mbedgt: test case report: | target | platform_name | test suite | test case | passed | failed | result | elapsed_time (sec) | |-----------------------|-------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------------------| | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - derived key consistency 16 byte key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - derived key consistency 32 byte key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - derived key key type 16 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - derived key key type 32 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - derived key wrong key type | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - inject value 16 byte size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - inject value 32 byte size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - inject value several times | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - inject value wrong size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-device_key-tests-device_key-functionality | Device Key - long consistency test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.32 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-basic_test | Repeating Test | 2 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-basic_test | Simple Test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-basic_test_default | Repeating Test | 2 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-basic_test_default | Simple Test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_async_validate | Validate: Attributed Validation: Cancel Repeat | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.18 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_async_validate | Validate: Attributed Validation: Enable Repeat Handler | 2 | 0 | OK | 0.18 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_async_validate | Validate: Multiple Premature Validation | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_async_validate | Validate: Multiple Validation | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_async_validate | Validate: Premature Validation | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_async_validate | Validate: Simple Validation | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_async | Control: Await | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.43 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_async | Control: CaseNext | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_async | Control: NoTimeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_async | Control: RepeatAllOnTimeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_async | Control: RepeatHandlerOnTimeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.62 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_async | Control: Timeout (Failure) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.2 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_async | Control: Timeout (Success) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_repeat | Control: CaseNext | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_repeat | Control: NoRepeat | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_repeat | Control: RepeatAll | 10 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_control_repeat | Control: RepeatHandler | 10 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_selection | Case 1 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_selection | Case 2 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_selection | Case 3 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_setup_failure | Setup handler returns ABORT | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.13 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_setup_failure | Setup handler returns CONTINUE | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_setup_failure | Setup handler returns IGNORE | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_teardown_failure | Teardown handler returns ABORT | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_teardown_failure | Teardown handler returns ABORT but is IGNORED | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-case_teardown_failure | Teardown handler returns CONTINUE | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-control_type | Testing combinations of different group | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-control_type | Testing combinations of same group | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-control_type | Testing constants | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-control_type | Testing constructors | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_async_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Async Case 4 (Failure) | 0 | 0 | OK | 0.34 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_async_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 1 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_async_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 2 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_async_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 3 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 1 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 2 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 3 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 4 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 5 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 6 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 7 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-minimal_scheduler | Minimal Scheduler: Case 8 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-test_assertion_failure_test_setup | dummy test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-test_setup_case_selection_failure | dummy test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-test_setup_case_selection_failure | dummy test 2 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-test_setup_failure | dummy test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-test_setup_failure | dummy test 2 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-test_skip | Conditional test skip macro test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-frameworks-utest-tests-unit_tests-test_skip | Unconditional test skip macro test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-nvstore-tests-nvstore-functionality | NVStore: Basic functionality | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.41 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-nvstore-tests-nvstore-functionality | NVStore: Multiple thread test | 1 | 0 | OK | 7.3 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-nvstore-tests-nvstore-functionality | NVStore: Race test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.25 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-buffered_block_device | BufferedBlockDevice functionality test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.27 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-flashsim_block_device | FlashSimBlockDevice functionality test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-general_block_device | DEFAULT Testing get type functionality | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-general_block_device | FLASHIAP Testing BlockDevice erase functionality | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.49 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-general_block_device | FLASHIAP Testing Deinit block device | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-general_block_device | FLASHIAP Testing Init block device | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-general_block_device | FLASHIAP Testing contiguous erase, write and read | 1 | 0 | OK | 7.56 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-general_block_device | FLASHIAP Testing multi threads erase program read | 1 | 0 | OK | 3.68 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-general_block_device | FLASHIAP Testing program read small data sizes | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.3 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-general_block_device | FLASHIAP Testing read write random blocks | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.99 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-heap_block_device | Testing get type functionality | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-heap_block_device | Testing read write random blocks | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.96 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-mbr_block_device | Testing formatting of master boot record | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-mbr_block_device | Testing mbr attributes | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.61 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-mbr_block_device | Testing mbr read write | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-util_block_device | Testing chaining of block devices | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-util_block_device | Testing profiling of block devices | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-blockdevice-util_block_device | Testing slicing of a block device | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_append_empty_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_append_non_empty_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.2 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fclose_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fflush_null_stream | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fflush_twice | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.13 