Raspberry Pi based shower control for time based switching of showers or other devices by RFID / NFC cards, keys, time plans..
Originally this project was founded to control the access/usage of my Dojo's shower cabins to only allow paid members and to prevent fraud.
A german blog entry to this project and its aims can be found in my blog http://3dh.de.
All documents in this repository are free for private and commercial use, licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE.md.
1x Raspberry Pi 1 or newer with Raspbian (Debian Jessie or newer) and Python 2.7 installed
2x 3V3 to 5V TTL level converters (3.3V of GPIO pins to 5.0V to control I2C LCD and 5V relais)
1x SainSmart LCD 1602 / 2004 display module with HDxxx and I2C controller
1x 5V TTL 1/2 channel relais
1x DHT11 / DHT22 temperature sensor
1x Max 7219 LED matrix panel
1x USB RFID Mifare 13.56 MHz reader
Max 7219 controlled array of 8x8 red LED panels
LED-Panel | RPi Pin | Function |
VCC | 2/4 | 5V+ |
GND | 20/25 | GND |
DIN | 19 | SPI MOSI / GPIO 10 |
CS | 24 | SPI CS0 / GPIO 8 |
CLK | 23 | SPI CLK / GPIO 11 |
SainSmart IIC/I2C/TWI 1602 Serial LCD Module with HD44780 controller, white on blue backlight, 16x2 chars
Due to 5VDC TTL level of the I2C module a 3.3V to 5V level changer is needed to connect it with the RPi's GPIOs.
LCD I2C | 5V-to-3V3 changer | RPi Pin | Function |
VCC | HV (5V) | 2/4 | 5V+ |
GND | GND | 6/9/14 | GND |
SDA | TXO <--> TXI | 3 | I2C1 SDA / GPIO 2 |
SCL | TXO <--> TXI | 5 | I2C1 SCL / GPIO 3 |
1 or 2 channel 5V TTL relay for 230V
Due to 5VDC TTL level of the relay module a 3.3V to 5V level changer is needed to connect it with the RPi's GPIOs.
Relay | 5V-to-3V3 changer | RPi Pin | Function |
VCC | HV (5V) | 2/4 | 5V+ |
GND | GND | 6/9/14 | GND |
IN1 | TXO <--> TXI | 11 | GPIO 17 |
IN2 | TXO <--> TXI | 13 | GPIO 27 |
DHT11 or DHT22 5V temperature and humidity sensor for indoor use.
LED-Panel | RPi Pin | Function |
VCC | 2/4 | 5V+ |
GND | 14/20/25 | GND |
DATA | 7 | GPIO 4 |
Needed libs: ...
DS18B20 3.3V temperature sensor for indoor and outdoor use.
LED-Panel | RPi Pin | Function |
VCC | 1 | 3.3V+ |
GND | 14/20/25 | GND |
DATA | 7 | GPIO 4 |
Needed libs: ...
USB RFID reader for Mifare and ISO 14443A, working as USB HID device
Warning: Needs at minimum a power level of 4.90 VDC contantly, otherwise reader will disconnect and reconnect (with annoying beep sounds) infrequently!