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Releases: 6pac/SlickGrid

5.15.0 - Rowspan feature

18 Jan 20:26
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5.15.0 (2025-01-18)

Rowspan feature 📢

We already had colspan supported, via DataView ItemMetadataProvider, and now we're also adding support for rowspan as well (which is partially reusing the code from @GerHobbelt's fork that had rowspan). However please be aware that both of these features come with special constraints, any side effects (i.e. Filtering/Sorting/Paging/ColumnReorder/ColumnHidding) will require you to add your own logic to deal with these side effects (this was also true for colspan, so there's nothing new here). In other words the lib doesn't know and cannot guess how and what you want to do with the spanning when a side effect occurs, because colspan/rowspan are, and will always be, based on row indexes and the question arise when a side effect occurs what do you want to do? Do you want to keep the spanning on the same row or do you want to only keep half of it or remove it all? The system cannot guess what you want to do when these side effects happens unless you tell it what to do... so use this new feature with some due diligence.

You can see these 2 new examples demoing rowspan

Bug Fixes

  • add "frozen" class to all slick-pane for easier styling (#1089) (967c9d8)
  • add missing key shortcuts for grid navigation & cell selections (#1093) (91e7c8b)
  • never activate more than 1 cell, clear any previous active CSS class (#1100) (7ff7170)
  • remove "active" CSS classes before navigating to another cell (#1095) (8a8d3f4)
  • shift+mousewheel should scroll horizontally, fixes #1094 (#1096) (5003565)



28 Nov 01:49
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5.14.3 (2024-11-28)

Bug Fixes

  • ensure DOM alterations during initialization are always cleaned up when there are hidden parents and forceFitColumns=true (#1085) (c32fe5a)


16 Nov 06:30
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5.14.2 (2024-11-16)

Bug Fixes

  • ExternalCopyManager shouldn't change body scroll pos, fixes #1078 (#1080) (3112099)


in case you missed it, we have a new Vite demo available in Stackblitz 🚀

Open in StackBlitz


29 Oct 03:49
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5.14.0 (2024-10-29)

This release fixes all recent SASS (dart-sass) warnings for their upcoming major version 2.0 and even fixes next 3.0 warnings. While working on this, I also created a new ViteJS project to test these out, this might be a good starting point for some, you can check it out under the /vite-demo folder (it's written in plain JS for simplicity)


Actually while adding the ViteJS demo, it was easy enough to add it to Stackblitz, so here it is. Enjoy 🚀

Open in StackBlitz


Quick Survey ✨

A while ago we made a quick little poll for fun, it was helpful to get to know what features you liked from the last 3 major releases. If you have not yet filled it out then please take the time to participate. It was helpful to find out that dropping jQuery was high on the list 🚀

What do you think was the most exciting change(s) for you?


06 Oct 04:40
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5.13.1 (2024-10-06)

Bug Fixes


21 Sep 19:25
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5.13.0 (2024-09-21)

Bug Fixes

  • SASS deprecated lighten and darken color methods (#1063) (74713b5)

Performance Improvements

  • Optimize SlickGrid handleSelectedRangesChanged by using Set (#1061) (8ff354b)
  • Reduce iterative time complexity (#1060) (0d07e60)


07 Sep 18:29
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5.12.1 (2024-09-07)

Bug Fixes

  • SlickCellExternalCopyManager should work w/hidden cols (#1053) (0895deb)
  • typo in setColumnVisibiliy (#1057) (9fcadba)
  • use setTimeout/setInterval from window object with correct TS type (#1054) (1995037)


23 Aug 05:26
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5.12.0 (2024-08-23)


  • add params.editorOptions to change Flatpickr Editor date format (#1048) (8b46763)

Performance Improvements

  • add new rowTopOffsetRenderType grid option to use "transform" (#1050) (7b7ff83)
  • decrease virtual scroll render throttling to 10ms (#1049) (b0e7706)


27 Jul 02:48
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5.11.0 (2024-07-27)

We now have a new Infinite Scroll example, which required some small changes to the SlickGrid file by adding couple more properties to the onScroll event. Take a look at the new Example - Infinite Scroll


Bug Fixes

  • issue where pinning the first column caused the header to get misaligned, fixes #1038 (#1039) (d006605)

Quick Survey ✨

We also made a quick little poll for fun, thanks for taking the time to participate

What do you think was the most exciting change(s) for you?


06 Jul 05:13
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5.10.1 (2024-07-06)

Bug Fixes

  • Header Menu should be on top of grid not inside (#1033) (b704a81)
  • new preheader event should work with any prehader content (#1034) (28113f4)