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fflush_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgetc_empty_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgetc_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgetc_with_fopen_w_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgetpos_rewrite_check_data | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgets_empty_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgets_new_line | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgets_null_buffer | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgets_null_buffer_zero_len | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgets_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fgets_with_fopen_w_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fill_data_and_seek | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.19 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_empty_path_r_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_empty_path_w_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_invalid_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_path_not_valid | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_read_update_create | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_supported_a_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_supported_a_update_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_supported_r_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_supported_r_update_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_supported_w_update_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_supported_wb_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_write_fifteen_byte_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_write_five_Kbyte_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.28 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_write_five_byte_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_write_one_byte_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_write_two_byte_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fopen_write_update_create | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.18 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fprintf_read_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fputc_in_read_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fputc_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fputs_in_read_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fputs_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_empty_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_nmemb_zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_size_zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.13 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_to_fwrite_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_valid_flow_large_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_valid_flow_medium_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_valid_flow_small_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_valid_flow_small_file_read_more_than_write | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fread_with_fopen_w_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_freopen_point_to_same_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_freopen_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fscanf_empty_file | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fscanf_more_fields_than_exist | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fscanf_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_beyond_non_empty_file_seek_cur | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_beyond_non_empty_file_seek_end | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_beyond_non_empty_file_seek_set | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_empty_file_seek_cur | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_empty_file_seek_end | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_empty_file_seek_set | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_negative_non_empty_file_seek_end | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_non_empty_file_seek_cur | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_non_empty_file_seek_end | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_non_empty_file_seek_set | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_rewrite_non_empty_file_begining | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.21 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_rewrite_non_empty_file_end | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.22 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fseek_rewrite_non_empty_file_middle | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.22 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fwrite_nmemb_zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fwrite_valid_flow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.13 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_fwrite_with_fopen_r_mode | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | FS_write_read_random_data | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | bd_deinit_fs_unmount | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-filesystem-general_filesystem | bd_init_fs_reformat | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-direct_access_devicekey_test | Testing direct access to devicekey with tdb over flashiap remainder | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.21 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-direct_access_devicekey_test | Testing direct access to devicekey with tdb over last two sectors | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.23 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-direct_access_devicekey_test | Testing direct access to injected devicekey | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_buffer_null_size_not_zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_buffer_size_bigger_than_data_real_size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_buffer_size_is_zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_buffer_size_smaller_than_data_real_size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_info_existed_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_info_info_null | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_info_key_length_exceeds_max | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_info_key_null | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_info_non_existing_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_info_overwritten_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_info_removed_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_key_length_exceeds_max | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_key_null | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_key_that_was_set_twice | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_non_existing_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_removed_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | get_several_keys_multithreaded | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_close_right_after_iterator_open | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_empty_list | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_empty_list_keys_removed | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_empty_list_non_matching_prefix | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_full_list | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_key_size_zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_one_key_list | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_path_check | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_remove_while_iterating | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_next_several_overwritten_keys | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | iterator_open_it_null | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | kvstore_init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | remove_existed_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | remove_key_length_exceeds_max | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | remove_key_null | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | remove_non_existing_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | remove_removed_key | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_buffer_null_size_not_zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_buffer_size_is_zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_key_length_exceeds_max | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_key_null | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_key_value_fifteen_byte_size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_key_value_five_byte_size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_key_value_one_byte_size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_key_value_seventeen_byte_size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_key_value_two_byte_size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_same_key_several_time | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_several_key_value_sizes | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.13 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_several_keys_multithreaded | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_several_unvalid_key_names | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_write_once_flag_try_remove | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-static_tests | set_write_once_flag_try_set_twice | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-tdbstore_whitebox | TDBStore: Error inject test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-tdbstore_whitebox | TDBStore: Multiple set test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-features-storage-tests-kvstore-tdbstore_whitebox | TDBStore: White box test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing allocate failure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing call_every | 1 | 0 | OK | 2.