11:53:19.684 DeviceType Set CoverCalibrator 11:53:19.685 ChooserReadState Reading state for device type: CoverCalibrator. Configuration key: Chooser\Configuration, Alpaca enabled: CoverCalibrator Alpaca enabled, ALapca default: False 11:53:19.685 InitiallySelectedProgId Set 11:53:19.696 ChooserForm_Load UI thread: 1 11:53:19.696 InitialiseComboBox Arrived at InitialiseComboBox - Running On thread: 1. 11:53:19.698 InitialiseComboBox Creating discovery thread... 11:53:19.698 InitialiseComboBox Successfully created discovery thread, about to start discovery on thread 3... 11:53:19.698 InitialiseComboBox Discovery thread started OK 11:53:19.698 InitialiseComboBox Exiting InitialiseComboBox on thread: 1. 11:53:19.701 DiscoverAlpacaDevices Running On thread: 3. 11:53:19.701 DiscoverAlpacaDevices Returned 2 COM drivers 11:53:19.701 PopulateDriverComboBox Found ProgID: ASCOM.AlpacaDynamic1.CoverCalibrator , Description: 'Michael's Spike-A-Flat' 11:53:19.702 PopulateDriverComboBox Found ProgID: ASCOM.Simulator.CoverCalibrator , Description: 'ASCOM CoverCalibrator Simulator' 11:53:19.702 DiscoverAlpacaDevices Completed COM driver enumeration 11:53:19.703 SetStateAlpacaDiscovering InvokeRequired from thread 3 11:53:19.706 SetStateAlpacaDiscovering Running on thread 1 OK button enabled state: False 11:53:19.710 Finder - Finder 3 - Starting Initialisation... 11:53:19.714 Finder - Finder 3 - Initialised 11:53:19.714 AlpacaDiscovery - AlpacaDiscoveryInitialise 3 Complete - Running on thread 3 11:53:19.714 DiscoverAlpacaDevices AlpacaDiscovery created 11:53:19.714 AlpacaDiscovery - StartDiscovery 3 Starting search for Alpaca devices with timeout: 1 Broadcast polls: 2 sent every 200 milliseconds 11:53:19.715 AlpacaDiscovery - StartDiscovery 3 Sending poll 1... 11:53:19.769 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sending IPv$ discovery broadcasts 11:53:19.770 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:19.770 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:19.770 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:19.770 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:19.770 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:19.770 AlpacaDiscovery - StartDiscovery 3 Poll 1 sent. 11:53:19.832 Finder - FinderDiscoveryCallback 4 - Exception: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host[0D][0A] at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceiveFrom(IAsyncResult asyncResult, EndPoint& endPoint)[0D][0A] at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.EndReceive(IAsyncResult asyncResult, IPEndPoint& remoteEP)[0D][0A] at ASCOM.Utilities.Finder.FinderDiscoveryCallback(IAsyncResult ar) in C:\ASCOM Build\Export\ASCOM.Utilities\ASCOM.Utilities\AlpacaSupport\Finder.vb:line 193 11:53:19.973 AlpacaDiscovery - StartDiscovery 3 Sending poll 2... 11:53:20.027 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sending IPv$ discovery broadcasts 11:53:20.027 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:20.027 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:20.027 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:20.027 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:20.027 Finder - SendDiscoveryMessageIpV4 3 - Sent broadcast to: 11:53:20.027 AlpacaDiscovery - StartDiscovery 3 Poll 2 sent. 11:53:20.027 AlpacaDiscovery - StartDiscovery 3 Alpaca device broadcast polls completed, discovery started 11:53:20.027 DiscoverAlpacaDevices AlpacaDiscovery started 11:53:20.729 AlpacaDiscovery - OnTimeOutTimerFired 7 Firing discovery complete event 11:53:20.743 DiscoverAlpacaDevices Discovery phase has finished 11:53:20.744 DiscoverAlpacaDevices Discovered 0 devices 11:53:20.744 DiscoverAlpacaDevices Discovered 0 CoverCalibrator devices 11:53:20.744 DiscoverAlpacaDevices Start of Chooser List 11:53:20.745 DiscoverAlpacaDevices List includes device Michael's Spike-A-Flat (Alpaca) 11:53:20.745 DiscoverAlpacaDevices List includes device ASCOM CoverCalibrator Simulator 11:53:20.745 DiscoverAlpacaDevices End of Chooser List 11:53:20.745 PopulateDriverComboBox InvokeRequired from thread 3 11:53:20.745 PopulateDriverComboBox Running on thread: 1 11:53:20.749 DropDownWidth Combo box: CmbDriverSelector Number of items: 2 11:53:20.749 PopulateDriverComboBox Selected ProgID WAS NOT found, displaying a blank combo list item 11:53:20.750 SetStateAlpacaDiscoveryCompleteNoDevices InvokeRequired from thread 3 11:53:20.750 SetStateAlpacaDiscoveryCompleteNoDevices Running on thread 1 11:53:20.750 DisplayAlpacaDeviceToolTip Invoke required on thread 3