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Value Iteration Networks on Multiple Levels of Abstraction

Value Iteration Networks (VINs) on Multiple Levels of Abstraction combine VINs by Tamar et. al (NIPS 2016) with the idea of planning on multiple levels of abstraction to obtain a learning-based planner which is capable of solving planning tasks on larger state spaces.

This repository contains PyTorch implementations applying the method to 2D grid world planning for a point-like agent and 3D locomotion planning with footprint consideration for a robot that can perform omnidirectional driving. In detail, it contains implementations of

  • Value Iteration Networks for 2D grid world planning,
  • Hierarchical Value Iteration Networks for 2D grid world planning,
  • Value Iteration Networks on multiple levels of abstraction for 2D grid world planning, and
  • Value Iteration Networks on multiple levels of abstraction for 3D locomotion planning.

Please see the respective paper for further information: "Value Iteration Networks on Multiple Levels of Abstraction" by Daniel Schleich, Tobias Klamt, and Sven Behnke.


This repository requires the following packages:

Generate Datasets

Datasets for training and evaluation can be generated using the script, e.g

python --dim 2 --size 32


  • dim: Dimensionality of the planning task: '2' for 2D grid worlds and '3' for 3D locomotion planning.
  • size: The size of input maps. One of [32, 64].
  • type: Type of dataset. One of [training, validation, evaluation, all]. Default: 'all'.
  • num_grids: Number of different grid worlds. If type is set to 'all', default values are used: 5000 for training and 715 each for validation and evaluation.
  • paths_per_grid: Number of different paths for each grid world. Default: 7.
  • num_workers: Number of workers for parallel grid generation. Recommended: Set to number of CPU cores.

Train the Networks

The networks can be trained using the script:

VIN (2D grid world)

python --dim 2 --net VIN --size 32 --iterations 100 --lr 0.001 --batch 128

Hierarchical VIN (2D grid world)

python --dim 2 --net HVIN --size 32 --iterations 100 --lr 0.001 --batch 128

VIN on multiple abstraction levels (2D grid world)

python --dim 2 --net Abstraction_VIN --size 32 --iterations 100 --lr 0.001 --batch 128

VIN on multiple abstraction levels (3D locomotion planning)

python --dim 3 --net Abstraction_VIN --size 32 --iterations 7 --lr 0.001 --batch 128


  • dim: Dimensionality of the planning task: '2' for 2D grid worlds and '3' for 3D locomotion planning.
  • size: The size of input maps. One of [32, 64].
  • net: Network to be trained: For 2D grid worlds one of [VIN, HVIN, Abstraction_VIN]. For 3D only 'Abstraction_VIN'.
  • iterations: For 2D: Number of training epochs (default 1500). For 3D: Number of learning rate cycles (default: 7).
  • batch: Batch size. Default: 128.
  • lr: Learning rate. Default: 0.001.
  • validation_step: Number of epochs between two tests on the validation set (only for 2D).
  • lr_cycle_length: Length of first learning rate cylce in epochs (only for 3D).
  • lr_cycle_decay: Factor to decay initial learning rate after each learning rate cycle (only for 3D).
  • lr_cycle_increase: Factor which increases the length of a learning rate cycle after each cycle (only for 3D).
  • k: Number of value iterations.
  • print_stat: Print training statistics to file (in folder learning_curves). One of [True, False].
  • plot_stat: Plot training statistics to file (in folder learning_curves). One of [True, False].

Test the Networks (requires training first)

The networks can be tested using the script:


python --dim 2 --net VIN --size 32 --batch 128

Hierarchical VIN (2D grid world)

python --dim 2 --net HVIN --size 32 --batch 128

VIN on multiple abstraction levels (2D grid world)

python --dim 2 --net Abstraction_VIN --size 32 --batch 128

VIN on multiple abstraction levels (3D locomotion planning)

python --dim 3 --net Abstraction_VIN --size 32 --batch 128


  • dim: Dimensionality of the planning task: '2' for 2D grid worlds and '3' for 3D locomotion planning.
  • size: The size of input maps. One of [32, 64].
  • net: Network to be trained: For 2D grid worlds one of [VIN, HVIN, Abstraction_VIN]. For 3D only 'Abstraction_VIN'.
  • batch: Batch size. Default: 128.
  • k: Number of value iterations.
  • workers: Number of workers for parallel evaluation of multiple tasks.

Visualize Paths (requires training first)

The resulting paths can be plotted using the script:

2D Grid World

python --dim 2 --size 32 --num 5

3D Locomotion Planning

python --dim 3 --size 32 --num 5


  • dim: Dimensionality of the planning task: '2' for 2D grid worlds and '3' for 3D locomotion planning.
  • size: The size of input maps. One of [32, 64].
  • num: Number of different paths that shall be plotted. Only if no explicit map and path ids are given.
  • map_id: Index of the map that shall be plotted. If none is given, it will be chosen randomly.
  • path_id: Index of the path that shall be plotted. If none is given, it will be chosen randomly.


Many thanks to Kent Sommer, whose nice PyTorch implementation of Value Iteration Networks served as a starting point for our own implementations:


This software is released under BSD-3.


If you have any questions, mail Daniel Schleich (