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing call_in | 1 | 0 | OK | 2.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing calls with 0 args | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing calls with 1 args | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing calls with 2 args | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing calls with 3 args | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing calls with 4 args | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing calls with 5 args | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing event cancel 1 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing the event class | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing the event class helpers | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing the event inference | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-queue | Testing time_left | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.35 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-timing | Testing accuracy of equeue semaphore | 1 | 0 | OK | 20.13 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-timing | Testing accuracy of equeue tick | 1 | 0 | OK | 20.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-events-timing | Testing accuracy of timer | 1 | 0 | OK | 20.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-integration-basic | mbed-os-tests-integration-basic | 1 | 0 | OK | 13.23 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-c_strings | C strings: %e %E float formatting | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-c_strings | C strings: %f %f float formatting | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-c_strings | C strings: %g %g float formatting | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-c_strings | C strings: %i %d integer formatting | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-c_strings | C strings: %u %d integer formatting | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-c_strings | C strings: %x %E integer formatting | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-c_strings | C strings: strpbrk | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-c_strings | C strings: strtok | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-crc | Test SD CRC polynomials | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-crc | Test not supported polynomials | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-crc | Test partial CRC | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-crc | Test supported polynomials | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-crc | Test thread safety | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-dev_null | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-dev_null | 1 | 0 | OK | 15.29 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-echo | Echo server: x16 | 1 | 0 | OK | 2.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-flashiap | FlashIAP - init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-flashiap | FlashIAP - program | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-flashiap | FlashIAP - program across sectors | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-flashiap | FlashIAP - program errors | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-flashiap | FlashIAP - timing | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.85 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-generic_tests | Basic | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-generic_tests | Blinky | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-generic_tests | C++ heap | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-generic_tests | C++ stack | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.15 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test attach for 0.001s and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test attach for 0.01s and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test attach for 0.1s and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test attach for 0.5s and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.57 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test attach_us for 100ms and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test attach_us for 10ms and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test attach_us for 1ms and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test attach_us for 500ms and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.57 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test detach | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.75 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test multi call and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_ticker | Test multi ticker | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.29 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 1 s delay accuracy (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 1 s delay accuracy (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 1 s delay during deepsleep (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 1 s delay during deepsleep (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 1 s delay during sleep (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 1 s delay during sleep (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 10 ms delay accuracy (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 10 ms delay accuracy (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 5 s delay accuracy (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 5.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | 5 s delay accuracy (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 5.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Callback called once (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Callback called once (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Callback not called when cancelled (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Callback not called when cancelled (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Callback override (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Callback override (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Multiple timeouts running in parallel (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Multiple timeouts running in parallel (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Timing drift (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 9.43 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Timing drift (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 10.69 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Zero delay (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timeout | Zero delay (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - float operator. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - measure time accumulation. | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.23 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - reset. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - start started timer. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - stopped after creation. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - time measurement 1 ms. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - time measurement 1 s. | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - time measurement 10 ms. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-lp_timer | Test: LowPowerTimer - time measurement 100 ms. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-race_test | class init race | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.64 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-race_test | function init race | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.54 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Functional Test: RTC counts seconds. | 1 | 0 | OK | 10.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Functional Test: set time - CUSTOM_TIME_0. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Functional Test: set time - CUSTOM_TIME_1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Functional Test: set time - CUSTOM_TIME_2. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: attach original RTC functions. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: attach stub RTC functions. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: set_time() - RTC functions are defined. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: set_time() - init RTC function is undefined. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: set_time() - write RTC function is undefined. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: time() - RTC functions are defined, RTC is disabled. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: time() - RTC functions are defined, RTC is enabled. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: time() - isenabled RTC function is undefined. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: time() - read RTC function is undefined. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-rtc | Unit Test: time() - result is stored in given buffer. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-sleep_lock | DeepSleepLock lock test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-sleep_lock | timer lock test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-stl_features | STL std::equal | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-stl_features | STL std::sort abs | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-stl_features | STL std::sort greater | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-stl_features | STL std::transform | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test attach for 0.01s and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test attach for 0.1s and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test attach for 0.5s and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.57 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test attach_us for 100ms and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test attach_us for 10ms and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test attach_us for 500ms and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.58 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test detach | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.75 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test multi call and time measure | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test multi ticker | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.29 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test timers: 1x ticker | 1 | 0 | OK | 12.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-ticker | Test timers: 2x ticker | 1 | 0 | OK | 9.43 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | 1 s delay accuracy (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | 1 s delay accuracy (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | 1 s delay during sleep (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | 1 s delay during sleep (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | 10 ms delay accuracy (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | 10 ms delay accuracy (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | 5 s delay accuracy (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 5.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | 5 s delay accuracy (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 5.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Callback called once (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Callback called once (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Callback not called when cancelled (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Callback not called when cancelled (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Callback override (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Callback override (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Multiple timeouts running in parallel (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Multiple timeouts running in parallel (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Timing drift (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 10.86 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Timing drift (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 9.6 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Zero delay (attach) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timeout | Zero delay (attach_us) | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on os ticker) - float operator. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on os ticker) - measured time accumulation. | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.26 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on os ticker) - reset. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on os ticker) - start started timer. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on os ticker) is stopped after creation. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on user ticker) - float operator. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on user ticker) - reset. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on user ticker) - start started timer. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on user ticker) is stopped after creation. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer (based on user ticker) measured time accumulation. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer - time measurement 1 ms. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer - time measurement 1 s. | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer - time measurement 10 ms. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timer | Test: Timer - time measurement 100 ms. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timerevent | Test insert | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timerevent | Test insert timestamp from the past | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timerevent | Test insert_absolute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timerevent | Test insert_absolute timestamp from the past | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timerevent | Test insert_absolute zero | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timerevent | Test remove after insert | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.19 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_drivers-timerevent | Test remove after insert_absolute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.2 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback | Testing callbacks with 0 ints | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback | Testing callbacks with 1 ints | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback | Testing callbacks with 2 ints | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback | Testing callbacks with 3 ints | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback | Testing callbacks with 4 ints | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback | Testing callbacks with 5 ints | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_big | Testing callbacks with 0 uint64s | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_big | Testing callbacks with 1 uint64s | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_big | Testing callbacks with 2 uint64s | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_big | Testing callbacks with 3 uint64s | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_big | Testing callbacks with 4 uint64s | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_big | Testing callbacks with 5 uint64s | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_small | Testing callbacks with 0 uchars | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_small | Testing callbacks with 1 uchars | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_small | Testing callbacks with 2 uchars | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_small | Testing callbacks with 3 uchars | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_small | Testing callbacks with 4 uchars | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-callback_small | Testing callbacks with 5 uchars | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-functionpointer | Testing FunctionPointer compatibility | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_functional-functionpointer | Testing FunctionPointerArg1 compatibility | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker fire interrupt | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker increment test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker info test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker init is safe to call repeatedly | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker interrupt test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker overflow test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker past interrupt test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker reschedule test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | Microsecond ticker speed test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker fire interrupt | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker increment test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker info test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker init is safe to call repeatedly | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker interrupt test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.14 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker overflow test | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.92 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker past interrupt test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker reschedule test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers | lp ticker speed test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers_freq | Low power ticker frequency test | 1 | 0 | OK | 9.39 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-common_tickers_freq | Microsecond ticker frequency test | 1 | 0 | OK | 12.