Sigil is a Parenscript to Javascript command line compiler and REPL.
What is Parenscript? (from
Parenscript is a translator from an extended subset of Common Lisp
to JavaScript. Parenscript code can run almost identically on both
the browser (as JavaScript) and server (as Common Lisp).
Parenscript code is treated the same way as Common Lisp code,
making the full power of Lisp macros available for
JavaScript. This provides a web development environment that is
unmatched in its ability to reduce code duplication and provide
advanced metaprogramming facilities to web developers.
sigil [-i] [-I load-directory] [--eval <CL code>] [--pseval <PS Code>] > app.js
Run 'make' or './' to compile sigil. It requires sbcl (or maybe some other Common Lisp but I haven't tried) to be installed, which you can grab from, or through something like 'apt-get install sbcl'.
You can 'npm install sigil-cli' (note the underscore) locally into node_modules; the -g option doesn't work yet.
Sigil adds the 'load' command to Parenscript, so you can load macros and other files during compilation, like (load ""). Use -I to specify the load paths to search.
Sigil comes with an interactive REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) when invoked with -i (or no arguments), allowing you to type and evaluate Parenscript commands interactively.
- Add ability to make (quickload "panic") in parenscript files.
- Suppress output from --eval commands.
-- Burton Samograd, Alexander Artemenko 2015