@echo off :: hMSBuild - [ 4b368c9 ] :: Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Denis Kuzmin [ entry.reg@gmail.com ] GitHub/3F :: Copyright (c) the hMSBuild contributors set "aa=%~dp0" set ab=%* if not defined ab setlocal enableDelayedExpansion & goto bs if not defined __p_call set ab=%ab:^=^^% set ac=%ab:!= #__b_ECL## % set ac=%ac:^= #__b_CRT## % setlocal enableDelayedExpansion set "ad=^" set "ac=!ac:%%=%%%%!" set "ac=!ac:&=%%ad%%&!" :bs set "ae=2.6.7" set af=%temp%\hMSBuild_vswhere set "ag=" set "ah=" set "ai=" set "aj=" set "ak=" set "al=" set "am=" set "an=" set "ao=" set "ap=" set "aq=" set "ar=" set /a as=0 if not defined ab goto bt set ac=!ac:/?=/h! call :bu bn ac bo goto bv :bw echo. @echo hMSBuild - [ 4b368c9 ] @echo Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Denis Kuzmin [ entry.reg@gmail.com ] GitHub/3F @echo Copyright (c) the hMSBuild contributors echo. echo Licensed under the MIT License @echo https://github.com/3F/hMSBuild echo. @echo. @echo Usage: hMSBuild [args to hMSBuild] [args to msbuild.exe or GetNuTool core] echo ------ echo. echo Arguments: echo ---------- echo -no-vs - Disable searching from Visual Studio. echo -no-netfx - Disable searching from .NET Framework. echo -no-vswhere - Do not search via vswhere. echo. echo -vsw-priority {IDs} - Non-strict components preference: C++ etc. echo Separated by space: https://aka.ms/vs/workloads echo. echo -vsw-version {arg} - Specific version of vswhere. Where {arg}: echo * 2.5.2 ... echo * Keywords: echo `latest` - To get latest remote version; echo `local` - To use only local versions; echo (.bat;.exe /or from +15.2.26418.1 VS-build) echo. echo -no-cache - Do not cache vswhere for this request. echo -reset-cache - To reset all cached vswhere versions before processing. echo -notamd64 - To use 32bit version of found msbuild.exe if it's possible. echo -stable - It will ignore possible beta releases in last attempts. echo -eng - Try to use english language for all build messages. echo -GetNuTool {args} - Access to GetNuTool core. https://github.com/3F/GetNuTool echo -only-path - Only display fullpath to found MSBuild. echo -force - Aggressive behavior for -vsw-priority, -notamd64, etc. echo -debug - To show additional information from hMSBuild. echo -version - Display version of hMSBuild. echo -help - Display this help. Aliases: -help -h echo. echo. echo ------ echo Flags: echo ------ echo __p_call - Tries to eliminate the difference for the call-type invoking %~nx0 echo. echo -------- echo Samples: echo -------- echo hMSBuild -notamd64 -vsw-version 2.5.2 "Conari.sln" /t:Rebuild echo hMSBuild -vsw-version latest "Conari.sln" echo. echo hMSBuild -no-vswhere -no-vs -notamd64 "Conari.sln" echo hMSBuild -no-vs "DllExport.sln" echo hMSBuild vsSolutionBuildEvent.sln echo. echo hMSBuild -GetNuTool -unpack echo hMSBuild -GetNuTool /p:ngpackages="Conari;regXwild" echo. echo hMSBuild -no-vs "DllExport.sln" ^|^| goto bx goto by :bv set "at=" set /a au=0 :bz set av=!bn[%au%]! if [!av!]==[-help] ( goto bw ) else if [!av!]==[-h] ( goto bw ) else if [!av!]==[-?] ( goto bw ) if [!av!]==[-nocachevswhere] ( call :b0 -nocachevswhere -no-cache -reset-cache set av=-no-cache ) else if [!av!]==[-novswhere] ( call :b0 -novswhere -no-vswhere set av=-no-vswhere ) else if [!av!]==[-novs] ( call :b0 -novs -no-vs set av=-no-vs ) else if [!av!]==[-nonet] ( call :b0 -nonet -no-netfx set av=-no-netfx ) else if [!av!]==[-vswhere-version] ( call :b0 -vswhere-version -vsw-version set av=-vsw-version ) if [!av!]==[-debug] ( set am=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-GetNuTool] ( call :b2 "accessing to GetNuTool ..." for /L %%p IN (0,1,8181) DO ( if "!escg:~%%p,10!"=="-GetNuTool" ( set aw=!escg:~%%p! call :b3 !aw:~10! set /a as=%ERRORLEVEL% goto by ) ) call :b2 "!av! is corrupted: !escg!" set /a as=1 goto by ) else if [!av!]