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-critical_section | Test critical section nested lock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-critical_section | Test critical section single lock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-flash | Flash - clock and cache test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.43 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-flash | Flash - erase sector | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-flash | Flash - init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.42 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-flash | Flash - mapping alignment | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-flash | Flash - program page | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-lp_ticker | lp ticker glitch test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-lp_ticker | lp ticker info test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-lp_ticker | lp ticker sleep test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-minimum_requirements | Minimum data test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-minimum_requirements | Minimum heap test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-mpu | MPU - bss fault | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.02 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-mpu | MPU - data fault | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-mpu | MPU - free | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-mpu | MPU - heap fault | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-mpu | MPU - init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-mpu | MPU - stack fault | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-pinmap | pinmap - validation | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.82 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc | RTC - accuracy | 1 | 0 | OK | 10.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc | RTC - enabled | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc | RTC - glitch | 1 | 0 | OK | 4.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc | RTC - init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc | RTC - persist | 1 | 0 | OK | 4.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc | RTC - range | 1 | 0 | OK | 16.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc | RTC - sleep | 1 | 0 | OK | 8.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc | RTC - write/read | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_reset | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_reset | 1 | 0 | OK | 19.42 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time | test is leap year - RTC leap years full support | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time | test is leap year - RTC leap years partial support | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time | test local time - invalid param | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time | test make time - invalid param | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time | test make time boundary values - RTC leap years full support | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time | test make time boundary values - RTC leap years partial support | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time | test set_time twice | 1 | 0 | OK | 2.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time_conv | test make time and local time - RTC leap years full support | 1 | 0 | OK | 11.19 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-rtc_time_conv | test make time and local time - RTC leap years partial support | 1 | 0 | OK | 11.27 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep | deep-sleep - high-speed clocks are turned off | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep | deep-sleep - source of wake-up - lp ticker | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.01 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep | sleep - source of wake-up - us ticker | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep_manager | deep sleep lock/unlock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep_manager | deep sleep lock/unlock test_check | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep_manager | deep sleep locked USHRT_MAX times | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.28 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep_manager | sleep_auto calls sleep/deep sleep based on lock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.13 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep_manager_racecondition | deep sleep lock/unlock is IRQ safe | 1 | 0 | OK | 10.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-sleep_manager_racecondition | deep sleep lock/unlock is thread safe | 1 | 0 | OK | 2.6 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-stack_size_unification | Stack size unification test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | legacy insert event head | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | legacy insert event in overflow range | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | legacy insert event multiple overflow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | legacy insert event outside overflow range | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | legacy insert event overflow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | legacy insert event tail | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_frequencies_and_masks | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.36 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_insert_event_us_head | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_insert_event_us_in_overflow_range | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_insert_event_us_multiple_random | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_insert_event_us_outside_overflow_range | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_insert_event_us_tail | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_insert_event_us_underflow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_irq_handler_insert_immediate_in_irq | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_irq_handler_insert_non_immediate_in_irq | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_irq_handler_multiple_event_multiple_dequeue | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_irq_handler_multiple_event_single_dequeue | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_irq_handler_multiple_event_single_dequeue_overflow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_irq_handler_single_event | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_irq_handler_single_event_spurious | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_legacy_insert_event_multiple_random | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_match_interval_passed | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_match_interval_passed_table | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_remove_event_head | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_remove_event_invalid | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_remove_event_tail | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_remove_random | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_set_interrupt_past_time | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_set_interrupt_past_time_with_delay | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_suspend_resume | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | test_ticker_max_value | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | ticker initialization | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | ticker multiple initialization | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | ticker read | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | ticker read overflow | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | update overflow guard | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-ticker | update overflow guard in case of spurious interrupt | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-trng | TRNG: trng_test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.21 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_hal-us_ticker | us ticker info test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input does not exceed capacity(1) push max, pop max. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input does not exceed capacity(10) push 2, pop 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input does not exceed capacity(3) push max, pop max. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input does not exceed capacity(5) push 2, pop 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input exceeds capacity(1) push max+1, pop max. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input exceeds capacity(10) push 2, pop 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input exceeds capacity(3) push max+1, pop max. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input exceeds capacity(5) push 2, pop 1 - complex type. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Input exceeds capacity(5) push 2, pop 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Test CounterType/BufferSize boarder case. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | Test pop(), peek(), empty(), full(), size() after CircularBuffer creation. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | empty() returns true when buffer(3 elements) is empty. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | empty() returns true when buffer(5 elements) is empty. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | full() returns true when buffer(3 elements) is full. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | full() returns true when buffer(5 elements) is full. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | peek() return data without popping the element. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-circularbuffer | reset() clears the buffer. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-critical_section | Test critical section C API | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-critical_section | Test critical section C API nested lock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-critical_section | Test critical section C++ API constructor/destructor | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-critical_section | Test critical section C++ API constructor/destructor nested lock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-critical_section | Test critical section C++ API enable/disable | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-critical_section | Test critical section C++ API enable/disable nested lock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-error_handling | Test error context capture | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-error_handling | Test error counting and reset | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-error_handling | Test error encoding, value capture, first and last errors | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-error_handling | Test error hook | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-filehandle | Test fopen/fclose | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-filehandle | Test fprintf/fscanf | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-filehandle | Test fputc/fgetc | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-filehandle | Test fputs/fgets | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-filehandle | Test fseek/ftell | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-filehandle | Test ftruncate/fstat | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-filehandle | Test fwrite/fread | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-sharedptr | Test equality comparators | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-sharedptr | Test instance sharing across multiple shared pointers | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-sharedptr | Test single shared pointer instance | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-singletonptr | Test lazy initialization | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-singletonptr | Test single instance | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-stream | Test printf/scanf | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-stream | Test putc/getc | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-stream | Test puts/gets | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-stream | Test vprintf/vscanf | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-system_reset | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-system_reset | 1 | 0 | OK | 14.68 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-transaction | Test Transaction - init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-transaction | Test Transaction - init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-transaction | Test Transaction - no init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbed_platform-transaction | Test Transaction - no init | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing ALIGN attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing DEPRECATED attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing FORCEINLINE attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing NORETURN attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing PACKED attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing PURE attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing UNREACHABLE attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing UNUSED attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-attributes | Testing WEAK attribute | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-call_before_main | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-call_before_main | 1 | 0 | OK | 13.22 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-cpp | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-cpp | 1 | 0 | OK | 13.4 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-div | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-div | 1 | 0 | OK | 13.39 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-mbed-static_assert | Compilation test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-basic | Test ThisThread::sleep_for accuracy | 1 | 0 | OK | 10.9 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-condition_variable | Test linked list | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-condition_variable | Test notify all | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-condition_variable | Test notify one | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test clear/set with prohibited flag | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test empty clear | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test empty get | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test empty set | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test multi-threaded wait_all | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test multi-threaded wait_all many wait | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test multi-threaded wait_any | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test multi-threaded wait_any no clear | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test multi-threaded wait_any timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.37 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-event_flags | Test set/get/clear for full flag range | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-heap_and_stack | Test heap allocation and free | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-heap_and_stack | Test heap in range | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-heap_and_stack | Test isr stack in range | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-heap_and_stack | Test main stack in range | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-kernel_tick_count | Test if kernel ticker increments by one | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-kernel_tick_count | Test if kernel ticker interval is 1ms | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-kernel_tick_count | Test kernel ticker frequency | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test calloc | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test get with timeout on empty mailbox | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test get without timeout on empty mailbox | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test invalid message free | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test mail empty | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.03 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test mail full | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test mailbox max size | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test message send order | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test message send/receive multi-thread and per thread order | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.39 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test message send/receive multi-thread, multi-Mail and per thread order | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.2 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test message send/receive single thread and order | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test message type uint16 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test message type uint32 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test message type uint8 | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mail | Test null message free | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-malloc | Test 0 size allocation | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-malloc | Test NULL pointer free | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-malloc | Test large allocation | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-malloc | Test multithreaded allocations | 1 | 0 | OK | 20.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: alloc()/calloc() - success, 1 bytes b_type, q_size equal to 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: alloc()/calloc() - success, 1 bytes b_type, q_size equal to 3. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: alloc()/calloc() - success, 4 bytes b_type, q_size equal to 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: alloc()/calloc() - success, 4 bytes b_type, q_size equal to 3. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: alloc()/calloc() - success, complex b_type, q_size equal to 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: alloc()/calloc() - success, complex b_type, q_size equal to 3. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: fail (out of free blocks). | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: free() - robust (free called with invalid param - NULL). | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: free() - robust (free called with invalid param). | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: free() - success, 4 bytes b_type, q_size equal to 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: free() - success, 4 bytes b_type, q_size equal to 3. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: free() - success, complex b_type, q_size equal to 1. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: free() - success, complex b_type, q_size equal to 3. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: re-allocation of the first block, basic type. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: re-allocation of the first block, complex type. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: re-allocation of the last block, basic type. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-memorypool | Test: re-allocation of the last block, complex type. | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test dual thread lock locked | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test dual thread lock unlock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test dual thread second thread lock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test dual thread second thread trylock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test dual thread trylock locked | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test multiple thread | 1 | 0 | OK | 2.