Building library mbed-build (REALTEK_RTL8195AM, GCC_ARM) Scan: mbed-os Macros: -D__MBED__=1 -DDEVICE_I2CSLAVE=1 -DTARGET_LIKE_MBED -DTARGET_RTW_EMAC -D__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM -D__RTL8195A__ -DCONFIG_MBED_ENABLED -D__CMSIS_RTOS -DMBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1538558971.17 -DCONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC -DTARGET_RTL8195A -DTARGET_LIKE_CORTEX_M3 -DTARGET_CORTEX_M -DARM_MATH_CM3 -DDEVICE_ANALOGOUT=1 -DTARGET_Realtek -DTARGET_M3 -DDEVICE_SERIAL=1 -DDEVICE_INTERRUPTIN=1 -DTARGET_CORTEX -DDEVICE_I2C=1 -DDEVICE_PORTOUT=1 -D__CORTEX_M3 -DTARGET_RELEASE -DPLATFORM_CMSIS_RTOS -DDEVICE_PORTINOUT=1 -DDEVICE_TRNG=1 -DDEVICE_PORTIN=1 -DTARGET_FF_ARDUINO -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM -DTARGET_AMEBA -DMBED_FAULT_HANDLER_DISABLED -DDEVICE_SPI=1 -DDEVICE_ANALOGIN=1 -DDEVICE_PWMOUT=1 -DTARGET_REALTEK_RTL8195AM -DDEVICE_FLASH=1 [Error] @,: Compiler version mismatch: Have 7.2.1; expected version >= 6.0.0 and < 7.0.0 Building project udp (REALTEK_RTL8195AM, GCC_ARM) Scan: GCC_ARM Scan: udp Macros: -D__MBED__=1 -DDEVICE_I2CSLAVE=1 -DTARGET_LIKE_MBED -DTARGET_RTW_EMAC -D__MBED_CMSIS_RTOS_CM -D__RTL8195A__ -DCONFIG_MBED_ENABLED -D__CMSIS_RTOS -DCONFIG_PLATFORM_8195A -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC -DTARGET_RTL8195A -DTARGET_LIKE_CORTEX_M3 -DTARGET_CORTEX_M -DARM_MATH_CM3 -DDEVICE_ANALOGOUT=1 -DTARGET_Realtek -DTARGET_M3 -DDEVICE_SERIAL=1 -DDEVICE_INTERRUPTIN=1 -DTARGET_CORTEX -DDEVICE_I2C=1 -DDEVICE_PORTOUT=1 -D__CORTEX_M3 -DMBED_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=1538558975.96 -DTARGET_RELEASE -DPLATFORM_CMSIS_RTOS -DDEVICE_PORTINOUT=1 -DDEVICE_TRNG=1 -DDEVICE_PORTIN=1 -DTARGET_FF_ARDUINO -DTOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM -DTARGET_AMEBA -DMBED_FAULT_HANDLER_DISABLED -DDEVICE_SPI=1 -DDEVICE_ANALOGIN=1 -DDEVICE_PWMOUT=1 -DTARGET_REALTEK_RTL8195AM -DDEVICE_FLASH=1 Link: udp Preproc: C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\7 2017-q4-major\bin\arm-none-eabi-cpp -E -P BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\targets\TARGET_Realtek\TARGET_AMEBA\TARGET_RTL8195A\device\TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM\rtl8195a.ld -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--wrap,main -Wl,--wrap,_malloc_r -Wl,--wrap,_free_r -Wl,--wrap,_realloc_r -Wl,--wrap,_memalign_r -Wl,--wrap,_calloc_r -Wl,--wrap,exit -Wl,--wrap,atexit -Wl,-n -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -o .\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\.\TESTS\netsocket\udp\.link_script.ld [DEBUG] Return: 0 Link: C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\7 2017-q4-major\bin\arm-none-eabi-gcc @.\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\.\TESTS\netsocket\udp\.link_options.txt [DEBUG] Return: 0 Elf2Bin: udp FromELF: C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\7 2017-q4-major\bin\arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary .\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\.\TESTS\netsocket\udp\udp.elf .\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\.\TESTS\netsocket\udp\udp.bin [DEBUG] Return: 0 | Module | .text | .data | .bss | |---------------------------------|------------|----------|-----------| | TESTS\netsocket | 2672(+0) | 8(+0) | 2720(+0) | | [fill] | 448(+0) | 14(+0) | 74(+0) | | [lib]\_peripheral_mbed_gcc.a | 13860(+0) | 4(+0) | 74(+0) | | [lib]\_wlan_mbed_gcc.a | 137845(+0) | 6025(+0) | 36081(+0) | | [lib]\c.a | 39182(+0) | 2472(+0) | 89(+0) | | [lib]\gcc.a | 4576(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | [lib]\misc | 208(+0) | 12(+0) | 28(+0) | | [lib]\stdc++.a | 1(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | [misc] | 1664(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | components\802.15.4_RF | 80(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | components\wifi | 123(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\FlashIAP.o | 126(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\InterruptIn.o | 103(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\RawSerial.o | 304(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\Serial.o | 36(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\SerialBase.o | 525(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\Ticker.o | 196(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\Timeout.o | 