A Go library to lexicographically unrank set partitions
- Amaury CURIEL, Sorbonne Univerisity, LIP6, Paris
- Antoine GENITRINI, Sorbonne University, LIP6, Paris
To import the library you need first to create a Go project. In your terminal enter the following command :
go mod init your_project
Then, you need to get the setpartition_unrank library. In your project folder, where is stored the go.mod file enter this command :
go get github.com/AMAURYCU/setpartition_unrank
You are now ready to use our library
First of all, ensure to have followed the installation step. In the folder where your go.mod file is, enter the following command :
go get github.com/AMAURYCU/setpartition_unrank
then you can import the library puting the following line in the head of your Go project
import "github.com/AMAURYCU/setpartition_unrank/XXXXX"
should be replaced with one of the following command
parallelunranking //to run the efficient parallel algorithm
precalcul //to run the algorithm with precomputation step
statistic //to make some statistics on the library
An example of program that lists all set partitions of the set [|1,10|] in 5 blocks :
package main
import (
func main() {
c := parallelunranking.Stirling2Columns(10, 5).Col1[10]
c.Sub(&c, big.NewInt(1))
for k2 := big.NewInt(0); k2.Cmp(&c) < 1; k2.Add(k2, big.NewInt(1)) {
// 10 stand for [|1,10|], 5 for 5 blocks, *k2 to iterate over sets partitions
// and for to use S3V5 (you should always use it)
fmt.Println(parallelunranking.UnrankDicho(10, 5, *k2, 4), k2)
//output (the last lines):
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 7 8] [4] [5 6]] 42515
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 7 8] [4 5] [6]] 42516
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 7 8] [4 6] [5]] 42517
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 8] [4] [5 6 7]] 42518
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 8] [4 5] [6 7]] 42519
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 8] [4 5 6] [7]] 42520
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 8] [4 5 7] [6]] 42521
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 8] [4 6] [5 7]] 42522
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 8] [4 6 7] [5]] 42523
[[1 10] [2 9] [3 8] [4 7] [5 6]] 42524
The computation time for the function parallelunranking.UnrankDicho(n, k, r) is less than 1 second for n = 1000, about 30 seconds for n = 3000, and approximately 5 minutes for n = 5000 on a modern computer.
The git repo has a main.go
file that can be executed entering this command :
go run main.go -operation [A/R/G] -mode [P/S] [arguments]
where :
A: to generate all partitions of n1 in n2 non-empty disjoints subsets - Requires 2 numeric arguments
R: to randomly pickup one partition of n1 in n2 non-empty disjoints subsets - Requires 2 numeric arguments
G: to have an overview of the performance of the algorithm
partitionning n1 in n2 non-empty disjoints subsets with n3 points - Requires 3 numeric arguments
P: parallel
S: sequential
-mode string
Specify mode: P or S
-operation string
Specify operation: A, R or G
For example :
go run main.go -operation R -mode P 50 5
will output:
[[1 5 11 32 34 39 43 44 45 48] [2 3 7 8 12 14 25 28 29 37]
[4 20 22 24 26 35 38 47] [6 9 10 13 19 33 36 40]
[15 16 17 18 21 23 27 30 31 41 42 46 49 50]]
warning : the G
operation does not require -mode
This project is related to the implementation of our paper : Lexicographic unranking algorithms for the Twelvefold Way