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test single thread lock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test single thread lock recursive | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-mutex | Test single thread trylock | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test get empty wait forever | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test get from empty queue no timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test get from empty queue timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test message ordering | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test message priority | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test pass ptr msg | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test pass uint msg | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test pass uint msg twice | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test put full no timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test put full timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test put full wait forever | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test queue empty | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-queue | Test queue full | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | Calls from ISR fail | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | One-shot not restarted when elapsed | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | Periodic repeats continuously | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.2 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | Restart changes timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | Stopped timer can be started again | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | Timer can be stopped | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | Timer is created in stopped state | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | Timer started with infinite delay | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-rtostimer | Timer started with zero delay | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-semaphore | Test 0 tokens no timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-semaphore | Test 1 token no timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-semaphore | Test multiple threads | 1 | 0 | OK | 3.33 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-semaphore | Test multiple tokens release | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-semaphore | Test multiple tokens wait | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-semaphore | Test single thread | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-semaphore | Test timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate all signals clear in one shot | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate all signals set in one shot | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate all signals set one by one in loop | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate if any signals are set on just created thread | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate if setting same signal twice cause any unwanted behaviour | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate if signal_wait accumulate signals and return correctly when all signals set | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate if signal_wait return correctly when all signals set | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate signal_wait return status if timeout specified: 0[ms] all signals | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate signal_wait return status if timeout specified: 0[ms] no signals | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate signal_wait return status if timeout specified: 1[ms] all signals | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate signal_wait return status if timeout specified: 1[ms] no signals | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate that call of signal_wait return correctly when thread has all signals already set | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.11 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate that call signal_clr(NO_SIGNALS) doesn't change thread signals and return actual signals | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.13 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-signals | Validate that call signal_set with prohibited signal doesn't change thread signals | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-systimer | Handler called once | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-systimer | Schedule zero ticks | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.04 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-systimer | Tick can be cancelled | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-systimer | Tick count is updated correctly | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-systimer | Tick count is zero upon creation | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-systimer | Time is updated correctly | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-systimer | Wake up from deep sleep | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-systimer | Wake up from sleep | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing parallel threads | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing parallel threads with child | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing parallel threads with murder | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing parallel threads with wait | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.16 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing parallel threads with yield | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.08 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing serial threads | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing serial threads with child | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing serial threads with murder | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing serial threads with wait | 1 | 0 | OK | 1.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing serial threads with yield | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing single thread | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing single thread with child | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing single thread with murder | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing single thread with wait | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.17 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing single thread with yield | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread flags: flags clear | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread flags: multi-bit all | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread flags: multi-bit all timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread flags: multi-bit any | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread flags: timeout | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.1 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread flags: wait | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread name | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.05 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread priority ops | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread self terminate | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread stack info | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread states: deleted | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread states: wait delay | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.12 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread states: wait event flag | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread states: wait message get | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread states: wait message put | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread states: wait mutex | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.06 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread states: wait semaphore | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread states: wait thread flags | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread wait | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.19 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedmicro-rtos-mbed-threads | Testing thread with external stack memory | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.09 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedtls-multi | Crypto: sha256_multi | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.8 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedtls-multi | Crypto: sha256_split | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.29 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedtls-selftest | mbedtls_entropy_self_test | 1 | 0 | OK | 0.07 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedtls-selftest | mbedtls_sha256_self_test | 1 | 0 | OK | 2.59 | | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K-ARM | RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K | mbed-os-tests-mbedtls-selftest | mbedtls_sha512_self_test | 1 | 0 | OK | 5.09 | mbedgt: test case results: 713 OK mbedgt: completed in 2041.29 sec marsal01@DESKTOP-B3NG9AD 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