157(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\Timer.o | 344(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\TimerEvent.o | 124(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | drivers\UARTSerial.o | 20(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | features\cellular | 26(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | features\frameworks | 8076(+0) | 69(+0) | 2249(+0) | | features\lorawan | 16(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | features\lwipstack | 40008(+0) | 4(+0) | 9856(+0) | | features\mbedtls | 42(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | features\nanostack | 48(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | features\netsocket | 9168(+0) | 91(+0) | 133(+0) | | hal\mbed_critical_section_api.o | 148(+0) | 0(+0) | 2(+0) | | hal\mbed_pinmap_common.o | 173(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | hal\mbed_sleep_manager.o | 4(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | hal\mbed_ticker_api.o | 1194(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | hal\mbed_us_ticker_api.o | 68(+0) | 4(+0) | 64(+0) | | platform\FileHandle.o | 4(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | platform\mbed_alloc_wrappers.o | 24(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | platform\mbed_assert.o | 85(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | platform\mbed_board.o | 106(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | platform\mbed_critical.o | 172(+0) | 0(+0) | 4(+0) | | platform\mbed_error.o | 916(+0) | 0(+0) | 113(+0) | | platform\mbed_retarget.o | 1392(+0) | 260(+0) | 16(+0) | | platform\mbed_wait_api_rtos.o | 72(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | rtos\EventFlags.o | 202(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | rtos\Kernel.o | 56(+0) | 0(+0) | 8(+0) | | rtos\Mutex.o | 286(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | rtos\Semaphore.o | 193(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | rtos\TARGET_CORTEX | 11240(+0) | 168(+0) | 5969(+0) | | rtos\ThisThread.o | 181(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | rtos\Thread.o | 793(+0) | 0(+0) | 0(+0) | | targets\TARGET_Realtek | 21660(+0) | 12(+0) | 3416(+0) | | Subtotals | 298947(+0) | 9143(+0) | 60896(+0) | Total Static RAM memory (data + bss): 70039(+0) bytes Total Flash memory (text + data): 308090(+0) bytes Image: BUILD/tests/REALTEK_RTL8195AM/GCC_ARM/TESTS/netsocket/udp/udp.bin Unknown object name found in GCC map file: linker stubs Unknown object name found in GCC map file: linker stubs Unknown object name found in GCC map file: linker stubs Unknown object name found in GCC map file: linker stubs Memory map breakdown for built projects (values in Bytes): | name | target | toolchain | static_ram | total_flash | |------|-------------------|-----------|------------|-------------| | udp | REALTEK_RTL8195AM | GCC_ARM | 70039 | 308090 | Build successes: * REALTEK_RTL8195AM::GCC_ARM::MBED-BUILD * REALTEK_RTL8195AM::GCC_ARM::TESTS-NETSOCKET-UDP mbedgt: greentea test automation tool ver. 1.4.0 mbedgt: test specification file '.\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\test_spec.json' (specified with --test-spec option) mbedgt: using '.\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\test_spec.json' from current directory! mbedgt: detecting connected mbed-enabled devices... mbedgt: detected 1 device +-------------------+----------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | platform_name | platform_name_unique | serial_port | mount_point | target_id | +-------------------+----------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | REALTEK_RTL8195AM | REALTEK_RTL8195AM[0] | COM6 | E: | 460000000b1270be00000000000000000000000097969902 | +-------------------+----------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+ mbedgt: processing target 'REALTEK_RTL8195AM' toolchain 'GCC_ARM' compatible platforms... (note: switch set to --parallel 1) +-------------------+----------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | platform_name | platform_name_unique | serial_port | mount_point | target_id | +-------------------+----------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | REALTEK_RTL8195AM | REALTEK_RTL8195AM[0] | COM6:9600 | E: | 460000000b1270be00000000000000000000000097969902 | +-------------------+----------------------+-------------+-------------+--------------------------------------------------+ mbedgt: test case filter (specified with -n option) tests-netsocket-udp* test filtered in 'tests-netsocket-udp' mbedgt: running 1 test for platform 'REALTEK_RTL8195AM' and toolchain 'GCC_ARM' use 1 instance of execution threads for testing mbedgt: checking for 'host_tests' directory above image directory structure found 'host_tests' directory in: 'TESTS\host_tests' mbedgt: selecting test case observer... calling mbedhtrun: mbedhtrun -m REALTEK_RTL8195AM -p COM6:9600 -f "BUILD/tests/REALTEK_RTL8195AM/GCC_ARM/TESTS/netsocket/udp/udp.bin" -e "TESTS\host_tests" -d E: -c default -t 460000000b1270be00000000000000000000000097969902 -r default -C 4 --sync 5 -P 60 mbedgt: mbed-host-test-runner: started [1538558991.09][HTST][INF] host test executor ver. 1.4.1 [1538558991.09][HTST][INF] copy image onto target... [1538558991.09][COPY][INF] Waiting up to 60 sec for '460000000b1270be00000000000000000000000097969902' mount point (current is 'E:')... 1 file(s) copied. [1538559025.67][HTST][INF] starting host test process... [1538559026.27][CONN][INF] starting connection process... [1538559026.27][CONN][INF] notify event queue about extra 60 sec timeout for serial port pooling [1538559026.27][CONN][INF] initializing serial port listener... [1538559026.27][PLGN][INF] Waiting up to 60 sec for '460000000b1270be00000000000000000000000097969902' serial port (current is 'COM6')... [1538559026.30][SERI][INF] serial(port=COM6, baudrate=9600, read_timeout=0.01, write_timeout=5) [1538559026.30][SERI][INF] reset device using 'default' plugin... [1538559026.31][HTST][INF] setting timeout to: 60 sec [1538559026.57][SERI][INF] waiting 1.00 sec after reset [1538559027.59][SERI][INF] wait for it... [1538559027.59][SERI][TXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed [1538559027.59][CONN][INF] sending up to 5 __sync packets (specified with --sync=5) [1538559027.59][CONN][INF] sending preamble '7ed3dc65-abbf-4017-a276-a7f609d78c04' [1538559027.59][SERI][TXD] {{__sync;7ed3dc65-abbf-4017-a276-a7f609d78c04}} [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] ========================================================= [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] ROM Version: 0.3 [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] Build ToolChain Version: gcc version 4.8.3 (Realtek ASDK-4.8.3p1 Build 2003) [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] ========================================================= [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] Check boot type form eFuse [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] SPI Initial [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] Image1 length: 0x32f8, Image Addr: 0x10000bc8 [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] Image1 Validate OK, Going jump to Image1 [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] ild ToolChain Version: gcc version 4.8.3 (Realtek ASDK-4.8.3p1 Build 2003) [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] ========================================================= [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] Check boot type form eFuse [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] SPI Initial [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] Image1 length: 0x32f8, Image Addr: 0x10000bc8 [1538559027.61][CONN][RXD] Image1 Validate OK, Going jump to Image1 [1538559027.63][CONN][RXD] mbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbedmbed [1538559027.65][CONN][INF] found SYNC in stream: {{__sync;7ed3dc65-abbf-4017-a276-a7f609d78c04}} it is #0 sent, queued... [1538559027.65][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__version;1.3.0}}, queued... [1538559027.65][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__timeout;480}}, queued... [1538559027.67][HTST][INF] sync KV found, uuid=7ed3dc65-abbf-4017-a276-a7f609d78c04, timestamp=1538559027.648000 [1538559027.67][HTST][INF] DUT greentea-client version: 1.3.0 [1538559027.67][HTST][INF] setting timeout to: 480 sec [1538559027.67][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__host_test_name;default_auto}}, queued... [1538559027.67][HTST][INF] host test class: '' [1538559027.67][HTST][INF] host test setup() call... [1538559027.67][HTST][INF] CALLBACKs updated [1538559027.67][HTST][INF] host test detected: default_auto [1538559027.79][CONN][RXD] [1538559028.85][CONN][RXD] Initializing WIFI ... [1538559028.85][CONN][RXD] WIFI initialized [1538559029.84][CONN][RXD] [1538559029.86][CONN][RXD] RTL8195A[Driver]: set ssid [ameba333] [1538559032.58][CONN][RXD] [1538559032.58][CONN][RXD] RTL8195A[Driver]: start auth to 70:4f:57:b8:82:a5 [1538559032.60][CONN][RXD] [1538559032.60][CONN][RXD] RTL8195A[Driver]: auth success, start assoc [1538559032.62][CONN][RXD] [1538559032.62][CONN][RXD] RTL8195A[Driver]: association success(res=3) [1538559033.25][CONN][RXD] [1538559033.27][CONN][RXD] RTL8195A[Driver]: set pairwise key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4) [1538559033.27][CONN][RXD] [1538559033.29][CONN][RXD] RTL8195A[Driver]: set group key to hw: alg:4(WEP40-1 WEP104-5 TKIP-2 AES-4) keyid:1 [1538559033.31][CONN][RXD] [1538559035.62][CONN][RXD] WIFI is already runningMBED: UDPClient IP address is '' [1538559035.64][CONN][RXD] >>> Running 4 test cases... [1538559035.64][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_count;4}}, queued... [1538559035.66][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK}}, queued... [1538559035.66][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT}}, queued... [1538559035.68][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT}}, queued... [1538559035.70][CONN][RXD] [1538559035.70][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #1: 'UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK'... [1538559035.70][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_name;UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT}}, queued... [1538559035.72][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK}}, queued... [1538559053.37][CONN][RXD] Packets sent: 27, packets received 22, loss ratio 0.19 [1538559053.38][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK;1;0}}, queued... [1538559053.40][CONN][RXD] >>> 'UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK': 1 passed, 0 failed [1538559053.40][CONN][RXD] [1538559053.42][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #2: 'UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT'... [1538559053.43][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT}}, queued... [1538559053.44][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT;1;0}}, queued... [1538559053.46][CONN][RXD] >>> 'UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT': 1 passed, 0 failed [1538559053.46][CONN][RXD] [1538559053.47][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #3: 'UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT'... [1538559053.48][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT}}, queued... [1538559053.50][CONN][RXD] [round#00] unable to open new socket, error: -3005 [1538559053.50][CONN][RXD] [round#00] 3 sockets opened [1538559053.53][CONN][RXD] [round#01] unable to open new socket, error: -3005 [1538559053.54][CONN][RXD] [round#01] 3 sockets opened [1538559053.55][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT;1;0}}, queued... [1538559053.56][CONN][RXD] >>> 'UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT': 1 passed, 0 failed [1538559053.56][CONN][RXD] [1538559053.57][CONN][RXD] >>> Running case #4: 'UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT'... [1538559053.58][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_start;UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT}}, queued... [1538559053.61][CONN][RXD] MBED: Time taken: 0.011866s [1538559053.62][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_finish;UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT;1;0}}, queued... [1538559053.63][CONN][RXD] >>> 'UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT': 1 passed, 0 failed [1538559053.64][CONN][RXD] [1538559053.66][CONN][RXD] ioctl[SIOCGIWESSID] ssid = NULL, not connectedMBED: ifdown [1538559053.66][CONN][RXD] [1538559053.68][CONN][RXD] >>> Test cases: 4 passed, 0 failed [1538559053.68][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__testcase_summary;4;0}}, queued... [1538559053.69][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{max_heap_usage;0}}, queued... [1538559053.69][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{max_heap_usage;0}}, timestamp=1538559053.688000 [1538559053.70][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{reserved_heap;0}}, queued... [1538559053.70][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{end;success}}, queued... [1538559053.70][HTST][ERR] orphan event in main phase: {{reserved_heap;0}}, timestamp=1538559053.698000 [1538559053.70][HTST][INF] __notify_complete(True) [1538559053.70][HTST][INF] __exit_event_queue received [1538559053.70][HTST][INF] test suite run finished after 26.04 sec... [1538559053.71][CONN][INF] found KV pair in stream: {{__exit;0}}, queued... [1538559053.71][CONN][INF] received special event '__host_test_finished' value='True', finishing [1538559053.72][HTST][INF] CONN exited with code: 0 [1538559053.72][HTST][INF] Some events in queue [1538559053.72][HTST][INF] stopped consuming events [1538559053.72][HTST][INF] host test result() call skipped, received: True [1538559053.72][HTST][WRN] missing __exit event from DUT [1538559053.72][HTST][INF] calling blocking teardown() [1538559053.72][HTST][INF] teardown() finished [1538559053.72][HTST][INF] {{result;success}} mbedgt: checking for GCOV data... mbedgt: mbed-host-test-runner: stopped and returned 'OK' mbedgt: test on hardware with target id: 460000000b1270be00000000000000000000000097969902 mbedgt: test suite 'tests-netsocket-udp' ............................................................. OK in 63.34 sec test case: 'UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK' ..................................................... OK in 17.66 sec test case: 'UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT' ..................................................... OK in 0.01 sec test case: 'UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT' ............................................................ OK in 0.07 sec test case: 'UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT' ........................................................ OK in 0.04 sec mbedgt: test case summary: 4 passes, 0 failures mbedgt: all tests finished! mbedgt: shuffle seed: 0.9060704239 mbedgt: test suite report: +---------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+--------+--------------------+-------------+ | target | platform_name | test suite | result | elapsed_time (sec) | copy_method | +---------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+--------+--------------------+-------------+ | REALTEK_RTL8195AM-GCC_ARM | REALTEK_RTL8195AM | tests-netsocket-udp | OK | 63.34 | default | +---------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+--------+--------------------+-------------+ mbedgt: test suite results: 1 OK mbedgt: test case report: +---------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+-----------------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------------------+ | target | platform_name | test suite | test case | passed | failed | result | elapsed_time (sec) | +---------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+-----------------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------------------+ | REALTEK_RTL8195AM-GCC_ARM | REALTEK_RTL8195AM | tests-netsocket-udp | UDPSOCKET_ECHOTEST_NONBLOCK | 1 | 0 | OK | 17.66 | | REALTEK_RTL8195AM-GCC_ARM | REALTEK_RTL8195AM | tests-netsocket-udp | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_CLOSE_REPEAT | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.01 | | REALTEK_RTL8195AM-GCC_ARM | REALTEK_RTL8195AM | tests-netsocket-udp | UDPSOCKET_OPEN_LIMIT | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | REALTEK_RTL8195AM-GCC_ARM | REALTEK_RTL8195AM | tests-netsocket-udp | UDPSOCKET_SENDTO_TIMEOUT | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | +---------------------------+-------------------+---------------------+-----------------------------+--------+--------+--------+--------------------+ mbedgt: test case results: 4 OK mbedgt: completed in 66.39 sec [mbed] Working path "C:\Users\zhanglu\Desktop\EMAC\mbed-5.10-rc2\mbed-os" (library) [mbed] Auto-installing missing Python modules... [mbed] Exec "c:\python27\python.exe -u C:\Users\zhanglu\Desktop\EMAC\mbed-5.10-rc2\mbed-os\tools\ -t GCC_ARM -m REALTEK_RTL8195AM --source . --build .\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM --test-spec .\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\test_spec.json --build-data .\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\build_data.json -n tests-netsocket-udp* -v --test-config REALTEK_WIFI --greentea" in "C:\Users\zhanglu\Desktop\EMAC\mbed-5.10-rc2\mbed-os" [mbed] Exec "mbedgt --test-spec .\BUILD\tests\REALTEK_RTL8195AM\GCC_ARM\test_spec.json -n tests-netsocket-udp* -V" in "C:\Users\zhanglu\Desktop\EMAC\mbed-5.10-rc2\mbed-os"