[DEFAULT] ; make sure to use / instead of \ in file paths. roms_path = C:/Games/PS2 emu_path = C:/Program Files (x86)/PCSX2 1.4.0/pcsx2.exe config_path = C:/Documents/PCSX2/configs method = default api_key emu_fullscreen = False emu_no_gui = False emu_config = False [Paths] ; set your roms folder, path to your pcsx2.exe and optional config path here ; to use the config feature, create a folder named "configs" inside "documents/pcsx2" (the folder containing your bios, savestates etc.) ; put the path to that folder down below ; to create settings for a game, copy the "inis" or "inis_1.4.0" folder into the "configs" folder and rename it to match the rom. ; make sure that the renamed folders have the same name as the corresponding rom without the extension. ; eg. rom: "shadow of the colossus.iso" | folder: "shadow of the colossus" ; without a specific config folder for a game, the default settings will be used. ; if you want to specify that pcsx2 does a full boot for a game follow the above instructions ; and simply add an empty file "fullboot.ini" to the rom folder in "configs" roms_path = E:\Program Files\PCSX2 1.4.0\Games emu_path = E:\Program Files\PCSX2 1.4.0 config_path [Method] ; "default": your files have to be named exactly as they are in the pcsx2 database (if the name contains a ":", delete it) ; "giant": use the giant bomb api to search for the name of your files in their database (requires a giant bomb account for an api key) ; "iso": reads your iso files directly for the serial of the game and then matches the name to it (only adds all your games if they are all iso files) ; also set your api key here if you are using the giant bomb method method = giant api_key = [EmuSettings] ; emu_fullscreen: set to true if you want to launch in fullscreen by default ; emu_no_gui: set to true if you want to suppress the gui when launching a game ; emu_config: set to true if you want to use game specific configurations emu_fullscreen = False emu_no_gui = False emu_config = False