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Releases: APixelVisuals/kogit

Kogit 0.1

09 May 23:37
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Kogit is a small CLI application written fully in Bash. Its goal is to get information about a given GitHub repository and display its details in a pleasing manner. Kogit does this by formatting the output to look more appealing, such as using color and dynamic spacing.


  • Display details about a given GitHub repository
    • Full name (owner's name + repo name)
    • Description
    • Website
    • Star count
    • Watcher count
    • Fork count
    • Privacy
    • Creation date
    • Primary language
  • Beautiful formatting
  • Setting a GitHub access token to be able to view your private repos and better ratelimit

Future Plans

Plans for what's next include things such as more detailed information, maybe things such as getting commit details, issues, user info, etc. I also plan to have more things be configurable such as a specific formatting style, and maybe even ASCII art on the side. These configurations would be supported by command flags, and also the config.json file. I also plan to allow using Kogit without a GitHub access token, for people that won't be using it too heavily. Another idea I had was allowing for a raw output, either right to the terminal or into a file, as well as the option to specify if the output should be as a JSON or XML.

Check out the full list of plans over on the Trello


Kogit is inspired by Neofetch ❤️