==[-no-vswhere] ( set aj=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-no-cache] ( set ak=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-reset-cache] ( set al=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-no-vs] ( set ah=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-no-netfx] ( set ai=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-notamd64] ( set ag=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-only-path] ( set an=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-eng] ( chcp 437 >nul goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-vsw-version] ( set /a "au+=1" & call :b4 bn[!au!] v set ae=!v! call :b2 "selected vswhere version:" v set ao=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-version] ( @echo [ 4b368c9 ] goto by ) else if [!av!]==[-vsw-priority] ( set /a "au+=1" & call :b4 bn[!au!] v set ap=!v! goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-stable] ( set aq=1 goto b1 ) else if [!av!]==[-force] ( set ar=1 goto b1 ) else ( call :b2 "non-handled key:" bn{%au%} set at=!at! !bn{%au%}! ) :b1 set /a "au+=1" & if %au% LSS !bo! goto bz :bt if defined al ( call :b2 "resetting vswhere cache" rmdir /S/Q "%af%" 2>nul ) if not defined aj if not defined ah ( call :b5 bp if defined bp goto b6 ) if not defined ah ( call :b7 bp if defined bp goto b6 ) if not defined ai ( call :b8 bp if defined bp goto b6 ) echo MSBuild tools was not found. Use `-debug` key for details. set /a as=2 goto by :b6 if defined an ( echo !bp! goto by ) set ax="!bp!" echo hMSBuild: !ax! if not defined at goto b9 set at=%at: #__b_CRT## =^% set at=%at: #__b_ECL## =^!% set at=!at: #__b_EQ## ==! :b9 call :b2 "Arguments: " at !ax! !at! set /a as=%ERRORLEVEL% goto by :by exit/B !as! :b5 call :b2 "trying via vswhere..." if defined ao if not "!ae!"=="local" ( call :b_ a4 ay call :ca a4 bq ay set %1=!bq! exit/B 0 ) call :cb a4 set "ay=" if not defined a4 ( if "!ae!"=="local" ( set "%1=" & exit/B 2 ) call :b_ a4 ay ) call :ca a4 bq ay set %1=!bq! exit/B 0 :cb set az=!aa!vswhere call :cc az br if defined br set "%1=!az!" & exit/B 0 set a0=Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\!a0!" set "%1=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\!a0!\vswhere" & exit/B 0 if exist "%ProgramFiles%\!a0!" set "%1=%ProgramFiles%\!a0!\vswhere" & exit/B 0 call :b2 "local vswhere is not found." set "%1=" exit/B 3 :b_ if defined ak ( set a1=!af!\_mta\%random%%random%vswhere ) else ( set a1=!af! if defined ae ( set a1=!a1!\!ae! ) ) call :b2 "tvswhere: " a1 if "!ae!"=="latest" ( set a2=vswhere ) else ( set a2=vswhere/!ae! ) set a3=/p:ngpackages="!a2!:vswhere" /p:ngpath="!a1!" call :b2 "GetNuTool call: " a3 setlocal set __p_call=1 if defined am ( call :b3 !a3! ) else ( call :b3 !a3! >nul ) endlocal set "%1=!a1!\vswhere\tools\vswhere" set "%2=!a1!" exit/B 0 :ca set "a4=!%1!" set "a5=!%3!" call :cc a4 a4 if not defined a4 ( call :b2 "vswhere tool does not exist" set "%2=" & exit/B 1 ) call :b2 "vswbin: " a4 set "a6=" set "a7=" set a8=!ap! :cd call :b2 "attempts with filter: " a8 a6 set "a9=" & set "a_=" for /F "usebackq tokens=1* delims=: " %%a in (`"!a4!" -nologo !a6! -products * -requires !a8! Microsoft.Component.MSBuild`) do ( if /I "%%~a"=="installationPath" set a9=%%~b if /I "%%~a"=="installationVersion" set a_=%%~b if defined a9 if defined a_ ( call :ce a9 a_ a7 if defined a7 goto cf set "a9=" & set "a_=" ) ) if not defined aq if not defined a6 ( set a6=-prerelease goto cd ) if defined a8 ( set ba=Tools was not found for: !a8! if defined ar ( call :b2 "Ignored via -force. !ba!" set "a7=" & goto cf ) call :cg "!ba!" set "a8=" & set "a6=" goto cd ) :cf if defined a5 if defined ak ( call :b2 "reset vswhere " a5 rmdir /S/Q "!a5!" ) set %2=!a7! exit/B 0 :ce set a9=!%1! set a_=!%2! call :b2 "vspath: " a9 call :b2 "vsver: " a_ if not defined a_ ( call :b2 "nothing to see via vswhere" set "%3=" & exit/B 3 ) for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=." %%a in ("!a_!") do ( set a_=%%~a.0 ) if !a_! geq 16 set a_=Current if not exist "!a9!