
public function getResults($query, $index = null, $page = null, $pageSize = null)

// sanity check
if (empty($query) || strlen($query) < 3) {
return null;

// sanitise query string!
// Remove all xml/html tags
$str = strip_tags($query);

// Remove case
$str = strtolower($str);

// Remove line breaks
$str = str_replace("\n", " ", $str);

// Remove all characters except A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dots, commas, hyphens, spaces and forward slashes (for dates)
// Note that the hyphen must go last not to be confused with a range (A-Z)
// and the dot, being special, is escaped with backslash
$str = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 \.,\-\/@'\*\+:]/", '', $str);

// Replace sequences of spaces with one space
$str = preg_replace('/ +/', ' ', $str);

// Now, default to AND searching, that means we prefix every word with a '+' unless 'OR' is specified, then we leave it
// And add a '-' if an occurence of 'NOT' is found
$str_array = explode(' ', $str);

// The first word will always be a keyword, so prefix that automatically

if (count($str_array) > 1 && $str_array[1] !== "OR") {
$str_array[0] = '+' . $str_array[0];

if (count($str_array) > 1) {
for ($i = 1; $i < count($str_array); $i++) {
if (strtoupper($str_array[$i]) === "AND") {
$str_array[$i + 1] = '+' . $str_array[$i + 1];
array_splice($str_array, $i, 1);
} elseif (strtoupper($str_array[$i]) === "OR") {
array_splice($str_array, $i, 1);
} elseif (strtoupper($str_array[$i]) === "NOT") {
$str_array[$i + 1] = '-' . $str_array[$i + 1];
array_splice($str_array, $i, 1);
} else {
$str_array[$i] = '+' . $str_array[$i];

$str = implode(' ', $str_array);
$this->w->Log->setLogger("SEARCH")->info("Query: " . $str);

$index_mode = "BOOLEAN MODE";
$index_all_limit = 10;

$select = "SELECT class_name, object_id ";
$from = " FROM object_index WHERE object_id != 0 AND MATCH (content) AGAINST (" . $this->_db->quote($str) . " IN $index_mode) ";
$select .= $from;

$select_count = "select count(*) as MAX_RESULT ".$from;
$max_result = 0;

// Setup limit and offset string
$limitBy = '';
if (!empty($page) && !empty($pageSize)){
if (is_numeric($page) && is_numeric($pageSize)){
// Set page and pagesize to within valid constraints
$page = ($page <= 0 ? 1 : $page);
$pageSize = ($pageSize <= 0 ? 20 : $pageSize);
$limitBy .= " LIMIT " . (($page-1)*$pageSize) . ", $pageSize ";

// check if search is constrained to an index
if ($index && in_array($index, array_values($this->getIndexes()))) {

// $limitBy will just be an empty string if page and pageSize are invalid
$select .= " AND class_name = '".$index."' " . $limitBy;
$select_count .= " AND class_name = '".$index."'";
$max_result = $this->_db->sql($select_count)->fetch_element('MAX_RESULT');

} else {
// if searching over all indexes, limit the results for each index to 10
foreach ($this->getIndexes() as $title => $classname) {
$s2[] = "(".$select . " AND class_name = '".$classname."' LIMIT 0, $index_all_limit )";
$select = implode(" UNION ", $s2);


$results = $this->_db->sql($select)->fetch_all();

return array($results,$max_result);

$select_count = "select count(*) as MAX_RESULT " . $from;
$max_result = 0;

// Setup limit and offset string
$limitBy = '';
if (!empty($page) && !empty($pageSize)) {
if (is_numeric($page) && is_numeric($pageSize)) {
// Set page and pagesize to within valid constraints
$page = ($page <= 0 ? 1 : $page);
$pageSize = ($pageSize <= 0 ? 20 : $pageSize);
$limitBy .= " LIMIT " . (($page - 1) * $pageSize) . ", $pageSize ";

// check if search is constrained to an index
if ($index && in_array($index, array_values($this->getIndexes()))) {
// $limitBy will just be an empty string if page and pageSize are invalid
$select .= " AND class_name = '" . $index . "' " . $limitBy;
$select_count .= " AND class_name = '" . $index . "'";
$max_result = $this->_db->sql($select_count)->fetch_element('MAX_RESULT');
} else {
// if searching over all indexes, limit the results for each index to 10
foreach ($this->getIndexes() as $title => $classname) {
$s2[] = "(" . $select . " AND class_name = '" . $classname . "' LIMIT 0, $index_all_limit )";
$select = implode(" UNION ", $s2);

$results = $this->_db->sql($select)->fetch_all();

return array($results, $max_result);

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