import numpy as np import bagpipes as pipes # Define Ha equivalent width index (these numbers are just an example) ha_ew = {} ha_ew["name"] = "Ha_ew" ha_ew["type"] = "EW" ha_ew["feature"] = [6553., 6573.] # The spectral region being measured ha_ew["continuum"] = [[6533., 6553.], [6573., 6593.]] # The side regions to be compared against # Define index list variable, the idea here is similar to filt_list index_list = [ha_ew] # Set up simple model_components dictionary nebular = {} nebular["logU"] = -3. const = {} const["age_min"] = 0. const["age_max"] = 1. const["metallicity"] = 1. const["massformed"] = 10. model_comp = {} model_comp["redshift"] = 0.001 model_comp["constant"] = const model_comp["nebular"] = nebular ### Example of making a model_galaxy to demonstrate index calculation model = pipes.model_galaxy(model_comp, index_list=index_list) print(model.indices) # EW specified above (absorption is positive) ### Example of loading in index data to a galaxy object # Define load_indices function to return equivalent width value def load_ha_ew_value(ID): indices = np.zeros((1, 2)) indices[0, 0] = -15. #index value indices[0, 1] = 0.1 #index uncertainty return indices # Example load_data function for photometry def load_phot_data(ID): photometry = np.random.randn(12, 2) return photometry # Set up example filt_list filt_list = np.loadtxt("filters/list_of_filters.txt", dtype="str") # Create example galaxy object to demonstrate loading index values galaxy = pipes.galaxy("test", load_phot_data, filt_list=filt_list, load_indices=load_ha_ew_value, index_list=index_list, spectrum_exists=False) print(galaxy.indices) # Similar idea to galaxy.photometry ### Example of fitting indices # Set up simple fit_instructions dictionary nebular = {} nebular["logU"] = -3. const = {} const["age_min"] = (0., 0.1) const["age_max"] = 1. const["metallicity"] = (0.1, 2.5) const["massformed"] = (0., 13.) fit_info = {} fit_info["redshift"] = 0.001 fit_info["constant"] = const fit_info["nebular"] = nebular # Set up example fit object fit =, fit_info) # Fit the photometry + index value