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Install using archive

Konrad Abicht edited this page Oct 2, 2013 · 11 revisions

Install CubeViz using an archive means, that you will use a pre-configured package. Unpack it and getting started. This way is for users who are not advanced in using Terminal and Git.


You need an application called OntoWiki. Have a look here to get an overview about it. For further information, such as Installation introductions, please read this guide.

The following introductions assume that you have a running OntoWiki.

Install CubeViz

Download archive

Please have a look into our release page and grab the latest version. Each release has a couple of buttons at the bottom, which leads to different kinds of archives. Only buttons with cubeviz in it are relevant, for instance release 1.0 which provides this archive.

Download the related archive to the chosen release and unpack it. Now you should see a couple of files and folders, such as:

Setup CubeViz

After unpack the archive there has to be a folder called cubeviz, which contains the files above. Move this folder to the extensions folder of your OntoWiki installation. If your OntoWiki is located under /var/www/ontowiki, than the extensions folder is right here: /var/www/ontowiki/extensions.

Just move the cubeviz-folder there and remove all files from /var/www/ontowiki/cache, to force OntoWiki to check for new extensions.

That's it. Usually there is nothing more to do. If you want to configure your CubeViz or play around with the visualizations please have a look into the ChartConfig.js or doap.n3 files, located in the root folder of cubeviz-folder.

Start CubeViz

To start CubeViz, you have to select a model which contains valid DataCube information. After you selected it, the page reloads and you will see something like the following screenshot. This example based on the Scoreboard DataCube 2012. Now you can set your facets and explore the data by click to update chart.