\MSBuild\!a_!\Bin" set "%3=" & exit/B 3 set bb=!a9!\MSBuild\!a_!\Bin call :b2 "found path via vswhere: " bb if exist "!bb!\amd64" ( call :b2 "found /amd64" set bb=!bb!\amd64 ) call :ch bb bb set %3=!bb! exit/B 0 :b7 call :b2 "Searching from Visual Studio - 2015, 2013, ..." for %%v in (14.0, 12.0) do ( call :ci %%v Y & if defined Y ( set %1=!Y! exit/B 0 ) ) call :b2 "-vs: not found" set "%1=" exit/B 0 :b8 call :b2 "Searching from .NET Framework - .NET 4.0, ..." for %%v in (4.0, 3.5, 2.0) do ( call :ci %%v Y & if defined Y ( set %1=!Y! exit/B 0 ) ) call :b2 "-netfx: not found" set "%1=" exit/B 0 :ci call :b2 "check %1" for /F "usebackq tokens=2* skip=2" %%a in ( `reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\%1" /v MSBuildToolsPath 2^> nul` ) do if exist %%b ( set bb=%%~b call :b2 ":msbfound " bb call :ch bb bq set %2=!bq! exit/B 0 ) set "%2=" exit/B 0 :ch set bb=!%~1!\MSBuild.exe set %2=!bb! if not defined ag ( exit/B 0 ) set bc=!bb:Framework64=Framework! set bc=!bc:\amd64=! if exist "!bc!" ( call :b2 "Return 32bit version because of -notamd64 key." set %2=!bc! exit/B 0 ) if defined ar ( call :b2 "Ignored via -force. Only 64bit version was found for -notamd64" set "%2=" & exit/B 0 ) call :cg "Return 64bit version. Found only this." exit/B 0 :cc call :b2 "bat/exe: " %1 if exist "!%1!.bat" set %2="!%1!.bat" & exit/B 0 if exist "!%1!.exe" set %2="!%1!.exe" & exit/B 0 set "%2=" exit/B 0 :b0 call :cg "'%~1' is obsolete. Use alternative: %~2 %~3" exit/B 0 :cg echo [*] WARN: %~1 exit/B 0 :b2 if defined am ( set bd=%1 set bd=!bd:~0,-1! set bd=!bd:~1! echo.[%TIME% ] !bd! !%2! !%3! ) exit/B 0 :bu set be=!%2! :cj for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ("!be!") do ( if "%%~b"=="" ( call :ck %1 !be! %3 exit/B 0 ) set be=%%a #__b_EQ## %%b ) goto cj :ck set "bf=%~1" set /a au=-1 :cl set /a au+=1 set %bf%[!au!]=%~2 set %bf%{!au!}=%2 shift & if not "%~3"=="" goto cl set /a au-=1 set %1=!au! exit/B 0 :b4 set bg=!%1! set "bg=%bg: #__b_CRT## =^%" set "bg=%bg: #__b_ECL## =^!%" set bg=!bg: #__b_EQ## ==! set %2=!bg! exit/B 0 :b3 setlocal disableDelayedExpansion @echo off :: GetNuTool - Executable version :: Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Denis Kuzmin [ entry.reg@gmail.com ] :: https://github.com/3F/GetNuTool set bh=gnt.core set bi="%temp%\%random%%random%%bh%" if "%~1"=="-unpack" goto cm set bj=%* if defined __p_call if defined bj set bj=%bj:^^=^% set bk=%__p_msb% if defined bk goto cn if "%~1"=="-msbuild" goto co for %%v in (4.0, 14.0, 12.0, 3.5, 2.0) do ( for /F "usebackq tokens=2* skip=2" %%a in ( `reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\%%v" /v MSBuildToolsPath 2^> nul` ) do if exist %%b ( set bk="%%~b\MSBuild.exe" goto cn ) ) echo MSBuild was not found. Try -msbuild "fullpath" args 1>&2 exit/B 2 :co shift set bk=%1 shift set bl=%bj:!= #__b_ECL## % setlocal enableDelayedExpansion set bl=!bl:%%=%%%%! :cp for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%a in ("!bl!") do ( if "%%~b"=="" ( call :cq !bl! exit/B %ERRORLEVEL% ) set bl=%%a #__b_EQ## %%b ) goto cp :cq shift & shift set "bj=" :cr set bj=!bj! %1 shift & if not "%~2"=="" goto cr set bj=!bj: #__b_EQ## ==! setlocal disableDelayedExpansion set bj=%bj: #__b_ECL## =!% :cn call :cs %bk% %bi% /nologo /p:wpath="%~dp0/" /v:m /m:4 %bj% set "bk=" set bm=%ERRORLEVEL% del /Q/F %bi% exit/B %bm% :cm set bi="%~dp0\%bh%" echo Generating minified version in %bi% ... :cs %bi% set a=PropertyGroup&set b=Condition&set c=ngpackages&set d=Target&set e=DependsOnTargets&set f=TaskCoreDllPath&set g=MSBuildToolsPath&set h=UsingTask&set i=CodeTaskFactory&set j=ParameterGroup&set k=Reference&set l=Include&set m=System&set n=Using&set o=Namespace&set p=IsNullOrEmpty&set q=return&set r=string&set s=delegate&set t=foreach&set u=WriteLine&set v=Combine&set w=Console.WriteLine&set x=Directory&set y=GetNuTool&set z=StringComparison&set _=EXT_NUSPEC ^